1,017 research outputs found


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    The physics motivations, design, and status of the Booster Neutrino Experiment at Fermilab, MiniBooNE, are briefly discussed. Particular emphasis is given on the ongoing preparatory work that is needed for the MiniBooNE muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillation appearance search. This search aims to confirm or refute in a definitive and independent way the evidence for neutrino oscillations reported by the LSND experiment.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2005), Zaragoza, Spain, 10-14 Sep 200

    A variable delay integrated receiver for differential phase-shift keying optical transmission systems

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    An integrated variable delay receiver for DPSK optical transmission systems is presented. The device is realized in silicon-on-insulator technology and can be used to detect DPSK signals at any bit-rates between 10 and 15 Gbit/s

    Tunable delay lines in silicon photonics: coupled resonators and photonic crystals, a comparison

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    In this paper, we report a direct comparison between coupled resonator optical waveguides (CROWs) and photonic crystal waveguides (PhCWs), which have both been exploited as tunable delay lines. The two structures were fabricated on the same silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technological platform, with the same fabrication facilities and evaluated under the same signal bit-rate conditions. We compare the frequency- and time-domain response of the two structures; the physical mechanism underlying the tuning of the delay; the main limits induced by loss, dispersion, and structural disorder; and the impact of CROW and PhCW tunable delay lines on the transmission of data stream intensity and phase modulated up to 100 Gb/s. The main result of this study is that, in the considered domain of applications, CROWs and PhCWs behave much more similarly than one would expect. At data rates around 100 Gb/s, CROWs and PhCWs can be placed in competition. Lower data rates, where longer absolute delays are required and propagation loss becomes a critical issue, are the preferred domain of CROWs fabricated with large ring resonators, while at data rates in the terabit range, PhCWs remain the leading technology

    A unified model for software-hardware co-design

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    A unified model of factorized graphs is proposed for the specification and the optimization of real-time embedded application s based on architectures composed of processors and/or specific circuits . First, a graph of operations partially ordered by their data dependencies is used to specify the algorithm and hence its potential parallelism, independently of hardware constraints . Then , it is shown how this dependence graph may be transformed by different kinds of factorization to obtain an implementation, a s specific circuits or as a specialized executive distributed on several processors . Finally, basic principles of optimization are give n for minimizing hardware resources while satisfying real-time constraints . In prospect, this unified approach is expected to be used for optimized software-hardware co-design .On propose un modèle unifié de graphes factorisés, pour spécifier et optimiser des applications temps réel embarquées, basées sur des architectures composées de processeurs et/ou de circuits spécialisés. Tout d'abord on utilise un graphe de dépendances de données entre opérations pour spécifier l'ordre partiel des opérations de l'algorithme et donc son parallélisme potentiel, indépendamment des contraintes matérielles. On montre ensuite comment ce graphe peut être transformé par différentes formes de factorisation pour aboutir à une implantation sous forme de circuits spécialisés ou d'un exécutif spécialisé distribué sur des processeurs. Enfin on donne les principes de base de l'optimisation visant à minimiser les ressources matérielles tout en respectant les contraintes temps réel. On présente en perspective comment cette approche unifiée pourra conduire à l'optimisation de la conception conjointe logiciel-matériel

    Neutrino Interactions Importance for Nuclear Physics

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    We review the general interplay between Nuclear Physics and neutrino-nucleus cross sections at intermediate and high energies. The effects of different reaction mechanisms over the neutrino observables are illustrated with examples in calculations using several nuclear models and ingredients.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few-GeV Region (NuInt09), Sitges, Spain, 18 - 22 May 200

    The Orbital Angular Momentum of Light for Ultra-High Capacity Data Centers

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    The potential of orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light in data center scenarios is presented. OAMs can be exploited for short reach ultra-high bit rate fiber links and as additional multiplexing domain in transparent ultra-high capacity optical switches. Recent advances on OAM integrated photonic technology are also reported. Finally demonstration of OAM-based fiber links (aggregate throughput 17.9 Tb/s) and two layers OAM-WDM-based optical switches are presented exploiting OAM integrated components and demonstrating the achievable benefits in terms of size, weight and power consumption (SWaP) compared to different technologies

    Nonlinear properties of AlGaAs waveguides in continuous wave operation regime

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    Aluminum Gallium Arsenide (AlGaAs) is an attractive platform for the development of integrated optical circuits for all-optical signal processing thanks to its large nonlinear coefficients in the 1.55-μm telecommunication spectral region. In this paper we discuss the results of the nonlinear continuous-wave optical characterization of AlGaAs waveguides at a wavelength of 1.55 μm. We also report the highest value ever reported in the literature for the real part of the nonlinear coefficient in this material (Re(γ) ≈521 W<sup>−1</sup>m<sup>−1</sup>)

    1.4 million Q factor Si₃N₄ micro-ring resonator at 780 nm wavelength for chip-scale atomic systems

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    A silicon nitride micro-ring resonator with a loaded Q factor of 1.4 × 10⁶ at 780 nm wavelength is demonstrated on silicon substrates. This is due to the low propagation loss waveguides achieved by optimization of waveguide sidewall interactions and top cladding refractive index. Potential applications include laser frequency stabilization allowing for chip-scale atomic systems targeting the ⁸⁷Rb atomic transition at 780.24 nm. The temperature dependent wavelength shift of the micro-ring was determined to be 13.1 pm/K indicating that a minimum temperature stability of less than ±15 mK is required for such devices for wavelength locking applications. If a polyurethane acrylate top cladding of an optimized thickness is used then the micro-ring could effectively be athermal, resulting in reduced footprint, power consumption, and cost of potential devices

    High precision integrated photonic thermometry enabled by a transfer printed diamond resonator on GaN waveguide chip

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    We demonstrate a dual-material integrated photonic thermometer, fabricated by high accuracy micro-transfer printing. A freestanding diamond micro-disk resonator is printed in close proximity to a gallium nitride on a sapphire racetrack resonator, and respective loaded Q factors of 9.1 × 104 and 2.9 × 104 are measured. We show that by using two independent wide-bandgap materials, tracking the thermally induced shifts in multiple resonances, and using optimized curve fitting tools the measurement error can be reduced to 9.2 mK. Finally, for the GaN, in a continuous acquisition measurement we record an improvement in minimum Allan variance, occurring at an averaging time four times greater than a comparative silicon device, indicating better performance over longer time scales

    Relativistic models for electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering

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    Relativistic models developed for the exclusive and inclusive quasielastic (QE) electron scattering have been extended to charged-current (CC) and neutral-current (NC) neutrino-nucleus scattering. Different descriptions of final-state interactions (FSI) are compared. For the inclusive electron scattering the relativistic Green's function approach is compared with calculations based on the use of relativistic purely real mean field potentials in the final state. Both approaches lead to a redistribution of the strength but conserving the total flux. Results for the differential cross section at different energies are presented. Scaling properties are also analyzed and discussedComment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Contribution to the proceedings of NUINT2009 (6th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few-GeV Region), May 18-22, 2009, Sitges, Barcelona, Spai