Quasiparticle Tunneling across an Exciton Condensate


The bulk properties of the bilayer quantum Hall state at total filling factor one have been intensively studied in experiment. Correlation induced phenomena such as Josephson-like tunneling and zero Hall resistance have been reported. In contrast, the edge of this bilayer state remains largely unexplored. Here, we address this edge physics by realizing quasiparticle tunneling across a quantum point contact. The tunneling manifests itself as a zero bias peak that grows with decreasing temperature. Its shape agrees quantitatively with the formula for weak quasiparticle tunneling frequently deployed in the fractional quantum Hall regime in single layer systems, consistent with theory. Interestingly, we extract a fractional charge of only a few percent of the free electron charge, which may be a signature of the theoretically predicted leakage between the chiral edge and the bulk mediated by gapless excitations

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