67 research outputs found

    Reliable postprocessing improvement of van der Waals heterostructures

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    The successful assembly of heterostructures consisting of several layers of different 2D materials in arbitrary order by exploiting van der Waals forces has truly been a game changer in the field of low dimensional physics. For instance, the encapsulation of graphene or MoS2 between atomically flat hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) layers with strong affinity and graphitic gates that screen charge impurity disorder provided access to a plethora of interesting physical phenomena by drastically boosting the device quality. The encapsulation is accompanied by a self-cleansing effect at the interfaces. The otherwise predominant charged impurity disorder is minimized and random strain fluctuations ultimately constitute the main source of residual disorder. Despite these advances, the fabricated heterostructures still vary notably in their performance. While some achieve record mobilities, others only possess mediocre quality. Here, we report a reliable method to improve fully completed van der Waals heterostructure devices with a straightforward post-processing surface treatment based on thermal annealing and contact mode AFM. The impact is demonstrated by comparing magnetotransport measurements before and after the AFM treatment on one and the same device as well as on a larger set of treated and untreated devices to collect device statistics. Both the low temperature properties as well as the room temperature electrical characteristics, as relevant for applications, improve on average substantially. We surmise that the main beneficial effect arises from reducing nanometer scale corrugations at the interfaces, i.e. the detrimental impact of random strain fluctuations

    Four-terminal magneto-transport in graphene p-n junctions created by spatially selective doping

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    In this paper we describe a graphene p-n junction created by chemical doping. We find that chemical doping does not reduce mobility in contrast to top-gating. The preparation technique has been developed from systematic studies about influences on the initial doping of freshly prepared graphene. We investigated the removal of adsorbates by vacuum treatment, annealing and compensation doping using NH3. Hysteretic behavior is observed in the electric field effect due to dipolar adsorbates like water and NH3. Finally we demonstrate spatially selective doping of graphene using patterned PMMA. 4-terminal transport measurements of the p-n devices reveal edge channel mixing in the quantum hall regime. Quantized resistances of h/e^2, h/3e^2 and h/15e^2 can be observed as expected from theory.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Transconductance fluctuations as a probe for interaction induced quantum Hall states in graphene

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    Transport measurements normally provide a macroscopic, averaged view of the sample, so that disorder prevents the observation of fragile interaction induced states. Here, we demonstrate that transconductance fluctuations in a graphene field effect transistor reflect charge localization phenomena on the nanometer scale due to the formation of a dot network which forms near incompressible quantum states. These fluctuations give access to fragile broken-symmetry and fractional quantum Hall states even though these states remain hidden in conventional magnetotransport quantities.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Even denominator fractional quantum Hall states in higher Landau levels of graphene

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    An important development in the field of the fractional quantum Hall effect has been the proposal that the 5/2 state observed in the Landau level with orbital index n=1n = 1 of two dimensional electrons in a GaAs quantum well originates from a chiral pp-wave paired state of composite fermions which are topological bound states of electrons and quantized vortices. This state is theoretically described by a "Pfaffian" wave function or its hole partner called the anti-Pfaffian, whose excitations are neither fermions nor bosons but Majorana quasiparticles obeying non-Abelian braid statistics. This has inspired ideas on fault-tolerant topological quantum computation and has also instigated a search for other states with exotic quasiparticles. Here we report experiments on monolayer graphene that show clear evidence for unexpected even-denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in the n=3n=3 Landau level. We numerically investigate the known candidate states for the even-denominator fractional quantum Hall effect, including the Pfaffian, the particle-hole symmetric Pfaffian, and the 221-parton states, and conclude that, among these, the 221-parton appears a potentially suitable candidate to describe the experimentally observed state. Like the Pfaffian, this state is believed to harbour quasi-particles with non-Abelian braid statistic

    Quasiparticle Tunneling across an Exciton Condensate

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    The bulk properties of the bilayer quantum Hall state at total filling factor one have been intensively studied in experiment. Correlation induced phenomena such as Josephson-like tunneling and zero Hall resistance have been reported. In contrast, the edge of this bilayer state remains largely unexplored. Here, we address this edge physics by realizing quasiparticle tunneling across a quantum point contact. The tunneling manifests itself as a zero bias peak that grows with decreasing temperature. Its shape agrees quantitatively with the formula for weak quasiparticle tunneling frequently deployed in the fractional quantum Hall regime in single layer systems, consistent with theory. Interestingly, we extract a fractional charge of only a few percent of the free electron charge, which may be a signature of the theoretically predicted leakage between the chiral edge and the bulk mediated by gapless excitations

    Quasiparticle Tunneling across an Exciton Condensate

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    The bulk properties of the bilayer quantum Hall state at total filling factor one have been intensively studied in experiment. Correlation induced phenomena such as Josephson-like tunneling and zero Hall resistance have been reported. In contrast, the edge of this bilayer state remains largely unexplored. Here, we address this edge physics by realizing quasiparticle tunneling across a quantum point contact. The tunneling manifests itself as a zero bias peak that grows with decreasing temperature. Its shape agrees quantitatively with the formula for weak quasiparticle tunneling frequently deployed in the fractional quantum Hall regime in single layer systems, consistent with theory. Interestingly, we extract a fractional charge of only a few percent of the free electron charge, which may be a signature of the theoretically predicted leakage between the chiral edge and the bulk mediated by gapless excitations

    Non-linear Landau fan diagram for graphene electrons exposed to a moir\'e potential

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    Due to Landau quantization, the conductance of two-dimensional electrons exposed to a perpendicular magnetic field exhibits oscillations that generate a fan of linear trajectories when plotted in the parameter space spanned by density and magnetic field. This fan looks identical irrespective of the electron dispersion details that determines the field dependence of the Landau level energy. This is no surprise, since the position of conductance minima solely depends on the level degeneracy which is linear in flux. The fractal energy spectrum that emerges within each Landau band when electrons are also exposed to a two-dimensional superlattice potential produces numerous additional oscillations, but they too create just linear fans for the same reason. Here, we report on conductance oscillations of graphene electrons exposed to a moir\'e potential that defy this general rule of flux linearity and attribute the anomalous behavior to the simultaneous occupation of multiple minibands and magnetic breakdown