31 research outputs found

    Les agglomérations celtiques à La Tène Finale dans le sud de la plaine du Rhin Supérieur

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    Die Rettungsgrabungen im Elsass und die Untersuchungen, die an den Basler und Badischen Fundstellen während der letzten zehn Jahre ausgeführt wurden, erlauben es heute einen neuen Blick auf die Siedlungslandschaft am südlichen Oberrhein zu werfen. Die systematische Erhebung von Grundlagendaten zu den Fundstellen erlaubt uns eine Aktualisierung des Fundstellenkataloges sowie die Herausarbeitung verschiedener Typen von Siedlungen (Gross- und mittlere Siedlungen, Gehöfte). Ausserdem werden Beziehungen innerhalb der Region sowie nach Aussen erkennbar. Die systematische Erfassung all dieser Daten erlaubt es zum ersten Mal, ein ökonomisches Landschaftsbild dieser Region zu skizzieren

    The Basel-Gasfabrik research project: Addressing complex topics by an integrative approach

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    The late La Tène period site of Basel-Gasfabrik has been under investigation for more than a century. During that time, the unfortified settlement with its two cemeteries has yielded huge amounts of everyday and exceptional objects and features. Beginning in the mid-1970s, samples were systematically collected for scientific analyses during ongoing excavations, thus producing ideal preconditions for interdisciplinary research. In 2011-2014, the international research project “Approaching the living via the dead: human remains from the Late La Tène site Basel-Gasfabrik and their cultural-historical interpretations” addressed the multifarious ways in which the Iron Age community handled their deceased. The intense collaboration involved researchers from the Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt and the universities of Basel (CH), Mainz and Freiburg i.Br. (D) and spanned eight disciplines: archaeology, archeoanthropology, archaeobotany, archaeozoology, geoarchaeology, biogeochemistry, molecular genetics and statistics. Research topics and theoretical frameworks were developed jointly as well as procedures to combine the disciplinary results in multistage processes in order to generate integrative syntheses of novel insights. The challenges and specific research potentials of the integrative approach may serve as a positive example for future interdisciplinary research project

    L’habitat de La Tène finale de Bâle-Usine à gaz : archéologie en milieu industriel / The Late La Tène settlement of Basel-Gasfabrik : archaeology in an industrial environment

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    Spichtig Norbert, Leuzinger-Piccand Catherine. L’habitat de La Tène finale de Bâle-Usine à gaz : archéologie en milieu industriel / The Late La Tène settlement of Basel-Gasfabrik : archaeology in an industrial environment. In: L’âge du Fer dans la boucle de la Loire. Les Gaulois sont dans la ville. Actes du XXXIIe Colloque de l'Association française pour l'étude de l'âge du fer, Bourges, 1er-4 mai 2008. Tours : Fédération pour l'édition de la Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, 2009. pp. 455-458. (Supplément à la Revue archéologique du centre de la France, 35

    L’habitat de La Tène finale de Bâle-Usine à gaz : archéologie en milieu industriel / The Late La Tène settlement of Basel-Gasfabrik : archaeology in an industrial environment

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    Spichtig Norbert, Leuzinger-Piccand Catherine. L’habitat de La Tène finale de Bâle-Usine à gaz : archéologie en milieu industriel / The Late La Tène settlement of Basel-Gasfabrik : archaeology in an industrial environment. In: L’âge du Fer dans la boucle de la Loire. Les Gaulois sont dans la ville. Actes du XXXIIe Colloque de l'Association française pour l'étude de l'âge du fer, Bourges, 1er-4 mai 2008. Tours : Fédération pour l'édition de la Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, 2009. pp. 455-458. (Supplément à la Revue archéologique du centre de la France, 35

    Basler Ausgrabungen in Francavilla Marittima (Kalabrien) : Bericht ĂĽber die Kampagne 2009

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    Ein Platz unter den Lebenden, ein Platz unter den Toten : Kinderbestattungen des latènezeitlichen Fundplatzes Basel-Gasfabrik

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    In over a century of exploration, the Basel-Gasfabrik La Tène site has yielded not only a wealth of artefacts but also a large number of human skeletal remains, both from the two associated burial grounds and from the settlement itself. Among these are many children. In the burial grounds, adults and children were inhumed lying on their backs in a roughly S-N orientation. Children were furnished with grave goods in greater number, variety and frequency than adults, reflecting an appreciation of the young members of the community regardless of the high child mortality rate. One girl had remarkably rich grave goods, some of which were child sized, some the size for a grown woman. In the settlement children were generally buried along with adults. Only very young children were sometimes deposited by themselves in various features. The majority of the children both from the burial grounds and the settlement died before the age of four and many show signs of deficiency and infections