23 research outputs found

    A probabilistic technique for finding almost-periods of convolutions

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    We introduce a new probabilistic technique for finding 'almost-periods' of convolutions of subsets of groups. This gives results similar to the Bogolyubov-type estimates established by Fourier analysis on abelian groups but without the need for a nice Fourier transform to exist. We also present applications, some of which are new even in the abelian setting. These include a probabilistic proof of Roth's theorem on three-term arithmetic progressions and a proof of a variant of the Bourgain-Green theorem on the existence of long arithmetic progressions in sumsets A+B that works with sparser subsets of {1, ..., N} than previously possible. In the non-abelian setting we exhibit analogues of the Bogolyubov-Freiman-Halberstam-Ruzsa-type results of additive combinatorics, showing that product sets A B C and A^2 A^{-2} are rather structured, in the sense that they contain very large iterated product sets. This is particularly so when the sets in question satisfy small-doubling conditions or high multiplicative energy conditions. We also present results on structures in product sets A B. Our results are 'local' in nature, meaning that it is not necessary for the sets under consideration to be dense in the ambient group. In particular, our results apply to finite subsets of infinite groups provided they 'interact nicely' with some other set.Comment: 29 pages, to appear in GAF

    Roth's theorem for four variables and additive structures in sums of sparse sets

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    We show that if a subset A of {1,...,N} does not contain any solutions to the equation x+y+z=3w with the variables not all equal, then A has size at most exp(-c(log N)^{1/7}) N, where c > 0 is some absolute constant. In view of Behrend's construction, this bound is of the right shape: the exponent 1/7 cannot be replaced by any constant larger than 1/2. We also establish a related result, which says that sumsets A+A+A contain long arithmetic progressions if A is a subset of {1,...,N}, or high-dimensional subspaces if A is a subset of a vector space over a finite field, even if A has density of the shape above.Comment: 23 page

    On the maximal number of three-term arithmetic progressions in subsets of Z/pZ

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    Let a be a real number between 0 and 1. Ernie Croot showed that the quantity \max_A #(3-term arithmetic progressions in A)/p^2, where A ranges over all subsets of Z/pZ of size at most a*p, tends to a limit as p tends to infinity through primes. Writing c(a) for this limit, we show that c(a) = a^2/2 provided that a is smaller than some absolute constant. In fact we prove rather more, establishing a structure theorem for sets having the maximal number of 3-term progressions amongst all subsets of Z/pZ of cardinality m, provided that m < c*p.Comment: 12 page

    An improvement to the Kelley-Meka bounds on three-term arithmetic progressions

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    In a recent breakthrough Kelley and Meka proved a quasipolynomial upper bound for the density of sets of integers without non-trivial three-term arithmetic progressions. We present a simple modification to their method that strengthens their conclusion, in particular proving that if AβŠ‚{1,…,N}A\subset\{1,\ldots,N\} has no non-trivial three-term arithmetic progressions then ∣Aβˆ£β‰€exp⁑(βˆ’c(log⁑N)1/9)N\lvert A\rvert \leq \exp(-c(\log N)^{1/9})N for some c>0c>0.Comment: 9 page