5 research outputs found

    Projecting Kashmir in Britain

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    Aplikacija herbicida direktnim injektiranjem u konceptu preciznog prskanja

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    A laboratory model for an direct injection system was designed for the metering of appropriate herbicide into a carrier close to the nozzles. Two experiments were performed to investigate the dynamic behavior of this system. In the first experiment the position of the injection point was the center of a boom section and in the second experiment the chemical ingredient was injected close the nozzle. For these experiments a laboratory model of an injection sprayer system was employed. The concentration of metered chemical ingredient was measured down-stream of the injection point using a conductivity sensor based on sensing the electrical conductivity of a salt solution. This sensor was developed for the evaluation of the system time response characteristic of the sprayer. The direct nozzle injection assembly provided a minimal response time from injection point to nozzle tip with less than 2.8 s. The injection applied to a boom section caused response time with a maximum of 7.5 s. This implies a maximum position error of 6.8 to 16.7 m at 8 km h-1 forward speed of the sprayer with camera system for weed detection.Labaratorijski model dirketnog injektorskog sistema je razvijen u smislu odgovarajuće aplikacije herbicida u blizini radnog rasprkivača. Dva eksperimenta su izvedena u cilju istraživanja dinamike ovog sistema. U prvom, pozicija injekcione tačke je bila centar krila prskalice a u drugom hemikalija je injektirana u blizini rasprskivača. U svrhu ovog eksperimenta, labaratorisjki model injektorskog uređaja je upotrebljen. Koncentracija aktivne supstance je merena ispod struje injekcione tačke upotrebom konduktivnog senzora baziranog na električnoj provodljivosti slanog rastvora. Ovaj senzora je razvijen za procenu vremena odgovora sistema prskalice. Uređaj za direktno injektiranje pokazuje minimalno vreme reakcije od injekcione tačke do vrha rasprskivača, manje od 2.8 s. Injektiranje primenjeno na sekcijama krila pokazalo je reaktivno vreme maksimalno do 7.5 s. Ovo implicira maksimalnu pozicionu grešku od 6.8 do 16.7 m pri 8 km/h brzine prskalice sa detekcionim sistemom korova snimanjem kamerom

    Institutions and their agents in diaspora A comparison of Armenians in Athens and Alevis in Germany

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    Presented at the 6th European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference, Krakau, 26-29 July 2000Available from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:9024.9751(2000-11) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Transnationale Migration jenseits von Assimilation und Akkulturation. Transnationale Inklusion und hybride Wissensordnungen als konzeptionelle Alternativen zur Assimilations- und Akkulturationsdebatte

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    Amelina A. Transnationale Migration jenseits von Assimilation und Akkulturation. Transnationale Inklusion und hybride Wissensordnungen als konzeptionelle Alternativen zur Assimilations- und Akkulturationsdebatte. Berliner Journal für Soziologie. 2010;20(2):257-279.Classic theories of migration describe international migration as one-way movements and investigate the cultural adjustment of migrants into a "majority society". Contrary to this view, the article raises the question of new conceptual possibilities to describe migrants' assimilation and acculturation without conceptually focusing on a nation-state frame. In doing so, it makes reference to theories of transnational migration which define migration as a circular process connecting both sending and receiving contexts. This perspective enables, first, to "structural assimilation" as multiple simultaneous inclusions of individuals into societal institutions in different nation-state locations. Secondly, it suggests to consider acculturation as a cultural adjustment of migrants' knowledge patterns, which goes hand in hand with the maintenances, of cultural "otherness"