658 research outputs found

    The stellar Initial Mass Function of the solar neighbourhood revealed by Gaia

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    I use a sample of more than 120,000 stars in the solar neighbourhood with parallaxes, magnitudes and colours estimated with unprecedented accuracy by the second data release of the Gaia mission to derive the initial mass function of the Galactic disc. A full-forward technique is used to take into account for the population of unresolved binaries, the metallicity distribution, the star formation history and their variation across the Galactic disk as well as all the observational effects. The shape of the initial mass function is well represented by a segmented power-law with two breaks at characteristic masses. It has a maximum at M~0.15 Ms with significant flattening (possibly a depletion) at lower masses and a slope of alpha=-1.34 +/- 0.07 in the range 0.25<M/Ms<1. Above 1 Ms the IMF shows an abrupt decline with a slope ranging from alpha=-2.68 +/- 0.09 to alpha=-2.41 +/- 0.11 depending on the adopted resolution of the star formation history.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The Global Mass Functions of 35 Galactic globular clusters: II. Clues on the Initial Mass Function and Black Hole Retention Fraction

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    In this paper we compare the mass function slopes of Galactic globular clusters recently determined by Sollima & Baumgardt (2017) with a set of dedicated N-body simulations of star clusters containing between 65,000 to 200,000 stars. We study clusters starting with a range of initial mass functions (IMFs), black hole retention fractions and orbital parameters in the parent galaxy. We find that the present-day mass functions of globular clusters agree well with those expected for star clusters starting with Kroupa or Chabrier IMFs, and are incompatible with clusters starting with single power-law mass functions for the low-mass stars. The amount of mass segregation seen in the globular clusters studied by Sollima & Baumgardt (2017) can be fully explained by two-body relaxation driven mass segregation from initially unsegregated star clusters. Based on the present-day global mass functions, we expect that a typical globular cluster in our sample has lost about 75% of its mass since formation, while the most evolved clusters have already lost more than 90% of their initial mass and should dissolve within the next 1 to 2 Gyr. Most clusters studied by Sollima & Baumgardt also show a large difference between their central and global MF slopes, implying that the majority of Galactic globular clusters is either near or already past core collapse. The strong mass segregation seen in most clusters also implies that only a small fraction of all black holes formed in globular clusters still reside in them.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS, 472, 74

    Treatment of realistic tidal field in Monte Carlo simulations of star clusters

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    We present a new implementation of the Monte Carlo method to simulate the evolution of star clusters. The major improvement with respect to the previously developed codes is the treatment of the external tidal field taking into account for both the loss of stars from the cluster boundary and the disk/bulge shocks. We provide recipes to handle with eccentric orbits in complex galactic potentials. The first calculations for stellar systems containing 21000 and 42000 equal-mass particles show good agreement with direct N-body simulations in terms of the evolution of both the enclosed mass and the Lagrangian radii provided that the mass-loss rate does not exceed a critical value.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The effect of tides on the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    Estimates of the mass distribution and dark-matter (DM) content of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) are usually derived under the assumption that the effect of the tidal field of the host galaxy is negligible over the radial extent probed by kinematic data-sets. We assess the implications of this assumption in the specific case of the Fornax dSph by means of N-body simulations of a satellite orbiting around the Milky Way. We consider observationally-motivated orbits and we tailor the initial distributions of the satellite's stars and DM to match, at the end of the simulations, the observed structure and kinematics of Fornax. In all our simulations the present-day observable properties of Fornax are not significantly influenced by tidal effects. The DM component is altered by the interaction with the Galactic field (up to 20% of the DM mass within 1.6 kpc is lost), but the structure and kinematics of the stellar component are only mildly affected even in the more eccentric orbit (more than 99% of the stellar particles remain bound to the dwarf). In the simulations that successfully reproduce Fornax's observables, the dark-to-luminous mass ratio within 1.6 kpc is in the range 5-6, and up to 16-18 if measured within 3 kpc.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The RR Lyrae Period - K Luminosity relation for Globular Clusters: an observational approach

