15 research outputs found

    Profiles of achievement goal orientations among adolescents with different SES background before and during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    This study aimed to identify profiles of achievement goal orientations and transitions between these profiles among adolescents from different socioeconomic backgrounds before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. A sample of 1268 adolescents (51.7% females; Mage = 14.87; SDage = 0.39) participated in four waves of data collection: One took place pre-pandemic (at the start of 9th grade) and three took place during the Covid-19 pandemic. Latent transition analyses revealed four profiles of achievement goal orientations at each study wave: moderately motivated, success-oriented, mastery-oriented, and unmotivated. Most adolescents remained in the same profile or transitioned to a similar one across subsequent study waves. However, some more substantive, mostly unfavourable patterns of transitions between the profiles were also observed, especially among highly motivated adolescents. The latter patterns coincided with pandemic-related online learning periods. Results also showed a large motivational disadvantage among students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds, which was particularly pronounced before the pandemic, but remained salient throughout the study

    Features' expression of school as learning organisation: investigation of pupils' opinion

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    Having management and educational paradigm changed, learning integrates into organisation's activity. Learning and work have become synonymous words: learning in contemporary concept is a new form of work, condition and guarantee of efficient activity, work - situation of learning. These changes challenge educational system: schools, universities, etc. The emerged controversy challenges the necessity to reorient education fundamentally considering the concept of learning society (Chapman, 1996). To solve this problem coherent and planned in advance educational reform took place in the eighth-ninth decades in Western countries (Želvys, 1999). Parallelly, the programs of school development were initiated (Fullan, 1998; Stoll and Fink, 1998; Dalin, Rolf, Kleekamp, 1999, etc.). All the applied strategies had one goal - to recreate schools into learning organisations. The purpose of the research is to find the opinion of pupils on the matters oidevelopment incentives, organisation's openness and flexibility, modern competence, new learning paradigm, conditions and resources to be studied and developed in organisation. The main research method - anonymous survey in written. The data were processed applying the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS. There were 447 pupils in the survey. The array of the research represented 9 urban and 4 rural gymnasiums as well as 3 secondary and 1 principal schools, situated in 8 regions of 5 counties of Lithuania. The survey took place in January - February 2001

    Research methodology on school as a learning organization: concepts, criteria and indicators

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    We live in the period of political, social, economic, and organizational changes. This dynamic environment creates new requirements for both a human being and an organization, and it offers new alternatives for activity and practice. Scientific literature discusses individual's abilities for the 21th century which are as follows: to use technologies, to co-operate, to generate and exchange ideas, to be open for other persons' ideas and different cultures, to reason critically and creatively, to have a vision and adjust to new conditions, to work in a team, to be responsible for the action, to manage "the self and others, to strive for self-development (i.e. to learn constantly), and to develop community and an organization (Hargreaves, 1999; Fullan, 1998; Fink, Stoli, 1998). In the age of information technologies, learning and work have become synonyms: learning itself bears the meaning of a new work form, a condition and a prerequisite of productive activity (Dixon, 1993); work is understood as a constant learning situation. Learning is the essential factor for individuals' successful career, organization survival, and national welfare. That is why learning is not related to some specific institutions or one particular period of human life. Nowadays learning has to be carried out constantly as everybody's effort and existence, both on the level of an individual and organization (Senge, 1994; Flood, 1993; Fullan, 1993; Drucker 1993; Fink, Stoll, 1996). A learning organization (LO) is a contemporary phenomenon. Fullan, 1993; Drucker, 1993; Dalin, Rolf, Kleekamp, 1993; Hargreaves, 1995; Fink, Stoll, 1996; Chapman 1996; Everard, Morris, 1997; Hargearves, 1999 analyze schools as learning organizations from different perspectives. However, the practice of the Lithuanian school has not been deeply investigated. Moreover, Lithuanian publications lack scientific discussions and detailed research on schools as learning organizations, on the characteristics of their specific activities, on adaptation of this new phenomenon and a model for the Lithuanian context. The perspectives of this Western phenomenon in Lithuania are not still very clear. Therefore, this piece of research has been an attempt in finding the expression of learning organization activity criteria and indicators in school practic

    School as learning organisation and sub-stantiation of characteristic of its activity

