12 research outputs found

    Uji Infeksi Cylindrocladium SP., Terhadap Klon Hibrida Turunan Eucalyptus Grandis X Eucalyptus Urophylla

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    Cylindrocladium sp. is one of the diseases caused on leaf. Eucalyptus sp. is a plant that is used in the pulp industry. The objective of this study to characterize the symptoms of foliar diseases and measure the desiases severity and diseases incidence on clone IND 65, IND 68 and IND 69. The infection of Cylindrocladium sp. was implemented with spraying method. Cylindrocladium sp., showed the symptoms was redness brown spots and patches of grayish. Based on the diseases severity criteria three clones classifield as resistant clones. Based on the diseases incidence criteria of IND 65, IND 68 were classified as resistant and IND 69 quite a bit resistant

    Uji Infeksi Cylindrocladium SP Pada Tiga Klon Hibrid Eucalyptus Grandis X Eucalyptus Pellita

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    One of the diseases that attack in the Eucalyptus nursery is Cylindrocladium causing Cylindrocladium foliar spots and foliar blight disease. Cylindrocladium found in eucalyptus nurseries PT Toba Pulp Lestari . According Sembiring (2008) research, Cylindrocladium fungal virulence is the highest of the pathogen found in nurseries . This study aimed to characterize the symptoms of foliar diseases caused by Cylindrocladium on the derived crosses hybrid clones of the type of Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus pellita and measure the level of the intensity of the attack, the extent of the attack, as well as the reaction of plants (resistance) of the hybrid clones of Eucalyptus grandis x E. pellita. Infection is done by spraying inoculants fungi on leaves of three clones seedling of E. grandis x E. pellita age of two months, Clone IND 32, Clone IND 33 and Clone IND 45. The symptoms of infection that appearon leaves then reisolated by the method of Koch\u27s postulates. Symptoms caused by infection Cylindrocladium on E. grandis x E. pellita leaves is blight disease. Symptoms begin with yellowish brown spots and will be widened (necrotic) then continue in severe leaf tissue death. The incubation period for infection of Cylindrocladium faster seen in clone IND 45, but the pace of progress has been slow. In clone IND 32 and IND 33 the incubation period of infection longer appear, but the pace of progress are most intense. Cylindrocladium infection does not affect the growth (resistance) of E. grandis x E. pellita seed age of two months

    Uji Potensi Fungi Pelapuk Putih Asal Batang Kayu Pinus (Pinus Merkusii Jungh Et De Vriese) Sebagai Pendegradasi Lignin (Test of Potential White Rot Fungi at Rotten Pine Wood (Pinus Merkusii Jungh Et De Vriese ) as Degrading Lignin)

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    Lignin is a natural compound of plant that has a function for plant cell wall constituent. In pulp industries, lignin is a compound which is hard to be degradad. The purpose of this research is to get white rot fungi in the rotten pine wood, to determine potential of white rot fungi in biopulping process which obtained by measuring the activity of enzyme Lignin Peroxidase (LiP) at white rot fumgi which is obtain from the rotten pine wood. The sample of the rotten pine wood taken from Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Berastagi. Bavendamm and ligninolitic enzyme activities test have found three spesies fungi which are in genus Trametes sp.1, Trametes sp.2, and Phanerochaete sp. The highest activity of enzyme lignin peroxidase was produced by Trametes sp.1 fungi by the value is 1,541 U/ml

    Reisolasi Dan Identifikasi Fungi Pada Batang Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccencis Lamk.) Hasil Inokulasi.

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    Gubal of Agarwood is the infection of the microorganism and one of commonly used is Fusarium sp. The purpose of this research was to determine the presence of Fusarium sp consistency in agarwood (Aquilaria malaccencis Lamk.) which has been in the fungal inoculation.Sample which to used is stem which is taken away from Penungkiran Durin Jangah village, Pancur Batu. Isolation and identifying has been done in Forest Biotechnology laboraturium of Agriculture faculty University of Sumatera Utara, which is conducted from April – October 2013. The result of this research showed that there are fifteen isolat of fungi from the stem, that are five isolat Fusarim sp, two isolat Acremonium sp, two isolat Alternaria alternaria, one isolat Nigrospora sphaerica, two isolat Scopulariopsis sp, two isolat Cladosporium sp, one isolat Scytalidium lignicola, one isolat Mucor sp. Consistency Fusarium sp are superior on top stem and all of the part of the stem can be found Fusarium sp

    Respon Eksplan Biji Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk.) Terhadap Pemberian 2,4-D Secara in Vitro (Effect of Plant Growth Regulator 2,4-D on Seed Explant a. Malaccensis in Vitro )

