5 research outputs found

    Influence of Milk Thistle Shot on Quality Parameters of the Sour-milk Beverage

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    Modern complicated ecological conditions cause a general necessity in improving the food structure of the population due to improving the quality, biological value and taste characteristics of products. Just that is why, the aim of the work was to study the influence of milk thistle shot on quality parameters of the sour-milk beverage – kefir. It was established, that it had the homogenous consistence with a broken clot and color from white to creamy with shot particles. The increase of the milk thistle shot dose to 3 % and 4 % results in the taste with the brightly expressed milk thistle smack and brown color with the expressed milk thistle content. The viscosity of kefir with fms 2,5 % changes during seven days of storage, although remains rather high at 8 day, namely 47 s. The increase of the viscosity of kefir with milk thistle shot is explained by its hygroscopic properties, in which result free moisture of the product is bound. The analysis of microbiological parameters in the process of storage of kefir with milk thistle shot allows to make a conclusion about the satisfactory sanitary condition of the new product and its harmlessness for consumer's health. In the kefir with milk thistle shot the general amount of amino acids grew by 11,6 %, including irreplaceable ones – by 10,1 %, replaceable – by 12,6 %, that indicates its biological value.Addition of milk thistle shot to kefir didn't cause changes of the biological value of the protein component of the combined product. It is testified by the mean value of amino acid scores of control (129,3 %) and experimental (127,9 %) samples of kefir. Some growth of the valine score (3,6 %) can be noted.So, the combined product is characterized by the balanced amino acid composition. Due to adding milk thistle shot, consumption of amino acids, necessary for synthesis of proteins and essential number of compounds, vitally important for the human organism, grew

    Study of the Different Ways of Proteins Extraction From Sheep and Cow Whey for “Urda” Cheese Production

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    The necessary stage of technological process of “Urda” albumin cheese production is whey proteins extraction from sheep whey (in classic technology of product) or from the whey mixtures, offered in the work. For whey proteins extraction from whey the following ways are used: thermal, acid, acid-alkaline and chlorine-calcium.There was established the equal dependence of the influence of the way of proteins extraction from both sheep and cow whey on the output of protein mass.The most output of protein mass (3,47±0,10 %) is at the chlorine-calcium way of proteins extraction, a bit less – 3,41±0,08 % – at the acid-alkaline way. But the acidity of such protein mass, received by the chlorine-calcium and acid-alkaline ways is not high – 37,2±1,8 and 45,6±1,4 % respectively that negatively influences the gustatory qualities of product. The least output is registered at the thermal way. Albumin cheese, received from such protein mass, was the best by its gustatory qualities. The output of protein mass from sheep whey is 1,60 times higher than from cow whey. The mass share of proteins in protein mass, received from sheep whey is by 6,9…8,0 % higher comparing with one, received from cow whey.Protein mass, received from sheep whey by the chlorine-calcium and acid-alkaline ways has the low titrated acidity. Cheese, received from protein mass, received of sheep whey by the acid method, has the extremely high acidity values (115,5±1,5 °Т), excessive sour-milk flavor and smell. These results don-t allow to provide the long storage term. That is why it is recommended to use the thermal way for proteins extraction from sheep whey and for proteins extraction from cow way in the technology of “Urda” albumin cheese.So the thermal way of proteins extraction from the mixture of sheep and cow whey in ratio 1:1 or 3:1 can be used for “Urda” albumin cheese production. The use of cow whey gives a possibility to cheapen the product because cow whey is cheaper than sheep one. Such cheese has the improved organoleptic parameters, namely homogenous consistence, tender sour-milk flavor and smell

    Substantiation of the Method of Protein Extraction From Sheep and Cow Whey for Producing the Cheese "Urda"

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    We substantiated the methods of protein extraction from sheep and cow whey for the production of the cheese "Urda". We established a similar dependence of the effect of the method of protein extraction from both sheep and cow whey on the yield of bulk protein. The largest yield of bulk protein was achieved when using the chloro-calcium method of extraction. Slightly less – when applying the acid-alkaline and acid methods. The lowest yield was observed when employing the thermal technique. The yield of bulk protein from sheep whey is 1.60 times higher than that from the cow whey.The bulk protein, received from sheep whey by the chloro-calcium and acid-alkaline methods, has rather low titrated acidity, which causes unpronounced sour milk taste and smell in the cheese "Urda". The cheese, produced from bulk protein received from sheep whey by the acid method, has extremely high values of acidity (115.5±1.5 °T), excessive sour milk taste and flavor. The indicated results will not enable a long term of its storage. That is why, for the extraction of proteins from sheep whey, we recommend using the thermal method in the technology of the albumin cheese "Urda", similar for protein extraction from cow whey.Thus, we can state that for the production of the albumin cheese "Urda", it is possible to apply the thermal method of protein extraction from the mixtures of sheep and cow whey in the ratio of 1:1 or 3:

    Effect of the Cryopowder "Beet" on Quality Indicators of New Curd Desserts

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    Natural plant bio-additives deserve special attention, because due to their natural properties they provide dairy products with functional properties. The use of such additives makes it possible to fill the shortage of essential nutrients, increase non-specific resistance of an organism to the effect of unfavorable environmental factors. A skillful combination of cryopowders and the dairy base are very promising both in technological and social terms.The technology of curd desserts with varying fat mass fraction using the cryopowder "Beet" was developed. The expedience of using the cryopowder "Beet" in the technology of new sweet curd mass was substantiated. The optimal dose of the cryopowder "Beet" was proposed. The possibility of using the cryopowder "Beet" as a component of health promoting curd desserts was studied. The amount of the specified cryo-additive varies depending on the fat mass fraction of the dairy base. The organoleptic, physical, and chemical and microbiological characteristics were studied in the experimental samples. An analysis of organoleptic characteristics of curd masses with the cryopowder "Beet" shows that they did not have any substantial changes and fully comply with regulatory requirements. Thus, the color of the sweet curd mass was light-beet, raspberry with separate white inclusions of crushed powder-like cryogenic bio-additive. The curd masses retained the smell of fresh sour milk. When introducing the cryopowder "Beet" into the curd mass, the energy value grew.The revealed changes in the amino acid composition of curd masses indicate that the use of cryopowder "Beet" makes it possible to enhance nutritional and biological value of the protein component. In particular, we established an increase in the total amount of amino acids by 1.73 %; by 1.16 % in the composition of essential amino acids, and by 2.17 % in the composition of non-essential amino acids.The proposed product expands the domestic range of dairy products for functional purposes