24 research outputs found
Analisis Investasi Pembangunan Proyek Spam (Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum) Kota Bandar Lampung
In an effort to meet the needs of drinking water for the community, the city government of Bandar Lampung pioneered the development of a Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM), the authors reviewed the analysis of investment in the construction of the Bandar Lampung City SPAM project. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of a SPAM development project assessed from financial parameters. In this study, the feasibility of the economic aspect was carried out by reviewing the following assessment parameters, namely Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback Period (PP). The data used are detailed data on SPAM cost budget, SPAM working drawings and water consumption levels, as well as data from BI in the form of interest rates and inflation rates. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the inflation rate in Indonesia is based on a projection for 25 years, namely between 4% -10% per year, the BI rate based on projections in 2018-2057 ranges from 6% -12% per year, the total investment in SPAM development is Rp. .750,000,000,000.00, from the existing scenario it is concluded that the Bandar Lampung SPAM development project is not financially feasible. However, SPAM development is economically feasible because it increases water availability and the coverage of existing services and also expands regional development in the city of Bandar Lampung.Keywords: analiysis, SPAM, scenari
Analisis Solusi Kemacetan pada Simpang Sebidang Kereta Api Jalan Urip Sumoharjo
The high frequency of the Babaranjang train track causes congestion problems on the Urip Sumoharjo road which is caused by road closures when the train passes. The impact of the closure caused long queues of vehicles to block Padjajaran and Kimaja roads. In this study, it discusses the causes of congestion in the vehicle movement that is not smooth, especially on the Simpang Urip Sumoharjo road. Then compare the road capacity and the degree of saturation of the Urip Sumoharjo road under normal conditions and the conditions when the Babaranjang train passes, and analyze the structural concept to overcome congestion at the Urip Sumoharjo crossing.Analyze the comparison between Flyover and Underpass using the Scoring Zero One method. The results of the analysis show that to overcome congestion on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo it is more effective to build an underpass with a score of 60% while the flyover building gets a score of 40%. With the cross-normal degree of saturation, the result is 0.711. As for the results of saturation after the train passed the result was 1.56. And the calculation results show that the existence of an underpass can reduce congestion on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo by 45.58%.Keywords: Railroad latch, Degree of Saturation, Scoring Zero One metho
Studi Kasus Penggunaan Sumber Daya Air di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Way Ketibung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan
The location of the watershed that becomes the subject of study is the Way Ketibung watershed,
which the part of Sekampung watershed and administratively located in South Lampung district.
The objective of the study is to analyze and predict water utilization for current condition and for
the needs in the year 2019 and 2024 in Way Ketibung watershed South Lampung district.
In this study, water utilization that’s being analyzed is water use in irrigation and domestic Water
use will be compared with water availability in Way Ketibung watershed. Water discharge analy-
sis is used FJ. Mock method. The result from the analysis shown that Way Ketibung watershed has
an average water discharge 4,228 m3/second. The water discharge of Way Ketibung watershed
capable to fulfill water use in irrigation, which on average for 2,1773 m3/s and also fulfill domes-
tic water use until the year 2024 which the population being projected 144.496
Analisis Investasi Rekayasa Proyek Springhill Condotel Lampung
Pada masa sekarang, apartemen tidak hanya menjadi hunian pribadi tetapi juga sebagai investasi. Karena itu terjadi permintaan apartemen dalam bentuk kondominium hotel. Springhill condotel Lampung adalah condotel pertama yang dibangun di Bandar Lampung. Investasi Springhill Condotel Lampung memerlukan analisis kelayakan memastikan pengembalian investasi. Pada penelitian ini, studi kelayakan hanya dinilai dari aspek finansial dengan menggunakan beberapa parameter penilaian investasi yaitu NPV (Net Present Value), BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), dan PP (Payback Period). Analisis dibuat dalam 9 (sembilan) buah skenario. Skenario ini divariasikan berdasarkan tingkat-tingkat inflasi dan prediksi-prediksi penjualan. Skenario yang paling layak yaitu pada tingkat inflasi 7% dan prediksi penjualan dengan metode trend linier. Seluruh skenario menunjukan bahwa nilai NPV, BCR dan PP layak. Namun seluruh skenario menunjukan bahwa nilai IRR di bawah tingkat bunga. Â Kata kunci : Studi kelayakan, Kondotel, Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Payback Period (PP), Internal Rate of Return (IRR
Analisis Risiko Proyek Konstruksi Studi Kasus Bendungan Way Sekampung Paket 2 Dengan Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis dan Domino
The Way Sekampung Dam construction project is one of the major projects in the province of Lampung. There are several risk involved in the construction of the project. According to Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), the risks contain in a project can be controlled through risk management. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the highest risks in the Way Sekampung Dam package 2 construction project. The data was gathered through a questionnaire that was developed based on previous similar studies. The respondents was recruited based on a purposive sampling method. Based on Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method, it can be concluded three highest occupational risk, namely concrete work in diversion building, tunnel excavation and dewatering work. Subsequently, a fishbone analysis was carried out to determine the basic risk factors. After that a Domino method was utilized to find out the response and efforts to handle those risk
