12 research outputs found

    Ion flotation and solvent sublation of zinc(II) and manganese(II) in the presence of proton-ionizable lariat ethers

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    Competitive flotation and solvent sublation of Zn(II) and Mn(II) ions from diluted, model and experimental, aqueous solutions (after leaching of spent Zn-Mn battery) by proton-ionizable lariat ethers in the presence of octylphenylodecyl (ethylene glycol) ether (Triton X-100) as a nonionic foaming agent were investigated. The influence of ether crown size variations (from DB-16-C-5 through DB-19-C-6 to DB-22-C-7) on separation of zinc(II) and manganese(II) ions as well as influence of structural variation within the collectors (identity of the pendent acidic group and lipophilicity) and pH of the aqueous solutions were presented. It was found that among seven tested proton-ionizable lariat ethers, the most effective removal of Zn(II) and Mn(II) ions from diluted aqueous solutions may be achieved with the use of sodium 3-[sym-(Decyl)dibenzo-22-crown-7-oxy]propane-sulfonate)

    Nickel, cadmium and cobalt recovery from spent batteries

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    W pracy zaproponowano czteroetapowy proces odzysku niklu, kadmu i kobaltu ze zu偶ytych baterii niklowo-kadmowych (Ni-Cd) oraz niklowo-wodorkowych (Ni-MH) obejmuj膮cy obr贸bk臋 mechaniczn膮, kwa艣ne 艂ugowanie odpowiednio przygotowanych odpad贸w bateryjnych, ekstrakcj臋 rozpuszczalnikow膮 badanych metali przy u偶yciu tetratiofosforylowanego rezorcyn[4]arenu oraz reekstrakcj臋 metali do fazy wodnej. Ponadto, w celu optymalizacji procesu, okre艣lono wp艂yw wybranych parametr贸w, takich jak: temperatura pocz膮tkowa i czas prowadzenia 艂ugowania, rodzaj kwasu mineralnego oraz pH fazy wodnej i st臋偶enie ekstrahenta na wydajno艣膰 i selektywno艣膰 odzysku badanych metali.Presented work describes four-step recovery process of nickel, cadmium and cobalt from Ni-Cd and Ni-MH batteries. The process consists of mechanical treatment, acid leaching, solvent extraction with the use of tetratiophosphorylated resorcin[4]arene and reextraction of the metal ions to aqueous phase. Additionally, in order to optimize the process, effect of some parameters, such as temperature and duration time of the leaching, the type of mineral acid, pH of aqueous phase and extractant concentration on efficiency and selectivity of metal recovery was determined

    Flotation as a method for nickel and cobalt ions secretion from acidic solutions after leaching of spent primary cells

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    Baterie i akumulatory s膮 powszechnie stosowanymi 藕r贸d艂ami energii. Liczba produkowanych i wprowadzanych ogniw wzrasta z roku na rok, a co za tym idzie zwi臋ksza si臋 ilo艣膰 ich odpad贸w. Zu偶yte chemiczne 藕r贸d艂a energii s膮 odpadami niebezpiecznymi i nie mog膮 trafia膰 na sk艂adowiska odpad贸w komunalnych. W zwi膮zku z tym niezwykle istotne jest nie tylko prowadzenie odpowiedniego systemu zbi贸rki odpad贸w bateryjnych, ale r贸wnie偶 ich przetwarzanie. Efektywnym sposobem ich unieszkodliwiania mo偶e by膰 zastosowanie odzysku materia艂owego zawartych w nich metali z wykorzystaniem metod flotacyjnych. W niniejszej publikacji przedstawiono i om贸wiono wyniki bada艅 odzysku jon贸w niklu(II) i kobaltu(II) z roztwor贸w po kwa艣nym 艂ugowaniu odpad贸w ogniw galwanicznych metodami flotoekstrakcji i flotacji jonowej.Batteries and accumulators are commonly used source of energy. Amount of produced and introduced to market chemical power sources each year is growing. As used batteries and accumulators are considered as a danger waste they should be separated from main waste streams. Efficient reworking method is also very important for successful disposal of dangerous waste. In case of used chemical energy sources hydro-chemical recycling methods, especially flotation, were found to be very reliable. In presented paper results of solvent sublation and ion flotation of nickel and cobalt ions from solution after acidic leaching of chemical power sources are presented

    Solvent sublation of zinc(II) and manganese(II) from solution after acid leaching of chemical power sources

