30 research outputs found

    Królowe PRL - sceniczne wizerunki Ireny Eichlerówny, Niny Andrycz i Elżbiety Barszczewskiej jako modele kobiecości

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    Praca dotyczy trzech wybitnych aktorek, które w czasach PRLu wbrew obowiązującej doktrynie wicelały się nie w robotnice, kobiety codzienne, przysłowiowe murarki, lecz w majestatyczne i wyniosłe królowe. Badając tę figurę w wybranych rolach trzech aktorek śledzę także modele kobiecości jakie się z nich wyłaniają. Od erotycznej, zmysłowej i wywrotowej Królowej w wydaniu Eichlerówny poprzez umocowaną w strukturach władzy Królową Polskich Scen Andrycz aż do Królowej Serc, romantycznej świętej wcielanej przez Barszczewską - praca ukazuje związki włądzy, teatru, sztuki i historii na szerokim tle wydarzeń politycznych i kulturalnych lat 1949-1976

    Influence of Polyphenol Extract from Evening Primrose (Oenothera Paradoxa) Seeds on Proliferation of Caco-2 Cells and on Expression, Synthesis and Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Their Inhibitors

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    Evening primrose (Oenothera paradoxa Hudziok) seeds are a rich source of not only a valuable oil containing an essential fatty acid - ᵧ-linolenic acid (GLA) - but also polyphenols which can be obtained from the biomass remaining after oil pressing. The aim of our studies was to evaluate the influence of a polyphenol extract from defatted seeds of evening primrose on human colorectal adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cell proliferation and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) synthesis and activity. To assess the effect of evening primrose extract on Caco-2 cell proliferation, crystal violet staining and sulforhodamine B (SRB) assays were used whereas mRNA expression and activity of MMPs were evaluated by RT-PCR and gelatin zymography. The results revealed that the examined polyphenol extract had little influence on Caco-2 proliferation, but effectively in a time- and dose-dependent manner inhibited MMP-1, MMP-7, MMP-9 and MMP-14 mRNA synthesis induced by TNF-α and TPA. Additionally, zymographic analysis revealed that after 24 h, the polyphenol extract at a concentration of 50 μmol/L GAE caused a 10-fold reduction in MMP-9 synthesis. Moreover, this extract might be a potent inhibitor of MMP activity. The results showed that polyphenol extract from evening primrose inhibited PBMC-derived MMP-2 and MMP-9 enzymatic activity in dose-dependent manner. The obtained results indicate that the polyphenol extract from evening primrose seeds could be an inhibitor of proteases involved in tumor progression and metastasis

    Simulations and stimulations

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    The book present the figure of the worker and its performances of memory from the point of view of cultural studies, philosophy, art history, theatre studies and musicology. It begins with the original scene of the accident in the factory, and then it reviews the Warsaw cabaret scene of the early twentieth century, the theatrical and artistic avant-garde circle, the socialist realist cultural projects, modernist kitchen designs, workers’ sport and proletarian art, to end with a reflection on gestures in films. In this way, the editors wish to propose a multifaceted, and at the same time fragmentary and distracted perspective, which would make it possible to extract from the documents, narrations and visual presentations, the still problematic and poorly recognised figure of the worker in Polish culture. These texts not only fit into the methodological postulates formulated as a performative writing of history, but they themselves become the performances of memory, in which the authors try to reproduce history, where the fundamental medium remains the body and gestures – captured in fragmentary relations, snapshot images and individual scenes

    Blackness as medium : body in contemporary theatre practice and theory

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    Our text presents the theoretical approach to the problems of body and technology in stage performance. The starting point is the status of the categories such as presence, ephemerality, immediacy of the (theatre) performance, radically undermined in the texts of performance studies scholars such as Rebecca Schneider, Amelia Jones or Philip Auslander. Utilizing examples of performances from young Polish theatre: Krzysztof Garbaczewski (b. 1983) and Radosław Rychcik (b. 1981), we juxtapose two functioning models of the body-technology relation on stage. The first – represented by Garbaczewski – is based on an understanding of the body as always mediated. It multiplies (undermines) the body's presence by use of audio-visual means. The second – Rychcik's case – is to push the theatrical presence of the body to the absolute maximum. In this case, the audio-visual layer is used to build a strong opposition to the actor's stage presence. The two examples are used to propose a new theoretical approach. We show that such stage phenomena are not only a sign of a (technological) reality shift, but also, a very important theoretical input in the understanding of theatre. We state that every single body on stage (no matter if consciously, as in Garbaczewski's case, or unconsciously as in the Rychcik's case) is already mediated and the use of technological tools is a way to play with this specific character of theatre corporeality. This broader perspective also incorporates elements of the political dimension of annexing media-mediated and media-manipulated corporeality, for it will follow the apparently transparent and natural dimension of such actions, whereby once again it will turn, as postulated by Jacques Rancière, aesthetic considerations into political considerations

    “The First Polish Performance about Pornography”

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    Teatr Fredry w Gnieźnie Miła robótka scenariusz (inspirowany książką Ewy Stusińskiej Miła robótka. Polskie świerszczyki, harlekiny i porno z satelity) i dramaturgia: Agnieszka Jakimiak, Mateusz Atman, reżyseria: Agnieszka Jakimiak, scenografia, wideo, światła: Mateusz Atman, muzyka: Łukasz Jędrzejczak, choreografia: Oskar Malinowski, kostiumy: Julia Postuszna, koprodukcja: Festiwal Łódź Czterech Kultur premiera: 10 września 2022 na Festiwalu Łódź Czterech Kultu

    Angels in America. The Transition and Polish Political Theatre

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    The text is an analysis of the Polish premiere of Tony Kushner's drama Angels in America. The drama, staged in 1995 as Angels of America at the Wybrzeże Theatre in Gdańsk, directed by Wojciech Nowak, has not made it into the history of Polish political theatre. However, the testimonies of its reception today allow for a complex analysis of the entanglement of political theatre in the so-called political transition. With the help of the category of 'normality', I am trying to expose the meandering paths of emancipation in the Polish theatre of the 1990s - the time of transition

    Moment populistyczny i populistyczny teatr

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    Teatr Powszechny w Warszawie Dobrobyt reżyseria: Árpád Schilling, scenariusz: Juli Jakab, Árpád Schilling, Éva Zabezsinszkij, tłumaczenie tekstu: Daniel Warmuz, muzyka: Marcell Dargay, projekcje wideo: Szymon Rogiński premiera: 10 lipca 202

    Welcome to the AIDS Club. Censorship and the canon in the face of non-normativity on the example of the exhibitions ‘5,000 pieces’ and ‘Me and AIDS’

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    The paper reflects on the censorship after 1989 in the context of its ability to create and paradoxically legitimise the otherness. As an example the author uses Polish imagery around the HIV/AIDS epidemics with special focus on two artistic exhibitions from the early 1990s with the epidemic as the subject. One of them was quite successful, but it is forgotten today; the other is remembered to this day and often mentioned in the context of 1990s art even though it was censored back then. Showing the relations between censorship and discourses of otherness the paper reflects on different political possibilities inscribed in the history of transition