Analisis Ekonomi Teknik Investasi Proyek Regulating Dam Way Sekampung
Limpasan air yang mengalir dari hilir Bendungan Batu Tegi menuju Bendung Argoguruh terbuang percuma ke laut pada saat musim hujan, namun pada saat musim kemarau terjadi kekurangan air. Oleh sebab itu maka diperlukan sebuah regulating dam di antara Bendungan Batu Tegi dan Bendung Argoguruh. Dalam penelitian ini, kelayakan investasi regulating dam hanya ditinjau dari aspek ekonomi Teknik. Parameter yang digunakan untuk meninjau kelayakan investasi yaitu menggunakan metode Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) dan Payback Period (PP) dengan 6 skenario yang berbeda tingkat inflasi dan discount rate nya. Dari 6 skenario yang dibuat, menunjukan nilai NPV seluruhnya bernilai positif, IRR yang lebih besar dari discount rate nya, BCR yang lebih dari 1, serta PP yang kurang dari umur ekonomis bangunan. Skenario terbaik menunjukan nilai NPV sekitar 52 Trilyun Rupiah. Dalam skenario juga didapatkan BCR paling tinggi sebesar 40.44, serta IRR sebesar 31.79% dan PP pada tahun ke 4. Dengan demikian maka dapat disimpulkan proyek pembangunan Regulating Dam Way Sekampung dinilai layak dari aspek ekonomi
Slope stability analysis of Komering River in Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra was done to handle the problem of sliding or scouring at the cliffs which are often found on the outside corner of the river. Komering River is a river with meandering pattern that is very susceptible to scouring on the outside of the bend and sedimentation on the inside of the bend. This research focuses on the study of slope stability analysis with sheet pile used as method. Analysis was conducted using Geostructural Analysis version 19 and was compared to manual calculation.Data analysis on the result of soil testing was performed to identify soil properties. The obtained results were then used in slope stability analysis. Slope stability analysis was performed in two conditions maximum groundwater level and normal groundwater level using Bishop method and Fellenius method. The results of manual calculation were then compared with the results of Geostructural Analysis Program Version 19. Sheet pile was selected as slope stabilization measures. Analysis after stabilization is done with the same steps as analysis before stabilization.The results from the two methods showed a quite significant difference. The results obtained from Bishop method before stability measure and after stability measure were 1,018 and 4,23 respectively. Whereas, the results obtained from Fellenius method before stability measure and after stability measure were 0,75 and 3,42 respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that sheet pile is an effective slope stability measure.Keywords: Slope stability, Geostructural Analysis Program, Bishop, Fellenius, Sheet Pile
Simulasi Penggunaan Program Geostudio Slope/W 2007 dalam Menganalisis Stabilitas Lereng Dengan Jenis Tanah Lempung Berpasir pada Kondisi Tidak Jenuh, Kondisi Jenuh Sebagian, dan Kondisi Jenuh
Landslide is a natural disaster that often occurs in Lampung Province, particularly in WestLampung regency. The sliding occurs due to an increase in soil pore water stress in the rainyseason. Based on the research on the slopes, there is a safety factor value that can be used as areference for the degree of slope stability. One method to analyze the value of slope safety factoris by using the Geostudio Slope / W 2007 program.In this study, some cross sections of slope were simulated with 4 different water table conditions.The required soil properties index are: cohesion, c; natural angle of repose, φ; and unit weight ofdensity, γ .The analysis result shows that slope transversal cut shape have influence on slope stability. Theanalysis results on slopes with saturated conditions have a safety factor value of 1.25. Based on the analysis result, it can be inferred thatthe slope has insecured status. Thus, it is suggested to conduct such actions in order to preventlandslide.Key words : soil, slope stability, safety factor, geostudio slope/w
Analisis struktur atas jembatan kereta api jalur tunggal pc i girder bentang 35 meter way pengubuan
Beton prategang merupakan jenis beton dengan tulangan baja ditarik dan menghasilkan sistem kesetimbangan pada tegangan dalam tarik pada baja dan tekan pada beton yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan beton menahan beban luar. Terdapat beragam bentuk profil gelagar beton prategang antara lain box girder, profil U, dan profil I. Pada analisis struktur atas jembatan ini digunakan gelagar profil I atau disebut juga PC I girder. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis struktur atas jembatan dengan gelagar profil I, menghitung dan melakukan kontrol keamanan terhadap besar lendutan, geser, tegangan serta momen ultimit.Berdasarkan analisis struktur atas jembatan diperoleh dimensi PC I girder dengan tinggi 2,17 m, lebar bidang bawah 0,75 m, lebar bidang atas 0,5 m, dan lebar bidang badan 0,25 m. Pada perhitungan gaya prategang didapatkan gaya prategang awal sebesar 13513,98 kN, gaya prategang saat jacking sebesar 15898,8 kN, dan total kehilangan gaya prategang sebesar 4291,811 kN atau sebesar 27%, sehingga diperoleh nilai gaya prategang efektif sebesar 11606,99 kN. Dan pada perhitungan momen ultimit dinyatakan aman karena diperoleh kapasitas momen ultimit pada balok prategang sebesar 21047,65905 kNm yang nilai nya lebih besar dari momen ultimit terbesar dari hasil kombinasi yaitu sebesar 13764,95 kNm.Kata Kunci : Struktur Atas Jembatan, PC I Girder, Beton Prategan