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    Produkty proces贸w kwa艣nego 艂ugowania odpad贸w chemicznych 藕r贸de艂 energii Zn-C i/lub Zn-Mn s膮 potencjalnym 藕r贸d艂em cennych metali. Stosowane do tej pory rozwi膮zania pozwalaj膮 na stosunkowo 艂atwe przeprowadzenie wybranych pierwiastk贸w do roztwor贸w. Jednak w celu wytworzenia produkt贸w, kt贸rych posta膰 by艂aby korzystna zar贸wno z punktu widzenia technologicznego, jak i handlowego, konieczne jest opracowanie kolejnych jednostkowych proces贸w technologicznych. W prezentowanej pracy przedstawiono wyniki flotoekstrakcyjnego wydzielania jon贸w cynku(II) i manganu(II) za pomoc膮 zwi膮zk贸w makrocyklicznych z rozcie艅czonych roztwor贸w po kwa艣nym 艂ugowaniu odpad贸w bateryjnych.Products of acid leaching of spent Zn-C and/or Zn-Mn batteries are possible source of valuable metals. Although there are some methods which are leading to successful transfer of chosen metals to a solution in these paper a novel approach to selective metal separation is presented. To achieve a product that will be both technically easy to achieve and commercially suitable solvent sublation process was used. Extraction ability of macrocyclic compounds in selective solvent sublation of zinc and manganese from diluted solutions was examined

    The impact of active ceramic coating implementation on gasoline engine exhaust toxicity

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    One of the ways for toxic emissions reduction from internal combustion engines, beside external Exhaust purification systems and alternative fuels, is direct intervention into engine combustion process. The inner catalyst application, in form of ceramic active coating applied inside of combustion chamber, is one of the examples of that kind of solution. The application of active coating inside of a compression-ignition engine (diesel engine) may have an important impact on several stages of combustion process: fuel cracking, fore-flame phase, combustion phase and secondary combustion phase. Investigations of such construction are very rare in the literature. The paper presents the results of the researches which aim was analysis of inner catalyst application impact on toxic emissions. As a catalyst platinum and rhodium was used. As a catalyst support and local thermal barrier a zirconium ceramic coating was used. The catalyst was located on the gasoline engine valves surface. The research was done in Emission Research Laboratory of the Division of Motor Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines. The analysis was done according to European standard (EN ISO 16017-1: 2006) on gas chromatograph (Yarian 450 GC) equipped in capillary column and flame-ionization detector (FID). The results of the researches proofed effectiveness of that solution on toxic emissions limitation

    The impact of car vehicle class on volatile organic compounds (VOC's) concentration in microatmosphere of car cabin

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    The inner atmosphere of a car vehicle became one of the most important environments of human life. Many elements inside of a car cabin are potential sources ofvolatile organic compounds (VOC's) which hazardous effect on human health is proved. To estimate quality of indoor air of a car the qualitative analysis of hydrocarbons is very important considering the fact that some substances (i.e. benzene, acetone and xylene isomers) despite low concentration level characterize toxic and carcinogenic properties. A significant impact on VOC's concentration has vehicle cabin e膮uipment and quality of applied materials. The internal sources of the pollution are elements of cabin equipment (textiles, foams, plastic materials), solvents in glues, paints, lac膮uers and car cosmetics. The external sources of the pollution are pollutants emitted to environment in gas phase by mobile or static sources. This paper presents the results of the research which aim was qualitative and quantitative analysis of VOC's concentration inside of various classes of car vehicle cabins. The research was done in Emission Research Laboratory of the Division of Motor vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines. The analysis was done according to European standard (EN ISO 16017-1: 2006) on gas chromatograph (Varian 450 GC) e膮uipped in capillary column and flame-ionization detector (FID). Keywords: Volatile hydrocarbons, indoor measurements, car vehicle cabin

    Emisja zwi膮zk贸w organicznych ze zmodyfikowanego kot艂a ma艂ej mocy zasilanego biomas膮

