11 research outputs found

    Штети кај растенијата предизвикани од инсекти со устен апарат за бодење и смукање

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    Усниот апарат за бодење и смукање се среќава кај инсектите од редовите Homoptera, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera (Nematocera) и Siphanoptera. Основна карактеристика на овој тип устен апарат е трансформацијата на горните и долните вилици во бодежи, т.н. стилети, со кои инсектите го бодат растителното или животинското ткиво и се хранат со растителен сок или со крв. Инсектите кои смукаат растителни сокови се хранат со многу различни видови растенија, при што причинуваат големи штети. Директните штети кои ги причинуваат се манифестираат со локални некрози, деформации и сушење на растителните делови. Листовите се кадрават и искривуваат. Доаѓа до скратување на интернодиите и појава на неплодни ластари. Индиректните оштетувања ги прават со излачување на „медена роса“ и преку пренесување на патогени микроорганизми од заболени на здрави растенија. „Медната роса” ги покрива сите растителни делови, под колониите од инсектите. Ги затвора стомините отвори на ткивата и го спречува процесот на дишење (дисимилација). Од друга страна „медната роса” служи како хранлива подлога за развој на сапрофитски габи – чадливки, кои ја населуваат површината на растенијата т.е. ја населуваат „медната роса”. Тие имаат црна боја на својата мицелија и растенијата добиваат црна боја. Хлорофилот е скриен и не може да се врши фотосинтеза. На тој начин е спречена и асимилацијата. Растенијата не дишат и не создаваат хранлива материја, заради што доѓа до сушење на одредени растителни делови или цели растенија. Најзначајни штети од инсектите со устен апарат за бодење и смукање се штетите причинети со пренесување на бројни патогени микроорганизми

    Analytics and Report Plugins in Moodle

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    Moodle is one of the most famous e-learning platforms. It is often necessary to get knowledge about the use of a Moodle site by users. For this purpose, Moodle uses analytics tools. Sometimes these tools do not come standard with the platform and must be installed as plugins. The goal of our research is to explore the benefits of analytics and report plugins in Moodle. Here we present an overview of the plugins Forumgraph, Overviewstats and Piwik. We can conclude that they differ in relation to the information they present. The most comprehensive analysis is displayed with the Piwik plugin. For a more detailed analysis of big data from Moodle platform, can be used tools such as Hadoop, Hive and so on

    Migration of Moodle instance to the cloud - case study at Goce Delchev University

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    The benefits of cloud technologies for Learning Management Systems (LMS) are enormous. Cloud services can provide a better user experience and greater flexibility. Moodle with about 250 million users is one of the most widely used LMS, which also has a cloud-based version. During this period of the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of this system is intensified. Many universities, schools and organizations have started to conduct most of their learning activities online. This has increased the number of Moodle users. At the Goce Delchev University - Shtip we have been using Moodle for 10 years. In order to be able to serve all the requests of the users, good servers and infrastructure are needed that will provide uninterrupted access. On premises servers often cannot provide good scalability. Cloud technologies offer huge opportunities in this regard. The scaling they provide is extremely important when systems have an increasing number of users. So, we had to think about migrating to the cloud. This paper presents the possibilities of cloud technologies as well as the procedure for migration of Moodle instance to the cloud

    Migration of Moodle instance to the cloud – case study at Goce Delchev University

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    Migration to the cloud is really important for learning management systems. Migration can provide a better user experience and greater flexibility. Moodle with more than 246 million users is one of the most widely used learning management systems. During this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of this system is intensified. Many universities, schools and organizations have started to conduct most of their learning activities online. This has increased the number of Moodle users. At the Goce Delchev University – Shtip we have been using Moodle for 10 years. In order to be able to serve all the requests of the users, good servers and infrastructure are needed that will provide uninterrupted access. Dedicated servers often cannot provide good scalability. Cloud technologies offer huge opportunities in this regard. The scaling they provide is extremely important when systems have an increasing number of users. So we need to think about migrating to the cloud. This paper presents the possibilities of cloud technologies as well as the procedure for migration of Moodle instance to the cloud