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    The Period - metallicity - K band luminosity (PLK) relation for RR Lyrae stars in 15 Galactic globular clusters and in the LMC globular cluster Reticulum has been derived. It is based on accurate near infrared (K) photometry combined with 2MASS and other literature data. The PLK relation has been calibrated and compared with the previous empirical and theoretical determinations in literature. The zero point of the absolute calibration has been obtained from the K magnitude of RR Lyr whose distance modulus has been measured via trigonometric parallax with HST. Using this relation we obtain a distance modulus to the LMC of (m-M)_0 = 18.54 \pm 0.15 mag, in good agreement with recent determinations based on the analysis of Cepheid variable stars.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Monte Carlo simulations of multiple populations in globular clusters: constraints on the cooling flow vs. accretion scenario using million bodies simulations

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    I simulate the evolution of a stellar system hosting two stellar populations whose initial set up is defined according to the two main scenarios proposed for the origin of multiple populations in Galactic globular clusters: (i) formation of a second generation from a cooling flow of pristine+polluted gas and (ii) accretion of polluted gas onto the proto-stellar disks of a fraction of low-mass stars. For this purpose, Monte Carlo simulations containing from 10510^{5} up to 3⋅1063\cdot 10^{6} particles have been run including the effect of stellar evolution, binary interactions, external tidal field and a detailed modelling of the proto-stellar disk structure. The early accretion of gas onto proto-stellar disks is unable to produce discrete populations and to alter the chemical composition of a significant (>10%>10\%) fraction of stars unless a disk lifetime larger (tdisk∼20 Myrt_{disk}\sim20~Myr) than that predicted by models is assumed. Moreover, in this scenario the mixing timescale of the two populations is too short to reproduce the observed segregation of the chemically enriched population. On the other hand, simulations run within the cooling flow scenario can evolve after a Hubble time into stellar systems with a first-to-second population mass ratio similar to that observed in globular clusters, provided that an initial filling-factor rh/rJ>0.15r_{h}/r_{J}>0.15 is adopted. However, in the weak tidal field regime a radial segregation of the second population stronger than what observed in Milky Way globular clusters at large Galactocentric distances is predicted. This discrepancy disappears in simulations following eccentric orbits in a realistic axisymmetric potential.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The effect of tides on the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    Dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) appear to be some of the most dark matter dominated objects in the Universe. Their dynamical masses are commonly derived using the kinematics of stars under the assumption of equilibrium. However, these objects are satellites of massive galaxies (e.g.\ the Milky Way) and thus can be influenced by their tidal fields. We investigate the implication of the assumption of equilibrium focusing on the Sculptor dSph by means of ad-hoc NN-body simulations tuned to reproduce the observed properties of Sculptor following the evolution along some observationally motivated orbits in the Milky Way gravitational field. For this purpose, we used state-of-the-art spectroscopic and photometric samples of Sculptor's stars. We found that the stellar component of the simulated object is not directly influenced by the tidal field, while ≈30%−60%\approx 30\%-60\% the mass of the more diffuse DM halo is stripped. We conclude that, considering the most recent estimate of the Sculptor proper motion, the system is not affected by the tides and the stellar kinematics represents a robust tracer of the internal dynamics. In the simulations that match the observed properties of Sculptor, the present-day dark-to-luminous mass ratio is ≈6\approx 6 within the stellar half-light radius (≈0.3\approx0.3 kpc) and >50>50 within the maximum radius of the analysed dataset (≈1.5∘≈2\approx1.5^\circ\approx2 kpc).Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. V3: updated after editor comments See our playlist for simulation videos: https://av.tib.eu/series/633/supplemental+videos+of+the+paper+the+effect+of+tides+on+the+sculptor+dwarf+spheroidal+galax

    Globular clusters in modified Newtonian dynamics: velocity-dispersion profiles from self-consistent models

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    We test the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) theory with the velocity-dispersion profiles of Galactic globular clusters populating the outermost region of the Milky Way halo, where the Galactic acceleration is lower than the characteristic MOND acceleration a_0. For this purpose, we constructed self-consistent, spherical models of stellar systems in MOND, which are the analogues of the Newtonian King models. The models are spatially limited, reproduce well the surface-brightness profiles of globular clusters, and have velocity-dispersion profiles that differ remarkably in shape from the corresponding Newtonian models. We present dynamical models of six globular clusters, which can be used to efficiently test MOND with the available observing facilities. A comparison with recent spectroscopic data obtained for NGC2419 suggests that the kinematics of this cluster might be hard to explain in MOND.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA
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