2,651 research outputs found

    ArgoNeuT: A Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Test in the NuMI Beamline

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    Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber detectors are ideally suited for studying neutrino interactions and probing the parameters that characterize neutrino oscillations. The ability to drift ionization particles over long distances in purified argon and to trigger on abundant scintillation light allows for excellent particle identification and triggering capability. In these proceedings the details of the ArgoNeuT test-beam project will be presented after a brief introduction to the detector technique. ArgoNeuT is a 175 liter detector exposed to Fermilab's NuMI neutrino beamline. The first neutrino interactions observed in ArgoNeuT will be presented, along with discussion of the various physics analyses to be performed on this data sample.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of DPF-2009, Detroit, MI, July 2009, eConf C09072

    Radio and X-ray Observations of the Type Ic SN 2007gr Reveal an Ordinary, Non-relativistic Explosion

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    We present extensive radio and X-ray observations of the nearby Type Ic SN 2007gr in NGC 1058 obtained with the Very Large Array and the Chandra X-ray Observatory and spanning 5 to 150 days after explosion. Through our detailed modeling of these data, we estimate the properties of the blastwave and the circumstellar environment. We find evidence for a freely-expanding and non-relativistic explosion with an average blastwave velocity, v~0.2c, and a total internal energy for the radio emitting material of E ~ 2 x 10^46 erg assuming equipartition of energy between electrons and magnetic fields (epsilon_e=epsilon_B=0.1). The temporal and spectral evolution of the radio emission points to a stellar wind-blown environment shaped by a steady progenitor mass loss rate of Mdot ~ 6 x 10^-7 solar masses per year (wind velocity, v_w=10^3 km/s). These parameters are fully consistent with those inferred for other SNe Ibc and are in line with the expectations for an ordinary, homologous SN explosion. Our results are at odds with those of Paragi et al. (2010) who recently reported evidence for a relativistic blastwave in SN 2007gr based on their claim that the radio emission was resolved away in a low signal-to-noise Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observation. Here we show that the exotic physical scenarios required to explain the claimed relativistic velocity -- extreme departures from equipartition and/or a highly collimated outflow -- are excluded by our detailed Very Large Array radio observations. Moreover, we present an independent analysis of the VLBI data and propose that a modest loss of phase coherence provides a more natural explanation for the apparent flux density loss which is evident on both short and long baselines. We conclude that SN 2007gr is an ordinary Type Ibc supernova.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Unique Signature of Shell Curvature in Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    As a result of spherical kinematics, temporal evolution of received gamma-ray emission should demonstrate signatures of curvature from the emitting shell. Specifically, the shape of the pulse decay must bear a strict dependence on the degree of curvature of the gamma-ray emitting surface. We compare the spectral evolution of the decay of individual GRB pulses to the evolution as expected from curvature. In particular, we examine the relationship between photon flux intensity (I) and the peak of the \nu F\nu distribution (E_{peak}) as predicted by colliding shells. Kinematics necessitate that E_{peak} demonstrate a power-law relationship with I described roughly as: I=E_{peak}^{(1-\zeta)} where \zeta represents a weighted average of the low and high energy spectral indices. Data analyses of 24 BATSE gamma-ray burst pulses provide evidence that there exists a robust relationship between E_{peak} and I in the decay phase. Simulation results, however, show that a sizable fraction of observed pulses evolve faster than kinematics allow. Regardless of kinematic parameters, we found that the existence of curvature demands that the I - E_{peak} function decay be defined by \sim (1-\zeta). Efforts were employed to break this curvature dependency within simulations through a number of scenarios such as anisotropic emission (jets) with angular dependencies, thickness values for the colliding shells, and various cooling mechanisms. Of these, the only method successful in dominating curvature effects was a slow cooling model. As a result, GRB models must confront the fact that observed pulses do not evolve in the manner which curvature demands.Comment: 3 pages, To appear in Proc. from the 2nd Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Er

    Constraints on the Bulk Lorentz Factor of GRB 990123

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    GRB 990123 was a long, complex gamma-ray burst accompanied by an extremely bright optical flash. We present the collective constraints on the bulk Lorentz factor for this burst based on estimates from burst kinematics, synchrotron spectral decay, prompt radio flash observations, and prompt emission pulse width. Combination of these constraints leads to an average bulk Lorentz factor for GRB 990123 of Gamma_0=1000 +/- 100 which implies a baryon loading of M_jet=8 (+17/-2) x 10^-8 Msolar. We find these constraints to be consistent with the speculation that the optical light is emission from the reverse shock component of the external shock. In addition, we find the implied value of M_jet to be in accordance with theoretical estimates: the baryonic loading is sufficiently small to allow acceleration of the outflow to Gamma > 100.Comment: 4 pages, 2 postscript figures, to appear in "Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001", Woods Hole; 5-9 Nov, 200

    The Yale Lar TPC

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    In this paper we give a concise description of a liquid argon time projection chamber (LAr TPC) developed at Yale, and present results from its first calibration run with cosmic rays.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, NuInt07 Conference Proceeding

    The Radio Properties of Type Ibc Supernovae

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    Over the past few years, long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), including the subclass of X-ray flashes (XRFs), have been revealed to be a rare variety of Type Ibc supernova (SN Ibc). While all these events result from the death of massive stars, the electromagnetic luminosities of GRBs and XRFs exceed those of ordinary Type Ibc SNe by many orders of magnitude. The observed diversity of stellar death corresponds to large variations in the energy, velocity, and geometry of the explosion ejecta. Using multi-wavelength (radio, optical, X-ray) observations of the nearest GRBs, XRFs, and SNe Ibc, I show that while GRBs and XRFs couple at least 10^48 erg to relativistic material, SNe Ibc typically couple less than 10^48 erg to their fastest (albeit non-relativistic) outflows. Specifically, I find that less than 3% of local SNe Ibc show any evidence for association with a GRB or XRF. Recently, a new class of GRBs and XRFs has been revealed which are under-luminous in comparison with the statistical sample of GRBs. Owing to their faint high-energy emission, these sub-energetic bursts are only detectable nearby (z < 0.1) and are likely 10 times more common than cosmological GRBs. In comparison with local SNe Ibc and typical GRBs/XRFs, these explosions are intermediate in terms of both volumetric rate and energetics. Yet the essential physical process that causes a dying star to produce a GRB, XRF, or sub-energetic burst, and not just a SN, remains a crucial open question. Progress requires a detailed understanding of ordinary SNe Ibc which will be facilitated with the launch of wide-field optical surveys in the near future.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings for "Supernova 1987A: 20 Years After: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters" AIP, New York, eds. S. Immler, K.W. Weiler, and R. McCra

    Metallicity in the GRB 100316D/SN 2010bh Host Complex

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    The recent long-duration GRB 100316D, associated with supernova SN 2010bh and detected by Swift, is one of the nearest GRB-SNe ever observed (z = 0.059). This provides us with a unique opportunity to study the explosion environment on ~kpc scale in relation to the host galaxy complex. Here we present spatially-resolved spectrophotometry of the host galaxy, focusing on both the explosion site and the brightest star-forming regions. Using these data, we extract the spatial profiles of the relevant emission features (Halpha, Hbeta, [OIII] 5007A, and [NII] 6584A), and use these profiles to examine variations in metallicity and star formation rate as a function of position in the host galaxy. We conclude that GRB 100316D/SN2010bh occurred in a low-metallicity host galaxy, and that the GRB-SN explosion site corresponds to the region with the lowest metallicity and highest star formation rate sampled by our observations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
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