28,705 research outputs found

    Compassionate Care in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Services: A Grounded Theory Approach

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    Compassion has inspired interest across the centuries, attracting definitions from different disciplines and, more recently, leading to the development of theoretical models of understanding and therapeutic modalities. Aspects of the NHS constitution include compassion as one of the six Cs outlined as core values: care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment (Department of Health, 2015). Similarly, the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) manual (2018) incorporates compassionate care. IAPT is one of the main providers of primary mental health care in the NHS UK, and although compassion has been prioritised by the IAPT agenda it has not been investigated within these services. The current study addresses the question “What is the process of compassionate care in IAPT services?” It also aims to generate knowledge about the facilitators and inhibitors of compassionate care in IAPT. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 12 qualified clinicians. This study adopted a critical realist position, which informed the Grounded Theory methodology. A new conceptual model was generated: Enacting Compassionate Care in IAPT Services. The five corresponding categories are Possessing Core Attributes and Skills of Compassion, Building an Interpersonal Connection, Meaningful Response to Suffering, Conditions Nurturing Compassionate Care and Conditions Hindering Compassionate Care. The main findings propose that enacting compassionate care is a dynamic process encompassing aspects that are individual, relational and behavioural. It involves clinicians employing core attributes and skills, to build a connection with patients and to respond to their suffering in a meaningful way. The findings have also highlighted the importance of reviewing service procedures, as well as the structural and emotional resources made available to nurture compassionate care. The limitations of this study and recommendations for future research are discussed

    Medical education on fitness to drive : a survey of all UK medical schools

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    Aim: To identify the extent to which medical aspects of fitness to drive (FTD) are taught within UK medical schools. Methods: A survey of all 32 UK medical schools. In-depth interviews with a range of staff at two medical schools; telephone survey of 30 schools. Results: Two thirds of schools reported specific teaching on medical aspects of FTD but few covered it in any depth or in relation to specific medical conditions. Only one school taught FTD in relation to elderly medicine. FTD was an examination topic at only 12 schools. Conclusion: Teaching on FTD is inconsistent across UK medical schools. Many new doctors will graduate with limited knowledge of medical aspects of FTD

    Vortex rectification effects in films with periodic asymmetric pinning

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    We study the transport of vortices excited by an ac current in an Al film with an array of nanoengineered asymmetric antidots. The vortex response to the ac current is investigated by detailed measurements of the voltage output as a function of ac current amplitude, magnetic field and temperature. The measurements revealed pronounced voltage rectification effects which are mainly characterized by the two critical depinning forces of the asymmetric potential. The shape of the net dc voltage as a function of the excitation amplitude indicates that our vortex ratchet behaves in a way very different from standard overdamped models. Rather, as demonstrated by the observed output signal, the repinning force, necessary to stop vortex motion, is considerably smaller than the depinning force, resembling the behavior of the so-called inertia ratchets. Calculations based on an underdamped ratchet model provide a very good fit to the experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Epidemiologia, patogenia, diagnóstico, prevenção e controle da febre aftosa.

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    Com um rebanho de aproximadamente 200 milhões de cabeças e na primeira posição mundial em exportações de carnes, a pecuária bovina brasileira destaca-se pela importância estratégica na economia nacional. Considerando os valores expressivos oriundos da atividade do agronegócio, torna-se fundamental a adoção de medidas que contribuam para o melhoramento dos aspectos sanitários na cadeia produtiva. Nesse contexto, salientam-se medidas de vigilância e controle da febre aftosa, pois esta é a principal barreira sanitária imposta pelos países importadores, que podem decretar o embargo de produtos de origem animal. O conhecimento sobre o agente etiológico e o comportamento da doença são imprescindíveis para traçar estratégias de controle e tomada de decisões em casos de surtos, visto que a febre aftosa é uma enfermidade infecciosa viral que apresenta alta capacidade de disseminação e grande impacto, em razão das perdas na produção de carne e leite e das conseqüências políticas, sociais e econômicas associadas. Por meio desta série Documentos procura-se reforçar aos produtores, acadêmicos de ciências agrárias e demais envolvidos na cadeia produtiva agropecuária a importância do controle da febre aftosa nos rebanhos. São descritas a etiologia, epidemiologia e patogenia da doença, bem como as formas de diagnóstico e os aspectos de prevenção e controle.bitstream/CNPGC-2009-09/12401/1/DOC166.pd