The inner atmosphere of a car vehicle became one of the most important environments of human life. Many elements inside of a car cabin are potential sources ofvolatile organic compounds (VOC's) which hazardous effect on human health is proved. To estimate quality of indoor air of a car the qualitative analysis of hydrocarbons is very important considering the fact that some substances (i.e. benzene, acetone and xylene isomers) despite low concentration level characterize toxic and carcinogenic properties. A significant impact on VOC's concentration has vehicle cabin eąuipment and quality of applied materials. The internal sources of the pollution are elements of cabin equipment (textiles, foams, plastic materials), solvents in glues, paints, lacąuers and car cosmetics. The external sources of the pollution are pollutants emitted to environment in gas phase by mobile or static sources. This paper presents the results of the research which aim was qualitative and quantitative analysis of VOC's concentration inside of various classes of car vehicle cabins. The research was done in Emission Research Laboratory of the Division of Motor vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines. The analysis was done according to European standard (EN ISO 16017-1: 2006) on gas chromatograph (Varian 450 GC) eąuipped in capillary column and flame-ionization detector (FID). Keywords: Volatile hydrocarbons, indoor measurements, car vehicle cabin