33 research outputs found

    Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and Lateral Recess Syndrome

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    Bolni sindrom leđa jedno je od najčeŔćih bolesnih stanja i nerijetko prelazi u ishialgičnu formu kojoj uzrok može biti , osim diskalne hernije, i stenoza lateralnog recesusa. Ta stenoza je čest oblik degenerati vne spinalne stenoze koja se može pojaviti samostalno ili u kombinaciji s centralnom stenozom. Sindrom lateralnog recesusa oboljenje je koje nažalost zna ostati neprepoznato, pa liječenje ostaje na razini konzervati vne terapije. Kvalitetno uzeti anamnesti čki podaci uz ciljane neuroradioloÅ”ke pretrage razlučit će sindrom lateralnog recesusa od ostalih sličnih oboljenja. Upotreba mikrokirurÅ”ke i minimalno invazivne operacijske tehnike, kao i mogućnost da se operacijski zahvati izvedu u spinalnom bloku, omogućavaju uspjeÅ”no liječenje i kod bolesnika visoke životne dobi. Na vrijeme uočen sindrom lateralnog recesusa može se uspjeÅ”no liječiti i poboljÅ”ati kvalitetu života.Low back pain is one of the most common diseases and oft en transforms to ischialgic form which can be caused by herniated disc and lateral recess stenosis. The lateral recess stenosis is a common form of degenerati ve spinal stenosis which can occur either alone or in combinati on with central stenosis. Lateral recess syndrome is a disease which oft en remains unrecognized and treatment conservati ve. Well taken anamnestic data together with diagnostic neuroradiologic methods will help distinguish the syndrome of lateral recess from other similar diseases. The use of microsurgical and minimally invasive operating techniques as well as the ability to perform surgery in the spinal block, enables successful treatment of elderly pati ents. At the ti me treated, the lateral recesuss syndrome can be successfully cured and the quality of life improved

    Influence of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Myogenic Transcriptional Factors of Denervated Rat Muscle

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) treatment influences the expression of transcriptional myogenic factors in denervated ratā€™s extensor digitorum longus muscle. Thus, expressing regulatory myogenic factors MyoD and myogenin were analyzed in denervated muscles (up to 30 days). Second group of denervated rats were afterwards treated with HBO2. Normal, innervated muscles were used as controls. Western blot analysis showed a significant upregulation of MyoD and myogenin proteins in denervated muscle during this period. Denervated muscles of rats exposed to HBO2 treatment had also significant upregulation of both transcriptional factors but the treatment had not altered their expression. The immunohistochemical analysis showed MyoD and myogenin protein expression through this period in the denervated, untreated muscles and in denervated muscles of rats treated with HBO2, too. One month denervation caused a reduction in muscle fiber cross-sectional area. The treatment with HBO2 had not reduced the degree of atrophy. The protocol of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) applied in this study had no beneficial effect either on transcriptional myogenic factors or on atrophy of denervated rat muscle

    The Importance of Anatomical Topography in Nasolacrimal Duct Stenosis

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    In our previous study the inclination of nasolacrimal canal in relation to Frankfurt horizontal plane has been analysed on 71 anatomically preparated human skulls by introducing the probe through canal. The results of that study showed that the alpha angle in the frontal plane was greater than 91Ā° in 27% of cases, i.e. nasolacrimal canals descend diverging in relation to the median plane and both probes are intersected on glabella. In 55% of cases, the alpha angle was less than 89Ā° and probes diverge on glabella, and in 18% of cases the canals were parallel to the median plane. In this study nasolacrimal ducts in patients were visualised with Omnipaque contrast that was injected with probe through the superior lacrimal punctum. Thereafter radiography was performed. These in vivo results confi rm our previous results obtained on the skulls. Minimal individual variations of values of the angle were observed. These fi ndings are very important in probing of stenosis of nasolacrimal duct in infants, as the operator would not have to forcefully probe with rigid instrument through gentle infant nasolacrimal duct. Diffi cult and serious consequences for infants arise when directing the probe Ā»via falsaĀ« and that often happened in practice. The authors therefore suggest when using this old method of probing, that this Ā»surgicalĀ« act should be performed with Ā»softĀ« probe made of nylon or silver that is very pliable and does not lead to nasal or temporal rupture of the canal

    Histomorphological Analysis of the Osteophytic Appositions in Patients with Lumbar Lateral Recess Syndrome

