46 research outputs found

    Intervista ad Anna Ponti

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    Intervista ad Anna Ponti sulla figura di P.M. Pasinett

    Tradizioni attive e ipertesti. Ramusio 'editore' del Milione

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    The contribution focuses on a scholarly digital project presented in 2015 by Eugenio Burgio, Marina Buzzoni and Antonella Ghersetti, Dei Viaggi di Messer Marco Polo, the Italian version of the Devisement dou monde / Milione by Giovanni Battista Ramusio (1559), freely available at Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing website. The paper describes the intellectual reasons that have bolstered the project, in the new context provided by the so-called digital philology, and shows a demo that illustrates its operational mechanisms. Finally, it presents some outcomes of the project: (a) a new hypothesis of stemma codicum, which tries to explain the ways of transmission and the relationships between the two traditional branches α and β; (b) a new scholarly digital project: the critical edition of Marco Polo’s book, started out as the logical development of the Ramusio digitale

    «Gerarchie del riferibile» nella redazione P del Devisement dou monde

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    This paper presents the results of a comparison between the Latin version P, drawn up by the friar Francesco Pipino OP, and its vernacular model, VA. The analysis, based on chosen samples, discusses the common belief that P is a censored version, showing that the main cuts depend on its model. The negative depictions of Muhammad and Islam and of idolatr y are also analyse

    Il «Marcho Polo» di Meo Ceffoni. Nota su un testimone minore della tradizione poliana

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    This study aims to present a collection of excerpts taken from the Devisement dou monde; the sylloge is transcribed by Bartolomeo Ceffoni on the ending folios of ms. Ricc. 1036 (Florence, Riccardian Library). Ceffoni’s excerpts represent an episode of the late circulation of Marco Polo’s work in the merchant class in the fifteenth-century Tuscany

    «Ad consolationem legentium» Il Marco Polo dei Domenicani

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    This book is the result of a fruitful exchange between the textual studies about Marco Polo’s Devisement dou Monde and the socio-historical research regarding Mendicant Orders. The Order of Preachers, in particular, includes the figure of the Venetian merchant as an auctoritas in the area of anthropological knowledge of Eastern traditions, through a Latin translation process contributing to evangelization in Asia. The aim of this book is to analyze the Dominican reception hybridizing philological and linguistical with historical and archival methods. The crossing of these research trajectories led to the finding of a parchment that testifies definitively the trusting relationship between Marco and the preachers of SS. Giovanni e Paolo convent. This convent is a key cultural center in the humanistic environment of Veneto, within which the Latin version Z is elaborated. This research has shed light on several fundamental moments of the P Latin version’s textual history, exploring the material aspects of manuscript witnesses as well as the textual relation with the vernacular source and Francesco Pipino’s Chronicon. Finally, an investigation is dedicated to the edifying adaptation of Marco Polo’s tales in Nicoluccio d’Ascoli’s sermons. The Dominican reception of Devisement dou Monde has relevant consequences for the text and its circulation, hopefully this book suggests a new perspective on Marco Polo and Dominican studies, stimulating further research


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    Dei viaggi di Messer Marco Polo – versione del Milione redatta da Giovan Battista Ramusio per le Navigationi et viaggi (1559) – è oggi accessibile in un’edizione critica commentata, pensata nella forma di un’applicazione ipertestuale per il Web, grazie alla quale il “lettore” potrà attingere contemporaneamente: alla visualizzazione continua del testo (in edizione critica); alla visualizzazione del commento filologico, organizzato secondo la divisione in tre libri; al recupero integrale delle sette versioni del Milione (tre delle quali inedite) direttamente/indirettamente in gioco sul tavolo di Ramusio; a un corpo di schede (attivabili in pop-up) che forniscono informazioni storico-geografiche (con un link a Google-Maps) su persone, luoghi e oggetti significativi del testo. Il progetto intellettuale è stato coordinato da Eugenio Burgio, Marina Buzzoni e Antonella Ghersetti; vi hanno collaborato (in forme diverse) Samuela Simion (corresponsabile anche della cura editoriale), Alvise Andreose, Alvaro Barbieri, Giampiero Bellingeri, Angelo Cattaneo, Marco Ceresa, Giacomo Corazzol, Simone Cristoforetti, Daniele Cuneo, Paolo De Troia, Giuseppe Mascherpa, Laura Minervini, Maria Piccoli, Elisabetta Ragagnin, Irene Reginato, Fabio Romanini, Vito Santoliquido, Federico Squarcini. La progettazione intellettuale e l’implementazione digitale dell’edizione sono state finanziate dal Programma 2011 «Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo» dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia