32,415 research outputs found

    Dynamical theory on low energy electron diffraction Final report

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    Bethe theory of low energy electron diffraction applied to computation of diffracted beam intensity as function of wavelengt

    Laser surface interactions - Creation and detection of atomically clean surfaces Semiannual report, Oct. 1, 1966 - Mar. 31, 1967

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    Low energy electron diffraction method of identifying atomically clean surface after laser surface interactio

    Study made of interaction between sound fields and structural vibrations

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    Study analyzes structural vibrations and the interactions between them and sound fields. It outlines a conceptual framework to analyze the vibrations of systems and their interactions, incorporating the results of earlier studies and establishing a unified basis for continuing research

    Investigation of kilovolt ion sputtering quarterly progress report

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    Radioactive tracer technique to measure yield and angular distribution of cesium ion sputtered coppe

    Copernicus observational searches for OH and H2O in diffuse clouds

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    An intensive search for OH and H2O in the directions of sigma Sco, alpha Cam, and micron Per was undertaken with the Copernicus satellite. Multiple scans were carried out over the wavelength region for the expected absorption features due to the OH D-X and H2O C-X transitions. The feature due to OH was detected marginally towards sigma Sco, and only an upper limit can be given towards alpha Cam. H2O was not detected in any of the stars at the signal level accumulated. The OH abundance towards sigma Sco and the respective lower limits for the OH/H2O ratios are discussed with regard to the extant models for the steady state abundances of OH and H2O, and shown not to be inconsistent with ion-molecule schemes

    Investigation of kilovolt ion sputtering second quarterly progress report

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    Kilovolt ion sputtering - electron beam focusing of cesium ion beam, radiation detection in copper atoms, ultrahigh vacuum system construction, and spectrometer pulse heigh

    Investigation of kilovolt ion sputtering Quarterly progress report, Feb. - Apr. 1966

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    Sputtering of single crystals of electrode material under cesium and mercury ion beam bombardmen

    Investigation of kilovolt ion sputtering quarterly progress report

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    Investigation of cesium ion sputtering of monocrystalline copper using radioactive tracer techniqu

    Investigation of kilovolt ion sputtering Final report

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    Yield and angular distribution measurements of cesium ion and mercury ion sputterin

    Investigation of kilovolt ion sputtering Quarterly progress report, May - Jul. 1966

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    Aluminum sputtering, and neutron activation analysis after cesium ion bombardmen