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    Besimokanti organizacija (Š’Šž) yra Å”ių dienų fenomenas. XXI a. pradžioje mokymasis tampa esminiu individo sėkmingos karjeros, organizacijos iÅ”likimo bei nacionalinės gerovės veiksniu, todėl nebegalima mokymosi sieti tik su keliomis specialiomis institucijomis ar vienu gyvenimo periodu Mokymasis tampa kiekvieno individo ir organizacijos siekiu bei nuolatiniu procesu. Ir mokykla turi tapti besimokančia organizacija. Straipsnyje Å”i problema formuluojama Å”iais klausimais: kokie yra besimokančios organizacijos ir mokyklos, kaip besimokančios organizacijos, sampratų skirtumai; kokiais bruožais pasižymi besimokanti mokykla besimokančios organizacijos kontekste; ar besimokančiai mokyklai tinka besimokančios organizacijos bruožai, ar jie yra specifiniai? StraipsnÄÆ sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmojoje analizuojama besimokančios organizacijos samprata, iÅ”skiriamos pagrindinės sudedamosios, kuriomis remiantis formuluojamas besimokančios mokyklos apibrėžimas ir analizuojamos besimokančios organizacijos charakteristikos mokyklos veikloje. Antrojoje dalyje, remiantis besimokančios organizacijos bruožais, formuluojami bendrieji besimokančios organizacijos bruožai ir teoriÅ”kai pagrindžiama besimokančios mokyklos veiklos charakteristikaLearning organisation (LO) is contemporary phenomenon. In the age of informational technologies learning and work become the synonyms: learning itself beans the meaning of a new work form, the conditions and prerequisite of productive activity, work is understood as a constant learning situation. Learning is the essential factor for individuals successful career, organisation survival and national welfare. That is why learning is not related to some special institutions or one particular period of human life. Nowadays learning has to be carried constantly as everybody's efforts and existence, both on individual and organisation level. Schools are increasingly looking to the world outside education for models systems and structures that will help them to respond more effectively to constant pressure and demands for change. One such approach is to create an organisation that values and encourages learning. For schools, becoming a learning organisation requires teachers to have confidence in their professional skills and to examine and develop critically the way they learn and lead as individuals, within teams and as whole organisations It will help them to become proactive rather than reactive and to regain their sense of control. So what is a learning organisation and how can a school become one

    Professional competence of teachers: research of the possibilities for its development at the workplace

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    The article discusses the possibilities of teacher competence development at the workplace. In this context, learning is not considered to be formal academic studies, but is regarded as constant research of one's own action, discussion with colleagues, reflection on one's action, etc. Theoretical statements of the research have been supported by the empirical facts obtained from two different surveys. The first survey was carried out during a seminar at a secondary school in Vilnius with some gymnasium classes (N teachers=73). The reason for choosing this institution for research was that in its mission the school puts emphasis on the development of all its members. The second survey, fulfilled during the A.P.P.L.E. courses, covered 28 teachers from different Lithuanian towns and regions, who had done their action research and prepared the reports. The results of both surveys have made it possible to state that appropriate skills for independent development of competence are necessary. Having had the conditions facilitating acquiring these skills, the teachers were enabled to independently develop their competence using learning resources at their workplace and perceive learning possibilities in everyday situation

    NeÅ”iojamųjų kompiuterių naudojimo veiksnių universitetinėse studijose raiÅ”kos tyrimo modelis

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    Article seeks to answer a number of questions. What factors influence the use of laptop computers in university studies? What features reveal a successful integration of laptop computers into studies, or, on the contrary, what evidence shows that this technology might be hard to implement into the study process? The article consists of four parts. The first part discusses preconditions for the use of laptop computers in studies. The second part discloses the factors of the laptop computer use in studies; the third part reveals the criteria for the expression of the factors. The fourth part integrates a complex system of factors into a methodologically grounded model of the research on the expression of laptop computer use factors in studies at the university

    Pedagogų pasitenkinimo darbu motyvaciniai veiksniai

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    Article is seeking to answer these questions: what factors function as motivators and enhance teacher job satisfaction and which of the motivators are manifested at school? These questions are significant from a theoretical as well as practical point of view. The research problem addressed in the article encompasses three fields and is revealed in three parts of the article. The first part analyzes the notion of teacher job satisfaction and influencing factors. The second part is dedicated to the research methodology of motivators influencing teacher job satisfaction: criteria and indicators are identified. The third part provides the analysis on the data of written survey, which display the level of teachersā€™ job satisfaction, job satisfaction and work activity motivators and which motivators manifest at school