19 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the publication activity level of the Russian federal and national research universities conducted in reliance on web of science and Scopus databases

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    The paper presents comparative analysis of publication activity level of 31 federal and national research universities of Russia based on Web of Science and Scopus databases for the period from 2006 to 201

    Correlation Relationship Between Regional Macroeconomic Indicators and the Number of Universities in the Russian Regions

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    The correlation linear relationships between regional macroeconomic indicators (gross regional product, population) and the number of universities in the regions of Russia was obtained which may be used in the planning process o f creation, liquidation or merging of regional or local universitie

    A Quantitative Comparative Study of Country University Competitiveness as Illustrated by the Countries of the Near East

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    A comparative study of the university systems of the countries of the Near East has been undertaken in this paper. It has been illustrated that the most competitive systems in terms of World University Rankings are the university systems of Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. This conclusion, at a glance, was made based on the distribution of all the universities of 14 countries of the Near East by the ten World University Rankings. This conclusion was confirmed in a more detailed manner upon entering and calculating three integral indicators of country university competitiveness. They were expressed by multiplying and adding the number of the universities of the countries mentioned in the rankings mentioned above and the average values of the positioning of the universities in these systems. Together with the number of universities distributed among the countries, these three indicators correlated well with each other. The devised methodology of a quantitative assessment of country university competitiveness is proposed for a comparative study of this competitiveness in random groups of countries worldwide.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2022.20.2.6.

    Comparative Analysis of the Publication Activity Level of the Leading Russian Universities Conducted in Reliance on Web of Science and Scopus databases

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    The article presents comparative analysis of publication activity level of 31 federal and national research Universities of Russia based on Web of Science and Scopus databases for the period from 2006 to 201

    Analysis of regression relationship between the number of organisations of the Russian Regional innovation infrastructure and the university Infrastructure and the gross regional product

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    We took databases of the National Information and Analytical Center for monitoring innovation infrastructure of scientific and technological activities and regional innovation systems and the Web portal of innovation and business information support “Innovations and entrepreneurship”, Webometrics database according to rankings of all Russian universities, as well as the database of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on the gross regional product for all regions of Russia as an empirical basis in order to determine the regression relationship between the number of organisations of the regional innovation and university infrastructure and the gross regional produc

    Correlation relationship between scientific-innovation and macroeconomic indicators in the selected Russian regions

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    The article presents a matrix of pairwise correlations for 26 regions of the Central and North-West Federal Districts of Russia between ten scientific-innovation and macroeconomic indicators comprising a number of objects of the innovation infrastructure according to two databases, a number of universities, university potential which had been calculated based on Webometric rankings of universities, a number of Scopus-publications in universities of the regions during the year 2015, and, in general, the Gross Regional Product, a number of population, the Gross Regional Product per capita, population densit

    Quantitative comparative analysis of country university competitiveness: the case of the Near East and South East Asian Countries

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    Based on the literature review, a comparative analysis of the university systems of the countries of the Near East and South East Asia was carried ou

    Structures of THE, QS and ARWU Top 100 universities’ websites in different languages and social media accounts: Binary matrix approach

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    The aim of the study is to understand how the diversity of university language websites and social networks influence the universities’ reputation in the World University Rankings and how this diversity can be described. Combining the union of sets of university names in Times Higher Education (THE), QS World University Ranking (QS), and Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2018, the World’s Top 100 Universities Rankings enabled us to obtain a set of 146 universitie

    Quantitative evaluation of involvement of counties in the international open access movement

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    The present paper investigated a developed method for the quantitative evaluation of involvement of countries in the international open access movement. It identified eight country open access indices which were initially connected with open access initiatives and instruments, their weighing, normalization and aggregation in a weighted average valu

    Comparative analysis of the publication activity level of the Russian federal and national research universities conducted in reliance on web of science and Scopus databases

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    The paper presents comparative analysis of publication activity level of 31 federal and national research universities of Russia based on Web of Science and Scopus databases for the period from 2006 to 201