101 research outputs found
The use of the inverted pendulum experiment in teaching control theory and practice is
now widely accepted in the area of control education. This paper describes an environment
built upon an operating inverted pendulum suitable to design and test several linear
controllers by using the well known MATLAB and its toolboxes. The environment has
been designed to maximally fit to MATLAB procedures and interfaces. A significant part
of the environment is a support for identification and model based control, which provides
a MATLAB compatible mode to acquire data of the relevant variables and to generate
disturbances with predesiglled characteristics. Some didactic examples - mainly from
the field of model based conLrol are described. As the examples present, the inverted
pendulum experiment is suitable to use it in teaching - beyond the conventional ones -
the more contemporary topics of the control science
Design of an embedded microcomputer based mini quadrotor UAV
This paper describes the design and realization of a mini quadrotor UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) that has been initiated in the Systems and Control Laboratory at the Computer and Automation Research institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science in collaboration with control departments of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The mini quadrotor UAV is intended to use in several areas such as camera-based air-surveillance, traffic control, environmental measurements, etc. The paper focuses upon the embedded microcomputer-based implementation of the mini UAV, describes the elements of the implementation, the tools realized for mathematical model building, as well as obtains a brief outline of the control design
Hibadetektálás korszerű analitikus módszerei járműipari alkalmazásokkal = Advanced analytic methods to fault detection with application to vehicle systems
1) A rendszer modelljének invertálásán alapuló detektálószűrők tulajdonságainak kutatása során kapott eredmények, ideértve elsősorban az inverz geometriai tulajdonságait és az inverz dinamika előállítására vonatkozó módszereket, lehetővé tették az optimális zavargyengítés módszerének a zavarokkal terhelt hibahatások teljes szétcsatolása révén történő alkalmazását az irodalom által eddig nem ismert módokon. Ezzel kapcsolatos legfontosabb eredményünk az inverz dinamikájának on-line becslésére épülő H-infinity optimális szűrés módszerének kidolgozása volt, ami jelentős nemzetközi visszhangot kiváltó, elismert, új tudományos eredmények megalkotásához vezetett. 2) A szakterület kutatóit általánosan érintő jelentős tudományos eredmény a Draper Lab. munkatársaival végzett kutatási tevékenység révén született folyóirat közlemény, amely a dinamikus rendszerekben és a kép illetve jelfeldolgozásban használatos detektálási módszerek eddig különállónak vélt elméleti módszereit helyezi közös alapokra, az invariáns alterek geometriai elméletének közös alapjaira. 3) Jelentős érdeklődést kiváltó eredményünk az elosztott dinamikus rendszerekben az állapotbecslés hibatűrésének és performancia mutatóinak javítására alkalmazható elosztott szűrési módszer kidolgozása, amely a szövetségi (federated) szűrőbankok továbbfejlesztése révén jött létre. | 1) The novel theory of detection filters, based on the idea of direct input reconstruction, which relies on the inverse representation of the system, can be used to construct novel filter structures, such as those which combine the advantages of optimal disturbance suppression and exact fault decoupling. The research also helped to clarify the geometric principles of the inverse. The algebraic-geometric methods can be used for the construction of the inverse. The most important result is the development of the H-infinity filtering method which is capable for optimally enhanced disturbance cancellation and exact fault decoupling based on the estimation of the inverse state. 2) The joint research with co-workers at Draper Laboratory has revealed a number of methodological parallelisms and similarities, as well as differences, in the game theoretic, stochastic, and geometric subspace formulations and solution approaches to robust detection in dynamic systems and in signal processing. It is a synthesizing result deserving the attention of both the control and the signal processing community. 3) The decentralized approach to state estimation of distributed dynamical systems over unreliable communication networks subject to uncertain and limited measurements has been addressed by federated filtering. The solution enhances fault tolerance and filter performance in sparsely distributed dynamical systems
Road abnormality detection using piezoresistive force sensors and adaptive signal models
Intelligent tires can be used for a wide array of applications ranging from
tire pressure monitoring to analyzing tire/road interactions, wheel loading,
and tread wear monitoring. In this article, we develop a measurement system for
intelligent tires equipped with a 3-D piezoresistive force sensor. The output
of the sensor is segmented into tire revolution cycles, which are then
represented by a transformation relying on adaptive Hermite functions. The
underlying idea behind this step is to extract relevant features which capture
tire dynamics. Then we evaluate the proposed measurement system in a potential
vehicle application, that is, abnormal road surface detection. We deal with the
corresponding binary classification problem by developing both low-complexity
analytical and data-driven machine learning algorithms, which are tested on
real-world measurement data. Our experiments showed that the proposed methods
are able to detect abnormalities on the road surface with a mean accuracy of
over 97%
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