25 research outputs found

    Komposisi Zat Gizi Makanan Siap Santap Berbagai Hidangan Nasi/mie Lengkap Dan Penganan Khas Indonesia

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    Pada tahun anggaran 1989/1990 telah diteliti komposisi zat gizi 14 masakan (mie, dll) dan 10 makanan penganan (jajanan). Kandungan zat gizi jenis-jenis masakan berkisar antara 60-291 Kal dengan protein berkisar antara 0.85-15.6 g. Kandungan kalori jenis-jenis penganan berkisar antara 93-310 Kal, dan kandungan protein jenis penganan ini berkisar antara 0.70-8.0 g

    Kandungan Niasan Beberapa Jenis Bahan Makanan Indonesia

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    Kadar Zat Gizi Makanan Olahan/jajanan Khas Setempat Dari Beberapa Daerah Di Indonesia

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    Dalam upaya melengkapi Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan (DKBM), khususnya bahan makanan olahan dan jajanan khas daerah, dianalisis zat gizi makanan khas Jawa Barat (bakwan, karedok, kue ambon), Jawa Timur (wajik camilan), Bali (celenges, lawar babi, lawar penyu, sate penyu dan serapah penyu), Sulawesi Selatan (kue cecuru, bayao, kue putu cangkir dan kue bagea), Kalimantan Selatan (asam aram cokelat, asam aram merah, asam kandis, asam payak dan peda calo), dan Sumatera Selatan (empek-empek, lempok durian, rusip dan tempoyak). Zat gizi yang dianalisis meliputi nitrogen total, lemak, abu, serat kasar, kalsium, posfor, zat besi, karoten, vitamin A, vitamin B1, dan vitamin C. Nama Indonesia, Latin dan Inggris masing-masing olahan/jajanan tersebut juga disajikan

    Tempe Gembus Hasil Fermentasi Ampas Tahu

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    Sebagian penduduk pulau Jawa telah memanfaatkan ampas dari pabrik tahu menjadi semacam tempe melalui proses fermentasi. Mikroorganisme utama yang berperan dalam proses ini adalah dari genus Rgizopus, yaitu R. oligosporus dan R. arrhizus. Secara laboratorium strain 40I/1 dan R25 mampu menghasilkan tempe gembus dalam 22 jam. Daya tahan tempe gembus kurang lama dibandingkan dengan tempe kedele. Dengan 0,03% laru Balai Penelitian Gizi Unit Semboja, Depkes RI, Bogor masih menghasilkan tempe gembus dalam 24 jam. Proses fermentasi tidak banyak merubah kadar zat gizinya. Tempe ini tidak langsung mengandung aflatoxin type B1, B2, G1, G2

    Komposisi Zat Gizi Bahan Makanan Khas Beberapa Daerah Di Indonesia

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    Dalam tulisan ini disajikan hasil analisis zat gizi bahan makanan yang digunakan penduduk di Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, Bali, Sulawesi Selatan, Kalimantan Barat dan Sumatera Selatan. Bahan makanan yang dihitung kadar zat gizinya meliputi 86 macam yang terdiri dari 9 macam sumber energi, 25 macam sumber protein, dan 52 macam sumber vitamin dan mineral

    Pengaruh Rhizopus Oryzae Dan Aspergillus Oryzae Terhadap Kualitas Kecap

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    Telah diteliti pengganti fermentasi mikroorganisme Aspergillus oryzae Rhyzopus oryzae dan campuran Aspergillus dan Rhyzopus oryzae, dengan perendaman dalam larutan garam 20% dalam waktu yang berbeda terhadap kualitas kecap.Lamanya perendaman dalam larutan garam 20% yang berbeda menghasilkan kadar protein kecap yang berbeda. Aspergillus oryzae lebih baik dalam menghasilkan enzima protease dari pada Rhyzopus oryzae.Uji organoleptik menunjukkan perbedaan tidak bermakna dalam hal rasa maupun aroma antar kecap yang dibuat dengan strain jamur yang berlainan serta waktu perendaman yang berbeda. Untuk membuat kecap, sebaiknya dilakukan perendaman dalam larutan garam 20% selama 14 hari

    Implementasi Kebijakan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah ( Bos ) Di Sdn Tlogosari Wetan 01 Kecamatan Pedurungan Kota Semarang

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    Education is a planned effort in the development of self in order to realize the potential of a civilized society, morality, personality, intelligent and have a prosperous life skills (spiritual-knowledged based society). Which is currently able to improve the quality of education in Indonesia is through fund School Operational Assistance (BOS) allocated to schools at primary and secondary School Operational Assistance Program is a central government assistance to all students SD / MI and SMP / MTs underprivileged throughout Indonesia both public and private on reduction of fuel subsidy because it was feared that the increase in fuel prices and the global financial crisis caused a decline in purchasing power and will negatively impact the poor to get an education.The purpose of the research to find out and get a clear picture about the implementation of the BOS program on SDN Tlogosari Wetan 01 Sub Pedurungan, and used materials and used as an ingredient on the study of the implementation of the BOS program on SDN Tlogosari Wetan 01 Sub Pedurungan, Semarang.In this research used theory implementation of G Edward III which states "the successful implementation of depengaruhi by four variables: attitude, HR, Communications, Bureaucratic Structure"The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, where the research is more emphasis on the analysis and at the same time portraying the reality of the existing conditions, so the results of these studies are generating a lot of descriptive data in the form of words or in writing of the perpetrators were observed.Based on research conducted by the authors of the policy implementation of BOS in SDN Tlogosari Wetan 01 Semarang is fully effective, kaBerdasarkan research conducted by the authors of the policy implementation of BOS in SDN Tlogosari Wetan 01 Semarang is fully effective, because the indicators that lead to the achievement of BOS policy objectives set by the government much has been achieved, only the need for dissemination to relevant parties in relation to the BOS, and enhance the performance of human resources-relate

    Implementasi Program Beras Miskin (Raskin) Di Kelurahan Rowosari Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang

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    Beras Miskin (Raskin) Program is a program of food subsidies as a form of government efforts to increase food security and provide protection to poor families through the distribution of rice. Each family will receive a minimum of 10 kg/month with Rp 1,600/kg at the point of distribution. Researchers take focus in Kelurahan Rowosari Kecamatan Tembalang, Kota Semarang. In fact, implementation of Raskin policy is not always consider full-on procedure policy as depending on condition and situation in society. The objective of this study is to analyze the implementation of the Beras Miskin (Raskin) program. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Data collection was carried out with in-depth interviews from various informants have been determined. In qualitative research, data retrieved from various sources by using a technique of collecting data of which various (triangulation) and continuously until it is saturated. The result of this research is the determining factors of Beras Miskin (Raskin) program implementation in Kelurahan Rowosari Kecamatan Tembalang, Kota Semarang caused by attitude factors (disposition) which is less successful in rice quality, target the household beneficiaries raskin, the number of households that received rice target beneficiaries