15 research outputs found

    The Diatom Flora of Phosphorus-Enriched And Unenriched Sites in an Everglades Marsh

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    Diatoms are used as environmental indicators in the Florida Everglades, a large subtropical wetland highly impacted by phosphorus pollution. However, the taxonomy of the diatom flora, a mix of temperate and tropical diatoms, is understudied. Therefore, we analyzed the taxonomy of 71 diatom taxa collected in Water Conservation Area 2A (WCA-2A). Diatoms were analyzed from sediment cores and from floating algal mats collected in phosphorus-enriched northern WCA-2A and in relatively unenriched southern WCA-2A. In addition, diatoms were analyzed from experimental mesocosms in southern WCA- 2A dosed with 0-126 µgL-1 P-PO4. Total phosphorus optima were calculated for dominant taxa. Average percent abundances in phosphorus-enriched and unenriched conditions are given for all taxa. Eleven taxa were dominant (\u3e5% abundance in at least one sample) in unenriched conditions, 17 taxa were observed only in phosphorus-enriched conditions, and 9 taxa were observed only below 2 cm in sediment cores. We compared the flora to taxonomical accounts of diatoms from temperate and tropical regions, with a special focus on nearby Antillean islands (Cuba, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico). Light microscope images of each taxon and SEM images of selected taxa are presented. Taxonomical measurements are given for each taxon, and differences from descriptions in other taxonomical accounts are discussed. A new combination, Achnanthes caledonica Lange-Bertalot = Achnanthidium caledonicum (Lange-Bertalot) comb nov. is proposed

    Impact of Pre-Columbian Agriculture, Climate Change, and Tectonic Activity Inferred From a 5,700-Year Paleolimnological Record from Lake Nicaragua

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    Lake Nicaragua, the largest lake in Central America, is a promising site for paleolimnological study of past climate change, tectonic and volcanic activity, and pre-Columbian agriculture in the region. It is near the northern limit of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which brings the rainy season to the tropics, so effects of decreasing precipitation due to southern migration of the ITCZ through the Holocene should be observable. Because fault zones and an active volcano lie within the lake, the long-term impact of tectonic and volcanic activity can also be examined. Finally, the fertile volcanic soils near the lake may have encouraged early agriculture. We analyzed diatoms, biogenic silica (BSi), total organic carbon (TOC), water content, volcanic glass, and magnetic susceptibility in a sediment core from Lake Nicaragua with eleven accelerator mass spectroscopy radiocarbon dates, spanning ~5,700 years. Sediment accumulation rates decreased from the bottom to the top of the core, indicating a general drying trend through the Holocene. An increase in eutrophic diatom abundance suggests that pre-Columbian agriculture impacted the lake as early as ~5,400 cal yr BP. Above a horizon of coarser grains deposited sometime between ~5,200 and 1,600 cal yr BP, planktonic diatoms increased and remained dominant to the top of the core, indicating that water depth permanently increased. Although magnetic susceptibility peaked and water content dipped at the coarse horizon, volcanic glass fragments did not increase, suggesting that the coarse horizon and subsequent increase in water depth were caused by tectonic rather than by volcanic activity. Decreased accumulation rates of BSi and TOC indicate that water became clearer when depth increased


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    Concussions and the Courthouse

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