8 research outputs found

    Computational Program of Isodose and Treatment Planning System (Tps) for Brachytherapy Using 125i-seed-sources

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    COMPUTATIONAL PROGRAM OF ISODOSE AND TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM(TPS) FOR BRACHYTHERAPY USING 125I-SEED-SOURCES. To reach the goals of abrachytherapy treatment, a guaranteed dose rate calculation as well as a treatment planningsystem (TPS) are absolutely needed. Therefore, a local computational program for isodose andTPS calculations has been developed. The program has been performed using Microsoft VisualBasic for Windows and its supporting tools based on dosimetry calculation models developedand updated by the Association of American Physicist in Medicine. The program was startedfrom the dose rate calculation of the of 125I-seed-source assumed as a line source with 0.3 cmof active length. This program can display two dimensions-isodose contour of the single or poly-125I-seeds presented in the directions of lateral, anterior and caudal by changing the polarcoordinate system (r, θ) into a Cartesian coordinate system (x,y). The dose rate at thedistances of 1, 2, 3 and 4 cm from the center point as well as the effect of single-seed-sourcerotation can also be calculated. The entered data as well as the resulting calculation and theisodose contour presentation can be saved, quickly traced and redisplayed at any timenecessarily. It was found that this computer program is in agree with the referenced data so it ishopefully able to assist physicians in the domestic implementation of 125I seeds implants forbrachytherapy

    Perbandingan Cr-51 (III) Dan Cr-s1 (VI) Anorganik Pada Hasil Iradiasi Cr(co)s Dan Cr(c5h7o2)3 Dengan Neutron Termal

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    Thermal neutron irradiation on Cr(CO)6 and Cr(C5H7O2)3 target compounds had been conducted with an average neutron flux of about 2.8 x 10(12) n.cm(-2).der(1). Both post-irradiated target compounds gave inorganic radiochromium in oxidation states of +3 and +6 which were separated by solvent extraction method: For radioactivity measurement, the trivalent species was separased from the hexavalent by hydroxide precipitation using K2CrO4 and Cr(NO)3. 9H2O carriers. The inorganic chromium content was chemically determined by spectrophotometric method without adding arry carriers. The activity of the trivalent inorganic chromium produced from Cr(CO)6 irradiation was higher than that of the hexavalent ones, but in the case of Cr(C5H7O2)3 irradiation; the activity of the hexavalent species was higher. In both cases, the specific activity of the trivalent species was higher than that of the hexavalent species. The specific activity of total inorganic chromium obtained from the irradiation of Cr(CO)6 was higher than that of Cr(C5H7O2)3

    Simulations on Nickel Target Preparation and Separation of Ni(ii)-

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    SIMULATIONS ON NICKEL TARGET PREPARATION AND SEPARATION.OF Ni(II)-Cu(II) MATRIX FORPRODUCTION OF RADIOISOTOPE64Cu64Ni (p,n) 64 and retained on the column while the nickel was kept in the form of Ni2+ 2+ 2+ and CuCl while the nickel was totally in the form of Ni2+ while the nickel was found as both Ni2+ and NiCl while the nickel was mostly in the form of Ni2+. The retained CuCl was then changed back into Cu2+ Keywords 64 Cu, Anion exchange chromatography.: Nickel target preparation, Radioisotope Cu-64, Separation of Ni(II)-Cu(II) matrix, Nuclear reaction of 64Ni(p,n) cation form andeluted out the column by using HCl 0.05 M. The 42– 4 2–.The best condition of separation was in HCl 8 M in which the radioactive copper was mostly in the form of CuCl 42– 42– . In the condition ofHCl 9 M, the radioactive copper was mostly in the form of CuCl 42– cation. It was found that the electroplating result from the acidic solution was more satisfied than that from the basic solution. By conditioning the matrix solution at HCl 6 M, the radioactivecopper was found in the forms of Cucation and eluted off from the column. The retained radioactive copper was then eluted out the column in the condition of dilute HCl changingback the copper anion complex into Cu42– Cu. The nickel target preparation was performed by means of electroplating method using acidic solution of nickel chloride - boric acid mixture and basic solution of nickel sulphate – nickel chloridemixture on a silver- surfaced-target holder. The simulated solution of Ni(II) – Cu(II) matrix was considered as thesolution of post-proton-irradiated nickel target containing both irradiated nickel and radioactive copper, but in thepresented work the proton irradiation of nickel target was omitted, while the radioactive copper was originallyobtained from neutron irradiation of CuO target. The separation of radioactive copper from the nickel target matrixwas based on anion exchange column chromatography in which the radiocopper was conditioned to form anioncomplex CuClg-spectrometric analysis showed a single strong peak at 511 keVwhich is in accord to g-annihilation peak coming from positron decay of Cu-64, and a very weak peak at 1346 keVwhich is in accord to g-ray of Cu-64.. The simulations on Nickel target preparation and separation of Ni(II)- Cu(II) matrix has been carried out as a preliminary study for production of medical radioisotope Cu-64 based onnuclear reaction o

    Pembuatan Radioisotop 64cu Berbasis Reaksi Nuklir 64ni (P,n) 64cu : Simulasi Preparasi Target dan Pemisahan Radionuklida

