14,516 research outputs found

    Electromechanics of Suspended Spiral Capacitors and Inductors

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    Most electromechanical devices are in two-dimensional metallic drums under high tensile stress, which causes increased mechanical frequency and quality factor. However, high mechanical frequencies lead to small zero-point displacements xzpx_{\rm zp}, which limits the single-photon interaction rate g0g_0. For applications which demand large g0g_0, any design with increased xzpx_{\rm zp} is desirable. It is shown that a patterned drum by spiral shape can resolve this difficulty, which is obtained by a reduction of mechanical frequency while the motion mass is kept almost constant. An order of magnitude increase in g0g_0, and agreement between simulations and interferometric measurements is observed

    Third-order Optical Nonlinearity in Two-dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

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    We present a detailed calculation of the linear and nonlinear optical response of four types of monolayer Two-Dimensional (2D) Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDCs), having the formula MX2\textrm{MX}_2 with M=Mo,W and X=S,Se. The calculations are based on 6-band tight-binding model of TMDCs, and then performing a semiclassical perturbation analysis of response functions. We numerically calculate the linear χμν(1)(−ω;ω)\chi_{\mu\nu}^{(1)}(-\omega;\omega) and nonlinear surface susceptibility tensors χμνζη(3)(−ωΣ;ωr,ωs,ωt)\chi_{\mu\nu\zeta\eta}^{(3)} (-\omega_\Sigma;\omega_r,\omega_s,\omega_t) with ωΣ=ωr+ωs+ωt\omega_\Sigma=\omega_r+\omega_s+\omega_t. Both non-degenerate and degenerate cases are studied for third-harmonic generation and nonlinear refractive index, respectively. Computational results obtained \textit{with no external fitting parameters} are discussed regarding two recent reported experiments on MoS2{\rm MoS}_2, and thus we can confirm the extraordinarily strong optical nonlinearity of TMDCs. As a possible application, we demonstrate generation of a π4−\frac{\pi}{4}-rotated squeezed state by means of nonlinear response of TMDCs, in a silica micro-disk resonator covered with the 2D material. Our proposed method will enable accurate calculations of nonlinear optical response, such as four-wave mixing and high-harmonic generation in 2D materials and their heterostructures, thus enabling study of novel functionalities of 2D photonic integrated circuits

    CUBIT: Capacitive qUantum BIT

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    In this letter, it is proposed that cryogenic quantum bits can operate based on the nonlinearity due to the quantum capacitance of two-dimensional Dirac materials, and in particular graphene. The anharmonicity of a typical superconducting quantum bit is calculated, and the sensitivity of quantum bit frequency and anharmonicity with respect to temperature are found. Reasonable estimates reveal that a careful fabrication process can reveal expected properties, putting the context of quantum computing hardware into new perspectives.Comment: Published: 2 July 201
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