47 research outputs found

    Periodizable motivic ring spectra

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    We show that the cellular objects in the module category over a motivic E infinity ring spectrum E can be described as the module category over a graded topological spectrum if E is strongly periodizable in our language. A similar statement is proven for triangulated categories of motives. Since MGL is strongly periodizable we obtain topological incarnations of motivic Landweber spectra. Under some categorical assumptions the unit object of the model category for triangulated motives is as well strongly periodizable giving motivic cochains whose module category models integral triangulated categories of Tate motives.Comment: 15 page

    Relations between slices and quotients of the algebraic cobordism spectrum

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    We prove a relative statement about the slices of the algebraic cobordism spectrum. If the map from MGL to a certain quotient of MGL introduced by Hopkins and Morel is the map to the zero-slice then a relative version of Voevodsky's conjecture on the slices of MGL holds true. We outline the picture for K-theory and rational slices.Comment: 15 pages; misprints correcte

    Homological algebra with locally compact abelian groups

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    In this article we study locally compact abelian (LCA) groups from the viewpoint of derived categories, using that their category is quasi-abelian in the sense of J.-P. Schneiders. We define a well-behaved derived Hom-complex with values in the derived category of Hausdorff topological abelian groups. Furthermore we introduce a smallness condition for LCA groups and show that such groups have a natural tensor product and internal Hom which both admit derived versions.Comment: 18 pages, AMSLaTe

    Inertia and delocalized twisted cohomology

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    We show that the inertia stack of a topological stack is again a topological stack. We further observe that the inertia stack of an orbispace is again an orbispace. We show how a U(1)-banded gerbe over an orbispace gives rise to a flat line bundle over its inertia stack. Via sheaf theory over topological stacks it gives rise to the twisted delocalized cohomology of the orbispace. With these results and constructions we generalize concepts, which are well-known in the smooth framework, to the topological case. In the smooth case we show, that our sheaf-theoretic definition of twisted delocalized cohomology of orbispaces coincides with former definitions using a twisted de Rham complex.Comment: 42 page

    Periodic twisted cohomology and T-duality

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    The initial motivation of this work was to give a topological interpretation of two-periodic twisted de-Rham cohomology which is generalizable to arbitrary coefficients. To this end we develop a sheaf theory in the context of locally compact topological stacks with emphasis on the construction of the sheaf theory operations in unbounded derived categories, elements of Verdier duality and integration. The main result is the construction of a functorial periodization functor associated to a U(1)-gerbe. As applications we verify the TT-duality isomorphism in periodic twisted cohomology and in periodic twisted orbispace cohomology.Comment: 128 pages; v2: small corrections (e.g. of typos), version to appear in Asterisqu