24 research outputs found

    Ergonomic studies of the strain in persons working in the garment sewing industry

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    SAŽETAK: U proizvodnim procesima odjevne industrije često dolazi do oboljenja mišićno-koštanog sustava prilikom izvođenja tehnoloških operacija u nepovoljnom radnom položaju i uz ponavljajuće izvođenje radnog zadatka. Stoga su razvijene metode za analizu radnog opterećenja s ciljem otkrivanja nepovoljnih radnih položaja tijela, gornjih i donjih udova. U radu su za analizu radnih uvjeta i radnih položaja korištene OADM (sloven. Ocenjevalna metoda delovnega mjesta) i OWAS (eng. Ovaco Working Analysing System) metode prilikom izvođenja tehnološke operacije sastava gornjeg i donjeg rukava na ženskoj jakni u tehnološkom procesu šivanja odjeće. Podaci dobiveni metodama upućuju na visok stupanj motoričke koordinacije tijela, ruku i nogu, pri čemu dolazi do prisilnih položaja tijela i glave kao posljedica nepovoljnih položaja sjedenja, neusklađenosti dimenzija radnog prostora, neadekvatne metode rada te nepovoljnih stanja radne okoline. Stoga je dan prijedlog za preoblikovanje radnog mjesta u skladu s tjelesnom visinom radnice, čime bi se smanjilo radno opterećenje i zamor radnice.In the garment industry the muscular and skeletal systems are subject to medical disorders due to specific the body posture during work which is aggravated by repetitious tasks. Methods have been developed to study the strain in question with the aim to identify bad body posture and improper position of the upper and lower extremities. The analysis is based on the method proposed by OWAS (Ovaco Working Analysing System), in particular for the stage involving the sewing together of the upper and lower sleeve on a women\u27s jacket. The results indicate a high level of needed motor coordination of the body, arms and legs, whereby forced positioning of the body and head are the result of improper sitting, bad physical dimensions of the work space, inadequate work method and unfavourable working environment. A proposal is offered on how to redesign the workplace to suit the height of the worker thus reducing strain and fatigue

    Noise levels in water bottling process

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    Buka djeluje na čovjeka višestruko štetno, pri čemu direktno ili indirektno oštećuje čovjekovo zdravlje, izaziva zamor i smanjuje radnu sposobnost, ometa govornu komunikaciju, odmor i san. Propisima i normama definira se prihvatljivo stanje buke za svaku konkretnu okolinu na osnovi postavljenih kriterija kao što je zaštita sluha u cilju smanjenja opterećenja i zamora radnika, te povećanje proizvodnosti. U radu je istraživana razina buke u procesu strojnog punjenja boca vodom na tri radna mjesta opremljena računalno vođenim strojevima. Analizom rezultata dobivenih mjerenjem utvrđeno je da je ekvivalentna razina buke različita po radnim mjestima, pri čemu na prvom radnom mjestu iznosi 82,1 dB(A), te na drugom mjestu 83,1 dB(A) što zahtijeva uporabu osobne zaštitne opreme radnika. Na trećem radnom mjestu ekvivalentna razina buke iznosi 78,3 dB(A) te se nalazi u granicama dopuštene razine buke za tu vrstu djelatnosti.Noise has multiple harmful effects on people, with direct or indirect damages to human health, causing fatigue and lowered work capacity, and interfering with verbal communication, rest and sleep. Norms and regulations define acceptable levels of noise for each specific environment providing criteria for hearing protection, all with the objective to reduce load and fatigue and increase productivity. Explored in the paper is the level of noise present in the automatic computerised water bottling plant at three different work places. Analysed measurement results reveal that the equivalent level of noise is different at different work places, with 82.1 dB (A) at the first place and 83.1 dB (A) at the second, thus requiring the use of personal protection. At the third work place the equivalent noise level is 78.3 dB (A) which is within the limits of permitted noise for this type of production activity

    Employee satisfaction survey in hotel industry

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    Zadovoljstvo na radu je skup pozitivnih ili negativnih osjećaja koje zaposlenici doživljavaju prema svojem poslu, a odnose se na čimbenike kao što su suradnici, sadržaj posla, nadređeni, plaća, uvjeti rada, radno vrijeme, unapređenje, priznanje, status, uspjeh, odgovornost, sigurnost, mogućnost razvoja i dr. U radu je metodom anketnog upitnika zatvorenog tipa provedeno istraživanje o zadovoljstvu na radu između zaposlenika: servir, konobar, pomoćni kuhar i kuhar u jednom hotelu. Anketni upitnik sastoji se od 14 odjeljaka ukupno sa 24 pitanja, pri čemu su obuhvaćena opća pitanja te pitanja koja direktno utječu na zadovoljstvo radnika na radnom mjestu (plaća, radno vrijeme, sigurnost na radu, organiziranost radne organizacije, informiranost i dr.). Analizom dobivenih odgovora utvrđeno je da su radnici zadovoljni poduzećem po svim točkama upitnika, pri čemu se postotak zadovoljnih radnika kreće između 77 % i 100 %, ovisno o pitanju.Job satisfaction is a set of positive or negative feelings employees experience in their work, and they relate to various factors: co-workers, job description, superiors, pay, working conditions, hours, promotion, acknowledgement, status, success, responsibility, safety, possibility for further development and other. Employee satisfaction was investigated using the close-ended survey questionnaire method and it included the following employees of a hotel: server, waiter, sous-chef and chef. The survey questionnaire consisted of 14 parts and a total of 24 questions, including both general questions and those directly affecting the employees’ satisfaction at work (pay, hours, safety at work, work place, organisation, awareness and other). The analysis of the answers showed that the employees are satisfied with the work place on all counts, with the employee satisfaction percentage ranging from 77% to 100%, depending on the question

