95 research outputs found

    Sensitivity and fatigue of LiTaO3 for holographic recording

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    The sensitivity of crystals of LiTaO3 to hologram formation was observed to vary with impurity concentration from a value comparable to the most sensitive doped LiNbO3 for an impure crystal to a value more than five orders of magnitude smaller for a purer crystal. Fatigue effects were observed upon write-erase cycling. These effects were dependent upon writing and erasure polarization and power and could be virtually eliminated by proper choice of optical parameters

    The October 27-28, 1986, FIRE cirrus case study: Cloud microstructure

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    Using aircraft in-situ measurements, the microphysics of cirrus clouds observed on 28 Oct. 1986 during FIRE were examined. Results are presented as one component of a coordinated study of the cirrus on the day. The study contributes to the understanding of cold clouds by: (1) providing microphysical data to supplement satellite and aircraft data for investigating cirrus cloud radiative effects; (2) providing more complete information on ice particle evolution and cloud forcing mechanisms than has been available through the use of instrumentation with higher resolution and more accurate calibration; (3) expanding the knowledge of the particle characteristics in cold liquid water clouds, through improved instrumentation and by making use of sensors on other platforms, such as lidar; and (4) by estimating the ice nucleus concentrations active at low temperatures in the upper troposphere from the concentrations of ice particles in colloidally stable liquid water clouds

    Lidar cloud studies for FIRE and ECLIPS

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    Optical remote sensing measurements of cirrus cloud properties were collected by one airborne and four ground-based lidar systems over a 32 h period during this case study from the First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Program) Regional Experiment (FIRE) Intensive Field Observation (IFO) program. The lidar systems were variously equipped to collect linear depolarization, intrinsically calibrated backscatter, and Doppler velocity information. Data presented describe the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of cirrus clouds over an area encompassing southern and central Wisconsin. The cirrus cloud types include: dissipating subvisual and thin fibrous cirrus cloud bands, an isolated mesoscale uncinus complex (MUC), a large-scale deep cloud that developed into an organized cirrus structure within the lidar array, and a series of intensifying mesoscale cirrus cloud masses. Although the cirrus frequently developed in the vertical from particle fall-streaks emanating from generating regions at or near cloud tops, glaciating supercooled (-30 to -35 C) altocumulus clouds contributed to the production of ice mass at the base of the deep cirrus cloud, apparently even through riming, and other mechanisms involving evaporation, wave motions, and radiative effects are indicated. The generating regions ranged in scale from approximately 1.0 km cirrus uncinus cells, to organized MUC structures up to approximately 120 km across

    Lidar study of storm tops

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    Satellite thermal and visible observations are routinely used for storm tracking and diagnostics. In recent years attempts have also been made to apply satellite measurements to the study of evolutional factors for storms such as divergence and subsidence mechanisms. These studies involve analysis of the thermal height structure of the storm tops as obtained from the satellite observations. An outstanding problem is the importance of emissivity effects for the interpretation of the storm top thermal radiance measurements. In part to understand the correct interpretation of satellite observations, a storm top observation experiment involving advanced instrumentation on board a high altitude NASA aircraft has been in progress. A downlooking lidar system is an important part of the instrument complement. A combined analysis of the lidar return data and thermal radiance measurements was developed to study cloud top emissivity effects and their relation to satellite observations. Some preliminary conclusions are given

    Visible and near infrared observation on the Global Aerosol Backscatter Experiment (GLOBE)

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    The Global Aerosol Backscatter Experiment (GLOBE) was intended to provide data on prevailing values of atmospheric backscatter cross-section. The primary intent was predicting the performance of spaceborne lidar systems, most notably the Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder (LAWS) for the Earth Observing System (EOS). The second and related goal was to understand the source and characteristics of atmospheric aerosol particles. From the GLOBE flights, extensive data was obtained on the structure of clouds and the marine planetary boundary layer. A notable result for all observations is the consistency of the large increases in the aerosol scattering ratio for the marine boundary layer. Other results are noted

    Technique for Obtaining Vertical Profiles of Backscattering and Extinction Cross Sections Using Slant Path Lidar Measurements

