2 research outputs found

    Perubahan Kimia Kayu Pada Gubal Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk.)hasil Rekayasa) (Wood Chemical Changes in Gubal Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk.) Engineered)

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    Indonesia is the biggest producer gaharu (A. malaccensis Lamk.) in the world with the best quality. Agarwood is elite commodity non timber forest products that have potential as an industrial raw material The research objective is measuring physical properties (water content and density) of wood tissue is induced to form the agarwood. Measuring changes in the chemical content (hemicellulose, cellulose, alpha cellulose and lignin) of wood tissue induced 12 months, 6 months, and the control of long induced agarwood. Treatment in research was induced period of 6 months, 12 months and control. The analysis was done according to ASTM Standard D 4933-99 and TAPPI. The result of research showed that the induced agarwood for 12 months had a higher density than the control, and 6 months. while the water content was not significanctly different. The extractive substances that contained in induced agarwood had a higher value than the control (the value of agarwood solubility in cold water, solubility in hot water, solubility in NaOH, solubility in alcohol and benzene). The content of hemicelluloses, cellulose and alpha cellulose in the induced agarwood for 12 months trend to be lower than the control

    Inventarisasi Gulma Pada Tegakan Tanaman Muda Eucalyptus Spp. (Weed Inventory on Stand of Young Eucalyptus Spp.)

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    Eucalyptus spp is a fast-growing plant species that have economic value and multifunction primarily developed as a raw material for the pulp extensively. Weeds is one factor that can inhibit the growth of Eucalyptus spp.This study aims to inventory the types of weeds present in young Eucalyptus spp. and know the composition and dominance of the types of weeds that were needed in the management of industrial plantations of Eucalyptus spp. The research was conducted at PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk Aek Nauli sector in March-June 2011. The results showed that the diversity of weed found in Eucalyptus spp plantation consisted of 15 families and 39 species were relatively similar and were dominated by the family Rubiaceae, Asteraceae, Melastomataceae, and Poaceae. Borreria sp, Clidemia Hirta, Commelina difusa and Imperata cylindrica was an important and very dominant weed in all young Eucalyptus spp planting area