718 research outputs found

    Stocking up: the influence of past innovativity in a region

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    Agglomeration and innovation: evidence from Dutch microdata

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    Rietveld, P. [Promotor]Groot, H.L.F. de [Promotor

    On the design of a real-time volume rendering engine

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    An architecture for a Real-Time Volume Rendering Engine (RT-VRE) is given, capable of computing 750 × 750 × 512 samples from a 3D dataset at a rate of 25 images per second. The RT-VRE uses for this purpose 64 dedicated rendering chips, cooperating with 16 RISC-processors. A plane interpolator circuit and a composition circuit, both capable to operate at very high speeds, have been designed for a 1.6 micron VLSI process. Both the interpolator and composition circuit are back from production. They have been tested and both complied with our specifications

    Regional wage differences in the Netherlands: Micro-evidence on agglomeration externalities

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    Based on micro-data on individual workers for the period 2000-2005, we show that wage differentials in the Netherlands are small but present. A large part of these differentials can be attributed to individual characteristics of workers. Remaining effects are partially explained by variations in employment density, with an elasticity of about 3.8 percent and by Marshall-Arrow-Romer externalities, where doubling the share of a (2-digit NACE) industry results in a 2.4 percent higher productivity. We find evidence for a negative effect of competition (associated with Porter externalities) and diversity (associated with Jacobs externalities)

    Micro-evidence on the determinants of innovation in the Netherlands: The relative importance of absorptive capacity and agglomeration externalities

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    This paper employs firm-level data to analyze the relative importance of firm characteristics and agglomeration externalities in explaining variation in innovation rates across firms. More specifically, we combine micro-data and census data to estimate the probability that a firm will introduce a goods, service or process innovation. We consider internal firm-level characteristics as well as externalities, using information on the regional production structure to test for Marshall-Arrow-Romer, Porter and Jacobs effects. Our results show that most firm-specific variables are highly statistically significant, whereas agglomeration variables are only significant for a few specific sectors, and even then only for some types of innovation

    Dynamic regulation of the histamine H1 and H2 receptors

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    Деякі аспекти методики аналізу сучасної музики

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    The violated in this article problem of the analysis of the modern music, complicated through the permanent growth of action of music outside factors of the modern music creation and its text transformations and anomalies, complications of communicative nature, is extraordinarily important in a scientifically-methodical plan. All these factors are in dissoluble communication, and it is therefore needed permanent and intent attention from the side of tutor, which forms the pupil's ability to correctly select strategy, tactics and tools of the analytical work

    Модернізація вітчизняної промисловості: аналіз тенденцій та перспективи розвитку

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    Визначено перспективи та проблеми модернізації вітчизняної промисловості. Розглянуто процеси модернізації через динаміку таких показників, як ступінь зносу, обсяги інвестицій в основний капітал, фондоозброєність. Проаналізовано тенденції та перспективи розвитку промисловості. Ключові слова: модернізація промисловості, перспективи розвитку, Класифікатор видів економічної діяльності.Определены перспективы и проблемы модернизации отечественной промышленности. Рассмотрены процессы модернизации через динамику таких показателей, как степень износа, объемы инвестиций в основной капитал, фондовооруженность. Проанализированы тенденции и перспективы развития промышленности. Ключевые слова: модернизация промышленности, перспективы развития, Классификатор видов экономической деятельности.The paper defines the prospects and problems concerning modernization of the domestic industry. The processes of modernization are considered through dynamics of such indicators as the level of deterioration, amounts of investments in basic capital, capital-labour ratio. Keywords: modernization of industry, prospects for development, classifier of economic activity