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    A method is presented for solving for vertical profiles of atmospheric particulate extinction and backscattering cross-sections utilizing monostatic lidar slant path measurements. The method is an extension of work by Fernald. It is shown that the number of assumptions necessary for an iterative solution of extinction and backscattering cross sections can be reduced if lidar slant path measurements are used to solve directly for optical depths. The technique is useful only if sufficiently accurate lidar measurements are available. With highly accurate measurements it is also possible to solve directly for extinction cross sections without an iterative solution of a transcendental equation if the proper reduction scheme is used. The required accuracy is discussed and results showing the effect of errors are presented

    Cirrus microphysics and radiative transfer: Cloud field study on October 28, 1986

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    The radiative properties of cirrus clouds present one of the unresolved problems in weather and climate research. Uncertainties in ice particle amount and size and, also, the general inability to model the single scattering properties of their usually complex particle shapes, prevent accurate model predictions. For an improved understanding of cirrus radiative effects, field experiments, as those of the Cirrus IFO of FIRE, are necessary. Simultaneous measurements of radiative fluxes and cirrus microphysics at multiple cirrus cloud altitudes allows the pitting of calculated versus measured vertical flux profiles; with the potential to judge current cirrus cloud modeling. Most of the problems in this study are linked to the inhomogeneity of the cloud field. Thus, only studies on more homogeneous cirrus cloud cases promises a possibility to improve current cirrus parameterizations. Still, the current inability to detect small ice particles will remain as a considerable handicap

    Satellite to Ground-based LIDAR Comparisons using MPLNET Data Products

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    The Micro-Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET) is a network of ground-based lidar systems that provide continuous long-term observations of aerosol and cloud properties at approximately 10 different locations around the globe. Each site in the network uses an elastic scattering lidar co-located with a sunphotometer to provide data products of aerosol optical physical properties. Data products from sites are available on a next-day basis from the MPLNET website. Expansion of the network is based on partnering with research groups interested in joining MPLNET. Results have contributed to a variety of studies including aerosol transport studies and satellite calibration and validation efforts. One of the key motivations for MPLNET is to contribute towards the calibration and validation of satellite-based lidars such as GLAS/ICESAT and CALIPSO. MPLNET is able to provide comparison to several of the key aerosol and cloud CALIPSO data products including: layer height and thickness, optical depth, backscatter and extinction profiles, and the extinction-to-backscatter ratio

    Antarctica Cloud Cover for October 2003 from GLAS Satellite Lidar Profiling

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    Seeing clouds in polar regions has been a problem for the imagers used on satellites. Both clouds and snow and ice are white, which makes clouds over snow hard to see. And for thermal infrared imaging both the surface and the clouds cold. The Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) launched in 2003 gives an entirely new way to see clouds from space. Pulses of laser light scatter from clouds giving a signal that is separated in time from the signal from the surface. The scattering from clouds is thus a sensitive and direct measure of the presence and height of clouds. The GLAS instrument orbits over Antarctica 16 times a day. All of the cloud observations for October 2003 were summarized and compared to the results from the MODIS imager for the same month. There are two basic cloud types that are observed, low stratus with tops below 3 km and high cirrus form clouds with cloud top altitude and thickness tending at 12 km and 1.3 km respectively. The average cloud cover varies from over 93 % for ocean and coastal regions to an average of 40% over the East Antarctic plateau and 60-90% over West Antarctica. When the GLAS monthly average cloud fractions are compared to the MODIS cloud fraction data product, differences in the amount of cloud cover are as much as 40% over the continent. The results will be used to improve the way clouds are detected from the imager observations. These measurements give a much improved understanding of distribution of clouds over Antarctica and may show how they are changing as a result of global warming

    Spatiotemporal Path-Matching for Comparisons Between Ground- Based and Satellite Lidar Measurements

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    The spatiotemporal sampling differences between ground-based and satellite lidar data can contribute to significant errors for direct measurement comparisons. Improvement in sample correspondence is examined by the use of radiosonde wind velocity to vary the time average in ground-based lidar data to spatially match coincident satellite lidar measurements. Results are shown for the 26 February 2004 GLAS/ICESat overflight of a ground-based lidar stationed at NASA GSFC. Statistical analysis indicates that improvement in signal correlation is expected under certain conditions, even when a ground-based observation is mismatched in directional orientation to the satellite track
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