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    The low emission problem, visible not only in cities but also in agriculture areas, strongly concerns quality of human life and it is connected with small-scall boilers with are heat-suppliers for individual households. The exhaust gases emitted during incorrect fuel combustion process consist mutagenic, genotoxic, irritant and carcinogenic organic substances like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Those substances are dangerous for human health, part of them are very reactive becoming source of secondary pollution, part of them have ability to cumulate in environment. To avoid health problems connected with low emission and toxic organic compounds pollution it is necessary to develop the solutions for non-effective fuel combustion process prevention. The paper presents the results of research work which aim was investigation of small-scall, biomass fueled boiler modifications in aspect of volatile organic compounds emission reduction. The special catalytic-activated ceramic and metal construction was applied inside the combustion space. VOCs and PAHs in exhausts was determined by Varian 450 gas chromatograph. The results, presented in tables and figures, show that applied modification based on ceramic and ceramic activated fittings change significantly emission characteristic reducing VOCs and PAHs concentration in the exhaust but the changes trends are discussible.Problem niskiej emisji, dotykaj膮cy w szczeg贸lny spos贸b jako艣ci 偶ycia cz艂owieka zar贸wno w aglomeracjach miejskich, jak i osadach wiejskich, zwi膮zany jest nieod艂膮cznie z kot艂ami ma艂ej mocy zasilaj膮cymi indywidualne gospodarstwa domowe w ciep艂o. Spaliny emitowane podczas niepoprawnego (niepe艂nego) prowadzenia procesu spalania paliw w tzw. ma艂ych kot艂ach zawieraj膮 gro藕ne dla zdrowia ludzkiego zwi膮zki z grup Lotnych Zwi膮zk贸w Organicznych (LZO). Substancje te charakteryzuje mutagenne oraz kancerogenne dzia艂anie na organizmy 偶ywe i ca艂e ekosystemy, nawet przy niewielkich poziomach st臋偶e艅 oraz zdolno艣膰 do kumulowania si臋 w 艣rodowisku. W celu ochrony 艣rodowiska i zdrowia ludzi niezb臋dne jest opracowanie rozwi膮za艅 umo偶liwiaj膮cych redukcj臋, tak charakterystycznych dla proces贸w spalania w nieefektywnych kot艂ach grzewczych, st臋偶e艅 szkodliwych substancji w臋glowodorowych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pracy badawczej, kt贸rej celem by艂o badanie wp艂ywu modyfikacji przestrzeni spalania w kotle ma艂ej mocy zasilanego biomas膮 na emisj臋 lotnych zwi膮zk贸w organicznych. W przestrzeni spalania kot艂a wprowadzono zmiany konstrukcyjne polegaj膮ce na wprowadzeniu kszta艂tek o w艂asno艣ciach katalitycznych. Oznaczenie LZO w spalinach wykonywano metod膮 chromatografii gazowej za pomoc膮 aparatu Varian 450 GC. Wyniki zaprezentowano w postaci tabel i rysunk贸w

    Content of mercury and cadmium in the stream of spent zinc-carbon batteries type R6, standard AA

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    Dyrektywa unijna dotycz膮ca baterii i akumulator贸w oraz ich odpad贸w zakazuje sprzeda偶y baterii i akumulator贸w zawieraj膮cych wi臋cej ni偶 0,0005% masy rt臋ci oraz 0,002% kadmu (z wyj膮tkiem baterii specjalnego przeznaczenia i ogniw guzikowych, w kt贸rych zawarto艣膰 rt臋ci nie powinna przekroczy膰 2% mas.). Jednak w strumieniu baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych trafiaj膮cych na polski rynek (a p贸藕niej do zak艂ad贸w przetw贸rczych) znajduje si臋 du偶a ilo艣膰 takich, na kt贸rych nie ma informacji o zawarto艣ci rt臋ci i kadmu. Ten stan rzeczy powoduje, i偶 przedsi臋biorstwa zajmuj膮ce si臋 recyklingiem odpad贸w bateryjnych zar贸wno metodami piro-, jak i hydrometalurgicznymi maj膮 problemy technologiczne podczas przer贸bki tych odpad贸w. W pracy przedstawiono pr贸b臋 oszacowania ilo艣ci tych dw贸ch metali w poszczeg贸lnych elementach baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych typu R6, standard AA oraz w strumieniu zu偶ytych baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych trafiaj膮cych do recyklingu.According to EU Directive 2006/66/EC it is prohibited to sale batteries and accumulators containing more than 0.0005 wt. % mercury by weight and 0.002 wt. % of cadmium (except for special purpose batteries and button cells, in which the content of mercury should not exceed 2% by weight). In the stream of zinc-carbon batteries reaching the Polish market (and later the processing plants) there is a large number of those which do not have information about the content of mercury and cadmium. The quantitative study of these two types of metals in particular elements of the zinc-carbon batteries type R6, standard AA and in the stream of spent zinc-carbon batteries for recycling was described. Obtained results are showing that overall cadmium content in individual elements of tested batteries, referenced to the total weight of the battery does not exceed the value permissible by the EU Directive in the amount of 0.002% by weight of Cd in each of the analyzed batteries. However the overall mercury content in individual elements of tested batteries, exceeds for three of them the value permissible by the EU Directive (Directive 2006/66/EC, 2006) in the amount of 0.0005% by weight of Hg