    Impact of anthropometric measurements on ergonomic driver posture and safety

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    Basic properties of vehicle interior are described. Car seat design, upholstery fabrics and passenger safety have been particularly emphasized. Textile fabrics as products providing comfort, safety and esthetics of the vehicle interiorwere dealt with. Safety belts, airbags and car seat covers were specially pointed out. Specific problems related to the safety of passengers, whose anthropometric measurements deviate from the average ones, were addressed

    Trends in work-related injuries in the County of Karlovac 2012 - 2017

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    Jedan od temeljnih pokazatelja razvoja sigurnosti i zaštite na radu u nekoj društvenoj odnosno socijalnoj sredini u promatranom razdoblju je broj evidentiranih profesionalnih bolesti te ozljeda na radu u tom razdoblju. Analizom javno objavljenih podataka o broju prijavljenih ozljeda na radu u razdoblju od 2012. do 2017. godine utvrđen je trend kretanja godišnjeg broja ozljeda na radu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Poseban osvrt dan je na očekivana kretanja broja ozljeda u Karlovačkoj županiji. Utvrđeni trend porasta godišnjeg broja ozljeda na radu pokazatelj je kriznog stanja sigurnosti i zaštite na radu kako u Karlovačkoj županiji tako i u cijeloj Republici Hrvatskoj te ukazuje na potrebu planiranja, educiranja, kontroliranja i provođenja odgovarajućih mjera sigurnosti na radu u svim segmentima društva.One of the basic indicators of occupational safety development in a social environment in the observed period is the number of reported work-related injuries in a given period. The analysis of the published data on the number of registered work-related injuries for the period 2012-2017 identified development trends of the number of injuries in the Republic of Croatia. The anticipated developments in the number of injuries were analysed with special focus on the County of Karlovac. The identified increasing trend in work-related injuries on a yearly level points to a crisis in occupational safety, both in the County of Karlovac and in the Republic of Croatia, which highlights the need for more responsible planning, training, implementation and monitoring of occupational safety in all segments of society


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    Buka predstavlja značajan problem suvremene civilizacije jer izvori buke postaju sve raznovrsniji i sve jači. Ona štetno djeluje na ljudski organizam i uzrokuje pojačane fizičke i psihičke smetnje, te se javljaju opasnosti od oštećenja sluha. U radu je istraživana razina buke u tehnološkom procesu šivanja na pet radnih mjesta opremljenih šivaćim strojevima. Analizom rezultata dobivenih mjerenjem utvrđeno je da se ekvivalentna razina buke kreće između 71 i 77 dB(A), te se tako nalazi u granicama dopuštene razine buke za tu vrstu djelatnosti. Tjedna razina izloženosti buci, također, ne prelazi dopuštenu vrijednost od 80 dB(A).Noise is a great issue in modern civilisation, as sources of noise have become increasingly more varied and more powerful. Noise affects badly the human organism and causes physical and mental disorders as well as presenting a potential harm to the hearing. The paper studies the noise level in the sewing process at five workplaces equipped with sewing machines. Results analysis shows that the noise levels range between 71 and 77 dB(A) which is within the permitted range for this type of work. Weekly level of noise exposure also does not exceed the permitted maximum of 80 dB(A)

    Study of fire extinguishing methods on electric vehicles

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    Gašenje požara električnog vozila predstavlja veliki problem s obzirom da se u njemu uglavnom nalazi litij-ionska baterija za koju još nije utvrđena i razrađena taktika gašenja. U radu je metodom anketnog upitnika zatvorenog tipa provedeno istraživanje o poznavanju taktika gašenja električnog vozila. Anketni upitnik sastoji se od 19 pitanja, pri čemu su obuhvaćena opća pitanja te pitanja koja se odnose na svojstva i funkcije baterija u električnim vozilima, postupci i sredstva za gašenje požara. Analizom dobivenih rezultata utvrđeno je da vatrogasci imaju premalo znanja o gašenju požara na električnom vozilu te su im potrebne edukacije o gašenju požara na električnom vozilu. Prema mišljenju ispitanika, najbolji oblik suradnje je suradnja s proizvođačima električnih vozila.Fire extinguishing in the case of electric vehicles constitutes a considerable problem due to the lithium-ion battery built into such vehicles for which no suitable strategy of fire extinguishing has yet been developed. Using a closed-type questionnaire, a study was conducted to determine the level of knowledge on how to extinguish a fire on an electric vehicle. The questionnaire constituted 19 questions, from general to those on the properties and functions of the battery in electric vehicles, as well as questions on the procedures and means for fire extinguishing. The results have shown that firefighters have only a limited knowledge of how to deal with a fire on electric vehicles, meaning that special training is needed on these matters. Guided by the opinions of the subjects in the study, the best form of co-operation is directly with the manufacturers of electric vehicles


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    Using industrial engineering methods (OADM, OWAS and MTM methods) the existing workplace design for the technological operation of sewing was analyzed at a workplace equipped with a MAUSER SPECIAL 2004-130 sewing machine. The analysis showed that the technological operation is typically performed with the head compulsorily positioned in front flexion, with many adverse curvature angles of the spine, and that the sitting is unphysiologic with isometric stress to the lower extremities. It was found that the workplace is not ergonomically designed to correspond with the static anthropometric properties, leading to improper working posture and causing unnecessary strain. The workplace was redesigned to allow for a more comfortable body posture and to ensure an optimum working method with less strain and fatigue, resulting in greater efficiency of the workplace and better performance of the technological operation