7 research outputs found

    The Kyoto Article 3.3 and 3.4 toolbox (KAT); January 2000

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    The KAT model provides a spreadsheet-based framework to calculate carbon sequestration in the commitment period (2008-2012) under Article 3.3 and 3.4 activities of the Kyoto protocol for the EU15 countries and selected Annex 1 countries. Any combination of 3.3 scenarios, 3.4 activities and sub-rules on Articles 3.3 and 3.4 based on policy proposals can be chosen. The carbon sequestration is calculated and presented in graphs and tables both in absolute values and in percentages of the1990 emissions. The user can interactively choose between a literature database and a database that consists of data submitted by countries under the UNFCC regulations

    Geïntegreerde en biologische landbouwproduktie vergeleken

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    Results of three units (conventional, biological and integrated) in the experimental farm OBS, in Nagele. Economically, the conventional unit has the best results, environmentally (leaching of N, P and K) the biological unit has the best result

    Environmentally safe and consumer-friendly potato production in The Netherlands. 1. Development of ecologically sound production systems

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    Methodology is presented for the development of integrated and ecologically based arable farming systems to achieve goals of ecological sustainability and food safety in potato production. The quest for change in potato growing procedures and the need for a quantitative system approach are discussed. Furthermore, the structure of a comprehensive experimental and modelling approach to develop ecologically sound production systems has been outlined. Examples of participatory research projects with farmers are highlighted

    Criteria, potentials and costs of forestry activities to sequester carbon within the framework of the clean development mechanism

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    Forest activities in developing countries can be used to sequester carbon for gaining emission reductions within the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol. This study has assessed the potentials and costs for carbon sequestration through afforestation, reforestation and deforestation activities and how these are affected when certain criteria for eligibility are applied. The criteria address issues of additionality, permanence, socio-economic and environmental sustainability, compliance and verification, which are of major importance for the successful implementation of forestry projects in the Clean Development Mechanism. Application of the criteria results in a substantial decrease in the carbon sequestration potential and an increase in the project costs