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    Dalam upayapenguasaan teknologi produksi radioisotop 64Cu berbasis reaksi nuklir 64Ni (p,n) 64Cu, targetnikel disiapkan melalui electroplating suasana asam larutan nikel klorida–asam borat danelectroplating suasana basa larutan nikel klorida–nikel sulfat pada permukaan perak kepingpenyangga target. Larutan simulasi matrik Ni(II)–Cu(II) dianggap sebagai larutan target nikelpasca iradiasi yang mengandung radiotembaga. Dalam percobaan ini iradiasi nikel tidakdilakukan, sedangkan radiotembaga dihasilkan dari aktivasi neutron pada target CuO.Pemisahan radiotembaga dilakukan dengan kromatografi kolom penukar anion pada kondisi Cusebagai komplek anion CuCl42– dan Ni dalam bentuk kation Ni2+. Hasil percobaan menunjukkanlarutan nikel suasana asam memberikan deposit electroplating nikel yang lebih memuaskandibandingkan dengan larutan nikel suasana basa. Dalam kondisi HCl 6 M spesi tembagaterindikasi dalam bentuk Cu2+ dan CuCl42–, sedangkan nikel dalam bentuk Ni2+. Dalam kondisiHCl 9 M, tembaga dalam bentuk CuCl42–, sedangkan nikel dalam bentuk Ni2+ dan NiCl42–.Kondisi pemisahan terbaik adalah dalam HCl 8 M yang mengkondisikan tembaga berada dalambentuk CuCl42–, sedangkan nikel dalam bentuk Ni2+. Selanjutnya CuCl42– yang tertahan di kolomdiubah menjadi Cu2+ dan dielusi dengan HCl 0,05 M. Pemeriksaan spektrometri-γ menunjukkanpuncak kuat pada energi 511 keV yang sesuai dengan energi γ-anihilasi radioisotop 64Cu danpuncak lemah pada 1346 keV sesuai dengan energi γ dari transisi energi internal 64C

    Karakteristik Pemisahan Radiolutesium-177/177mlu dan Radioiterbium-169/175yb pada Kolom Resin Ln-eichrom

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    KARAKTERISTIK PEMISAHAN RADIOLUTESIUM- 177/177mLu DAN RADIOITERBIUM-169/175Yb PADA KOLOM RESIN LN-EICHROM. Radiolutesium-177Lu keradioaktifan jenis tinggi merupakan salah satu radiolantanida yang banyak digunakan untuk menangani berbagai kasus kanker, namun di Indonesia penggunaan radiofarmaka bertanda 177Lu belum dapat dijanjikan karena teknik produksi radioisotop primernya belum dikuasai. Prospek produksi 177Lu melalui reaksi inti 176Yb (n,g) 177Yb* à 177Lu* + β– dipelajari melalui metode pemisahan matrik 177/177mLu-169/175Yb/176Yb dalam sistem kromatografi kolom resin LN-Eichrom. Profil fraksinasi dan karakteristik pemisahan dipelajari dengan pemeriksaan keradioaktifan dan analisis spektro-metri-g terhadap hasil elusi larutan sasaran pasca iradiasi. Bahan sasaran digunakan 176Yb2O3 alam dan 176Lu2O3 diperkaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa radiolutesium-177/177mLu dapat dipisahkan dari matrik radioiterbium-169/175Yb/natYb melalui sistem kromatografi kolom dengan fase diam resin LN-Eichrom dan fase gerak larutan HNO3, dengan konsentrasi antara 1,5 – 4 M untuk mendapatkan pemisahan yang efektif, selektif dan kuantitatif. Reaksi inti 176Yb(n,g) 177Yb* à 177Lu + β– merupakan model reaksi inti yang perlu dipertimbangkan walau-pun harus melibatkan tahapan pemisahan produk 177Lu dari matrik sasaran Yb pasca iradiasi. Prosedur pemisahan yang dilakukan masih perlu diperbaiki melalui pemilihan jenis dan konsentrasi fase gerak pengelusi yang lebih tepat

    Adsorption Behaviour of Cadmium-(ii) on Hydrous Oxide Inorganic Resins

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    ADSORPTION BEHAVIOUR OF CADMlUM-(II) ON HYDROUS OXIDE INORGANIC RESINS. Hydrous titanium oxide (HTO), hydrous zirconium oxide (HZO) and hydrous cerium oxide (HCO) resins were subjected to batch experiments on cadmium-(ll) adsorption studies using standard solutions of Cd-(ll)-nitrate. This was aimed to gain more experimental data in concern to choose inorganic resin for separation of Cd2+ - In3+. matrices in production technology of indium radioisotopes (111/115mln) as well as for recovery of high-enriched cadmium-(112/114Cd) target. Series of cold Cd-(ll)-nitrate standard solutions prepared from natural cadmium were treated by means of mixing and stirring with the resins at room temperature and then separated from the resin by centrifugation. The separating supernatants were then spectrophotometrically analyzed for Cd-(ll) determination as compared to Cd-(ll) content in the corresponding initial solutions. The results indicate that there was no Cd­(ll) adsorption on Merck-produced titanium oxide pre-treated with neutral, acidic or basic condition. The Cd-(ll) adsorption occured either on zirconium oxide or on cerium oxide. The self-synthesized HCO having molecule formula of CeO2.nH2O (n = 0.8868 ± 0.0026) showed higher Cd-(ll)-adsorption capacity than self-synthesized HZO that was found to have molecule formula of ZrO2=.qH2O (q = 1.7613 ± 0.0836), i.e. (47.167 ± 0.083) x 10-3 mg/mg as compared to (12.200 ± 0.255) × 10-3 mg/mg. The ready-used zirconium oxide produced by Atomergic Chem. Corp. showed significantly smaller, i.e. (9.449 + 0.092) x 10-3 mg/mg. The influence of hydrate content in the resins to the Cd­(ll)-adsorption capacity was observed by comparing Cd-(ll)-adsorption capacity of HCO heated up to 400°C (found as CeO2.0.1706H2O) and that of HCO heated up to 800°C (found as CeO2.0.0400H2O), i.e. (116.567 ± 0.839) x 10-3 mg/mg and (146.533 ± 0.897) x 10-3 mg/mg respectively