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    ITONAMY BORU TONGA. Effect of Plant Growth Regulator 2,4-D on Seed Explant A. malaccensis in vitro. Guided by Dr. Ir.Edy Batara Muyla Siregar Ms. And Nelly Anna S. Hut. Msi. Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk. is one of the tree forest that are continuosly exploited. Currently, the Indonesian export of the agarwood was decreasing because its population was endangered by excessive logging. Agarwood propagation need technology for reproduction of agarwood multiplication. Research was undertaken to determine effect of plant growth regulator 2,4-D on seed explant A. malaccensisi in vitro has been performed. This research had purpose to determine response of seed explant of gaharu by giving different cosentration 2,4-D and to measure growth and developtment result of seed explant of gaharu. This research used a complete Randomized Non Factorial Design with using MS as basic media by added 2 ppm of BAP. The treatment consisted of 2,4-D 2 ppm, 4 ppm, 6 ppm and 8 ppm. Observation made explants fourty two days after planting. The parameter observed were the emergence of callus, callus color and texture of the callus. The result showed that callus was obtained as response of A. malaccensis seed explant with 2,4 D and BAP. The concentration 2,4-D 2 ppm showed the best result for the emergence of callus. Callus color is dominate by white and a bit yellow or scoring 4, and the callus texture is dominate by compact callus and compact with node

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Dan Frekuensi Aplikasi Pupuk Daun Cair Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Aquilaria Malaccencis Lamk.

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    Fertilizationis a means or method used for fertilizer through the leaves and plant part slain.The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of fertilization and foliar fertilizer concentration is best for seedling growth aloes (A. malaccensisLamk.). The samples used were aloe plant seeds that have been aged 3 months were taken from CV. Earth Partners II, Land of a Thousand Village, city Binjai, North Sumatra. Nursery heldon the 4th floor of buildings Forestry Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra, which was conducted in November-January2013. The results showed that the frequency of the treatment of liquid foliar fertilizer application significantly affected the height and number of leaves.Treatment of liquid foliar fertilizer concentration significantly affected the number of leaves.The interaction frequency and concentration of liquid foliar fertilizer application significantly affected height and number of leaves

    Respon Eskplan Biji Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccencis Lamk.) Terhadap Pemberian NAA Dan IBA Secara in Vitro

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    Agarwood is non-wood forest product with high number of economic because the wood has many benefits. The presence of gaharu in nature is endangered because of illegal logging and for development of agarwood needed seed quality supplying, one with tissue culture. This study aims to determine the response of seed explants A. malaccensis and determine the concentration of the best NAA and IBA for induction of callus. This research use Complete Random Design (RAL) with 2 Growth Regulator NAA and IBA in any concentrates with agarwood seed explants. Results showed that callus was obtained as response of agarwood seed explants with NAA and IBA and the concentrate that's have real an effect on to determine the time of callus appear with best concentrate was NAA 2 ppm dan IBA 2 ppm. Callus appear dominated by olive green and green brown color, meanwhile tekstur of callus dominated by compact node

    Respon Eksplan Biji Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk.) Terhadap Pemberian IAA Secara in Vitro

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    Agarwood (Gaharu) is an important non-timber forest products and has high economic value. The agarwood is the final product obtained from species A.malaccensis Lamk as raw material for the pharmaceitical and cosmetic industries. Increasing of the gaharu collection and International market circulation have resulted in the decline of the gaharu. The presence of gaharu in nature endangered triggers to do multiplication aloes one with tissue culture technique. This research aims to determine the response of seed explants A.malaccensis and determine the concentration of the best growth regulator. This research used a Complete Random Design (RAL) with Growth Regulator IAA in any concentrates with agarwood seed explants. The results showed that giving of IAA growth regulator that responds to the growing sprouts. Treatment concentration of IAA significant to the time sprouts appear but not significant on the appearance of sprouts, number of leaves and sprouts length. Emerging sprouts fastest time occurred in the treatment of 6 ppm IAA 9 days after planting

    UJI INFEKSI Phaeophleospora Spp. PADA KLON HIBRID Eucalyptus Grandis X Eucalyptus Urophylla

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    Eucalyptus is a species that widely used in pulping industry. Phaeophleospora is one of the pathogens that attack the leaves of young Eucalyptus plant. The purposes of this research were to characterize the leaf disease symptoms and to measure disease severity and disease incidence caused by Phaeophleospora spp. on two-month-old IND 47, IND 61, dan IND 66 Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla hybrid clones. Inoculation was implemented with spray method. The leaves symptoms caused by Phaeophleospora showed the same symptoms on clones IND 47, IND 61, and IND 66. The early symptoms were the yellow dots on the upperside of the leaves and then developed into spots. The advanced symptoms were reddish spots on the upperside of the leaves and black spores on the underside of the leaves. Three clones were classified as resistant in disease severity measurement, meanwhile in disease incidence measurement, three clones were classified as moderately resistant