    Developing Blended Learning Model in Higher Education

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    The aim of this scientific research project is to develop a model that will define the technology for designing blended courses for usage in higher education. Blended learning is a term used to describe a technique of e-learning combined with traditional methods to create a new hybrid methodology. It represents a greater change in the basic teaching and learning techniques than just adding computers to classrooms. The research will be conducted on a dozen of selected courses from different UGD faculties, which will be analyzed and electronic content for the application of blended learning will be prepared. These courses will be redesigned on the electronic platform in the form of blended courses and will be tested in real environment. Once the courses are tested, the optimal model for the application of blended learning in high school environment, as UGD, will be determined. The research team consists of students on doctoral, post graduate and undergraduate studies, all active at UGD

    Framework for Big Data Analytics of Moodle Data Using Hadoop in the Cloud

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    Big Data includes huge volume, high velocity and extensible variety of data, both structured and unstructured. Analysis and examination of this data plays a big role in making a better decisions and lead to strategic business moves. In this research, we are focusing on analysis of Moodle e-learning platform database with aim of improving the educational process. Using the concept of learning analytics we are trying to better understand teaching and learning processes in order to get as much as possible from educators and learners which are the main actors in the mentioned activities. The standard procedures that are specific to the databases will take a lot more time to do this. To facilitate this process, big data processing tools are used. Here, we also present the possibility of analyzing big data in the cloud. For the purpose of this research, we developed a framework for big data analysis

    Integrating E-Learning and Open Educational Resources into Classroom, Erasmus+ KA201 project

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    In the last decade great efforts have been made to integrate ICT in the educational process. But it has not been carried out with the desired dynamics. The most important reasons for that include: lack of digital learning content, insufficient training of teachers and lack of desire and motivation to follow and use the latest technologies and methodologies for e-learning. Besides these, the lack of time for preparation and application of these technologies in the classroom has been pointed out. The aim of the project is to increase the human capacity in high schools that will work on the integration of ICT in teaching through the application of technologies for e-learning and through creation of digital content for education in the form of online OERs. This project will be carried out by 6 partner organizations of which two are universities (UGD and TUS) that possess substantial expertise in the fields of ICT and E-Learning utilization it the educational process. The other 4 partners are Highs Schools in 3 different countries and have some experiences in e-learning but lack the resources and the knowledge to advance to higher levels and cope with the fast change. The project will provide training for the creation of digital content and the integration of ICT in teaching that is designed for a critical number of teachers from each partner organization. Creation of a critical number of digital content (OER) for teaching that will be used by all partner organizations and the wider community of teachers is also foreseen with the project. There are four (4 ) trainings – workshops planed. These trainings will help teacher to improve skills and competences for usage of ICT in the educational process and will also help them learn to develop digital educational content in form of OERs. These training will be helped and enforced by the planed Intellectual Outputs of the project that include: analyses, recommendations, tutorials for e- Learning and OER creation and also developed several OERs. The expected main outcomes of this project refer to the development of the competences of the teaching staff to design and manage with OER. We also expect increasing and expanding of the cooperation with the schools in the region and Europe through creation of an OER exchange net. We expect at least 30 teachers to undergo the training and to develop OERs to deliver at least three common subjects. Besides teachers, students who will use these OERs will benefit from the project. Having in mind the accumulated experience and expertise in the participating partners, their previous collaboration, the systematic approach and the vigorous project methodology we believe that the successful implementation of this project will have adequate and long term impact: teachers will receive increased competencies and skills through training; schools will receive advanced teaching methodology and students will be able to use directly lessons that will be more contemporary and easier to use. And yet this project would just be a solid base for further growth of the interactive, modern and transnational knowledge base in form of OERs available worldwide