    The chemical properties of alternatiye fuel from Automobile Shredder Residue (ARS)

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    A technical object is wearing down and stop s to do its function what is connected with becoming a problem, in case of vehicles, especially in environmental aspect. The recycling rate of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) has to increase to eighty-five per cent to 2014. Nowadays few methods of recycling can be mentioned. The most popular based on disassembly, second usage of recovered materials trough fragmentation and separation of raw materials and incineration of Automobile Shredder Residue (ARS) using maximum energy recovering and minimum emission causing processes. In this paper the methods of vehicle recycling was analyzed and discussed. Especially raw materials separation aspect was taken into consideration. An average sample of ARS which is a composition of materials like rubber, plastic, wood and fibers which is use as an alternative fuel for co-burning process in industry, was analyzed. Because of metals and organic compounds (PAHs - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, VOC's - Volatile Organic Compounds) toxic emission problem (combustion gas emission and waste emission with cinder) in ecology aspect it is very important to know chemical properties of burning fuel. The ARS very often consist potential hazardous on human health chemical compounds or compounds whose thermal treatment products are toxic. Even if concentration of potential dangerous compound is very low it can cause very serious consequences for environment and humans. The results of chemical properties investigation of alternative fuel from vehicle using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) method are published in this paper. Also alternative solutions for those wastes (ARS) usage are proposed and discussed

    Zawarto艣膰 rt臋ci i kadmu w strumieniu zu偶ytych baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych

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    According to EU Directive 2006/66/EC it is prohibited to sale batteries and accumulators containing more than 0.0005 wt. % mercury by weight and 0.002 wt. % of cadmium (except for special purpose batteries and button cells, in which the content of mercury should not exceed 2 % by weight). In the stream of zinc-carbon batteries reaching the Polish market (and later the processing plants) one can find a large number of such that do not have information about the content of mercury and cadmium. The quantitative study of these two types of metals in particular parts of the zinc-carbon batteries type R6, standard AA, and in the stream of spent zinc-carbon batteries for recycling was described. Obtained results are showing that overall cadmium content in individual elements of tested batteries, referenced to the total weight of the battery does not exceed the value permissible by the EU Directive in the amount of 0.002 % by weight of Cd in each of the analyzed batteries. However, the overall mercury content in individual parts of tested batteries for three of them exceeds the value permissible by the EU Directive (Directive 2006/66/EC, 2006), showing the amount of 0.0005 % of Hg by weight.Dyrektywa unijna dotycz膮ca baterii i akumulator贸w oraz ich odpad贸w [1] zakazuje sprzeda偶y baterii i akumulator贸w zawieraj膮cych wi臋cej ni偶 0,0005 % wagowych rt臋ci oraz 0,002 % kadmu (z wyj膮tkiem baterii specjalnego przeznaczenia i ogniw guzikowych, w kt贸rych zawarto艣膰 rt臋ci nie powinna przekroczy膰 2 % wagowych). Jednak w strumieniu baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych trafiaj膮cych na polski rynek (a p贸藕niej do zak艂ad贸w przetw贸rczych) znajduje si臋 du偶a ilo艣膰 takich, na kt贸rych nie ma informacji o zawarto艣ci rt臋ci i kadmu. Ten stan rzeczy powoduje, i偶 przedsi臋biorstwa zajmuj膮ce si臋 recyklingiem odpad贸w bateryjnych metodami piro-, jak i hydrometalurgicznymi maj膮 problemy technologiczne podczas przer贸bki tych odpad贸w. W pracy przedstawiono pr贸b臋 oszacowania ilo艣ci tych dw贸ch metali w poszczeg贸lnych elementach baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych typu R6, standard AA oraz w strumieniu zu偶ytych baterii cynkowo-w臋glowych trafiaj膮cych do recyklingu