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    Patients with lumbar lateral recess syndrome (LRS) can be successfully cured by removing osseous excrescences that grow on the peripheral edge of articular surface of the facet joint. They cause narrowing of the lateral recess and compress a root of the spinal nerve. Their appearance is related to the instability of respective dynamic vertebral segment. The aim of this study was to analyze the osteophytic composition morphohistochemically and elucidate cellular processes that lead to this new formation appearance. It is necessary to find a possible causative-consequential relation between the osteophyte and instability. The ideal object to explore was the osteophyte in the lateral recess because it had to be removed during operative treatment. The group of 30 patients with clinical feature of LRS was chosen. Each patient had clinically verified LRS with consequential radiculopathy. Bony outgrowths were removed surgically and analyzed by histological and immunohistochemical methods: toluidine blue, Goldner trichrome, TRAP, indirect peroxidase with antibodies against BMP 3 and BMP 7. The outgrowths that caused lateral recess stenosis were composed of fibrous and hyaline cartilage and cancellous bone. The changes in cartilage and bone, and occurrence of intramembranous bone formation in sense of enlargement of trabeculae, leads to the conclusion that marginal osteophytic formations could be an adaptation to changed conditions in the dynamic vertebral segment and an attempt to stabilize this segment by enlargement of articular surface

    Dilemma of Antiepileptic Drugs Withdrawal in Symptomatic Epilepsy

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    A successful treatment of epilepsy depends on numerous factors such as etiology, genetics and environmental impact. An exact diagnosis, treatment and an adequate selection of antiepileptic drugs (AED) are important from the very beginning. The patient with symptomatic epilepsy caused by the brain tumor (low-grade astrocytoma in the left parietal lobe, surgically removed 17 years after the first manifestation of illness) is presented in this study. He has been seizure free for 6 years. The represented case study deals with the risk-benefit analysis of the discontinuation of the prescribed antiepileptic treatment that has lasted for 23 years

    Is the Term Ā»Fasciculus Opticus CerebralisĀ« more Justifiable Than the Term Ā»Optic NerveĀ«?

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    The terminology of the optic nerve had already been changed three times, since 1895 until 1955 when the term Ā»nervus opticusĀ« was introduced in the Ā»Terminologia AnatomicaĀ«. Following our study we claim that, from the aspect of phylogenetic evolution of binocular vision development as well as optical embryogenesis where opticus is evidently presented as a product of diencephalic structures, the addition of the term Ā»nervusĀ« to opticus is not adequate and justified. From the clinical aspect the term Ā»nervus opticusĀ« is also inadequate, both as a Ā»nerveĀ« that has no functional regenerative properties, unlike other cranial nerves, as well as from a pedagogical and didactical aspect of educating future physicians. We suggest that the term Ā»Fasciculus Opticus CerebralisĀ« should be used as it much better explains the origin as well as its affiliation to the central nervous system

    Muscle Loss in Elderly

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    Aging is associated with loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength and endurance. The aim of this study was to determinate age related changes in human muscles with different function and location in the body (vastus lateralis muscle and intercostal internus muscle). Our results suggest that age related muscle atrophy affect both human skeletal muscles. Also, the results showed the increase in percentage of muscle fibers with high oxidative activity during aging

    Muscle progenitor cells in skeletal muscle

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    Iako su malobrojne, satelitske stanice u skeletnom miÅ”iću mogu u slučaju ozljede proizvesti velik broj mioblasta koji će daljnjim procesom regenerativne miogeneze dovesti do obnove miÅ”ićnog tkiva. Ove stanice su matične stanice specifične za miÅ”ićno tkivo. Njihovom aktivacijom pokreće se slijed u ekspresiji miogenetskih regulacijskih čimbenika i time program miogeneze. Satelitskim je stanicama svojstvena sposobnost samoobnavljanja. One predstavljaju heterogenu skupinu stanica s obzirom na funkciju i na markere kojima se dokazuju. Pored satelitskih stanica izolirane su i druge matične stanice u miÅ”iću koje u eksperimentalnim uvjetima pridonose miogenezi. Miogenetski potencijal ovih stanica pokuÅ”ava se iskoristiti u terapeutske svrhe u nekim oblicima miÅ”ićnih oboljenja.Although not numerous, satellite cells in skeletal muscle are capable to generate a large number of myoblasts upon injury. A further process of regenerative myogenesis leads to the muscle regeneration. Satellite cells are stem cells specific to skeletal muscle tissue. Their activation initiates the sequence of expression in myogenic regulatory factors and thus myogenic program. Besides the ability to provide new myoblasts, these cells also have selfrenewing capacity. Satellite cells are a heterogeneous group of cells considering their function and distinction markers. Several other types of stem cells with myogenic ability (in experimental conditions) have been isolated from the skeletal muscle. Therapeutic approaches to treat some forms of muscular diseases have been based on myogenic potential of both groups of stem cells