23 research outputs found

    Exploration of Skipjack Fishing Ground Through Sea Surface Temperature and Catches Composition Analyzes in Palabuhanratu Bay Waters

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    Fishing ground condition is usually affected by oceanographic parameters. One of the oceanographic parameter that had been used in forecasting the availability of pelagic species such as skipjack is sea surface temperature (SST). Skipjack fish is the main target for boat seine net fishery in Palabuhanratu Bay from June to October 2007. Information on skipjack fishing ground availability is very important in order to optimize fishing operation. The purposes of the study are: to determine the SST distribution, to analyze the catch composition of skipjack, to determine the relationship between SST and skipjack catch, and to forecast the skipjack fishing ground in Palabuhanratu Bay from August to October 2007. The research consist of two stages. The first stage was conducted in Palabuhanratu Bay waters in August-October 2007, using survey method, with ten samples of boat seine net (payang). The second stage conducted on December 2007 to collect the SST data, which downloaded from the internet. The range of SST in Palabuhanratu Bay waters ranged from 22oC - 29oC in August 2007, 21oC - 27oC in September 2007 and 20oC - 31oC in October 2007. The SST had no significant effect on catch volume of skipjack in Palabuhanratu Bay during August until October 2007, but gave effect to the size distribution. The big skipjack distributed at the wide range of SST, but the small skipjack distributed at the narrow range of SST. The potential fishing ground of skipjack in Palabuhanratu Bay during September 2007 was found at Teluk Ciletuh, Ujung Karangbentang, Cimaja, Teluk Cikepuh, Ujung Genteng, and Gedogan waters

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Dan Lingkungan Perikanan Tangkap Di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat (Development of Management Information System of Capture Fishery Resources and Environment in Padang Pariaman Regency, Ws)

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    UU Nomor 45 tahun 2009 pasal 46 dan 47 menekankan perlunya pengembangan pusat data dan informasi perikanan yang mudah diakses untuk kepentingan pemanfaatan danperlindungan sumberdaya ikan dan lingkungannya, termasuk di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem informasi pengelolaan sumberdaya dan lingkungan perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan Software Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visual Basic 6, Adobe Photoshop CS,CorelDRAW X4 dan ArcView 3.3. Sistem informasi yang dihasilkan diberi nama SI-PSLP 1.0. SI-PSLP untuk Kabupaten Padang Pariaman ini mempunyai lima menu utama, yaitu menu sumberdaya ikan, menu lingkungan, menu sarana prasarana, menu sosial ekonomi, dan menu manajemen data. Menu sumberdaya ikan memuat informasi jenis ikan, taksonomi ikan, tingkah laku ikan, penyebaran ikan, produksi dan nilai produksi ikan, dan menu lingkungan memuat informasi kondisi lingkungan fisika (suhu, cahaya, arus, gelombang dan bathimetri), kimia (salinitas, pH, fosfat, nitrat, logam berat dan DO), biologi, dan ekosistem pantai. Menusarana prasarana memuat informasi alat penangkapan ikan, kapal perikanan, alat bantu penangkapan dan PPI, sedangkan menu sosial ekonomi memuat informasi nelayan,pemberdayaan nelayan dan kelompok nelayan. Setiap menu terkoneksi dengan menu yang lainnya yang dikendalikan oleh menu manajemen data. SI-PSLP ini memiliki fasilitas dalammelakukan manipulasi data (penambahan, penghapusan, dan pengubahan), dan mencetak keluarannya

    Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Rumpon Pada Operasi Penangkapan Ikan Di Perairan Kei Kecil, Maluku Tenggara

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    One of ways to increase the fishing operation effectiveness is done by using fish aggregating device (FAD) called rumpon. The types of FAD used in Kei Kecil waters made from bamboos or plastic drum material. This research objectives are (1) determining catch composition around FAD, (2) comparing the effectiveness of two types of FAD on fishing operation, and (3) comparing the effectiveness of fishing gears, operated around the FAD. The method that used in this research was doing survey through observing fishing activities around the FAD. Fishing gear and FAD samples were determined through purposive sampling method. These data were collected from August to October 2007 in Kei Kecil Waters of South East Maluku. The kind of fish catch around FAD were scad mackerel, frigate mackerel, and barred spanish mackerel. The most dominant of catch was scad mackerel (80%), whereas percentage e of frigate mackerel and barred spanish mackerel were 19% and 1%. The composition of the length size of scad mackerel, frigate mackerel, and barred spanish mackerel were dominated by the large size. Type of bamboo FAD was more efective compared with the plastic drum FAD type. Purse seine fishing was more efective compared with gillnet and troll line fishing that operated around rumpon

    Zonasi Perikanan Pasi Untuk Kepentingan Pemanfaatan Secara Berkelanjutan Sumberdaya Ikan Kakap Merah Di Kepulauan Lease (Pasi Zone for Interest Sustainable Utilization of Red Snapper Resources in Lease Islands)

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    Pasi is a specific fishing ground for Red Snapper in Lease Islands. Recently, the exploitation of the red snapper population is tend to increase due to high demand of local, regional and International market as well as object for fishing tourism. This condition will threat the sustainability of the resources as if it is unmanaged in good way. Zone determination is one of the alternatives of good fisheries resources management. If it is done in a right way, it will add value to community without disturbing the sustainability. The objectives of the present study were to determine fisheries pasi zone to the sustainability importance of red snapper resources in Lease Islands. Data used included study of potential of red snapper resources, oceanographically condition, fishing ground (pasi), and fisheries value system namely basic value of ecological component, social and technology as well as PRA method (Participatory Rural Appraisal). Based on the criteria which were formulated of all aspects, specific zonation was made for pasi region in Lease Islands. The analysis showed that there were 4 out of 25 pasi determined as shelter zone, 21 pasi was for sustainable fisheries zone sub-zone of catch whereas 13 pasi was determined as utilization zone sub-zone fishing tourism

    Pola Musim Penangkapan Cumi-cumi Di Perairan Luar Dan Dalam Daerah Penambangan Timah Kabupaten Bangka Selatan (Squid Fishing Seasons Pattern Inside and Outside Waters of Tin Mining Area in South Bangka District)

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    Squid fishing inside and outside waters of tin mining area in South Bangka District is carried out by using boat lift nets, stationary lift nets, and hand lines. Squid fishing activities need effective information to achieve maximum results. Good information related to fishing areas and seasonsfor squid fishing can optimize the cost of fishing operations, time and energy. An alternative solution is understanding the patterns of the squid fishing seasons. The objective of this research is to analyze the patterns of the squid fishing seasons outside and inside waters of tin mining area in South Bangka District. Collecting data was done from January to December 2013. This research applied a descriptive survey method using a case study. The results indicatedsquid fishing season outside waters of tin mining area is in September, October, and November (Musim Peralihan II). Whereas in the inside waters of tin mining area, the best season for squid fishing is December, January, and February (Musim Barat), with the highest is in December

    Zonasi Pemanfaatan Kawasan Perikanan Tangkap Di Teluk Banten (Zonation of Utilization Fishing Zone in Banten Bay)

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    Utilization of fishing area in Banten Bay by various activities may cause multi sectors conflicts related to management of the bay. The integrated zone system in that area has not been established yet; therefore it is needed to be studied. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine fishing season and fishing ground; 2) determine indicators and criteria of fishing zone; 3) establish fishing zone. The study was conducted in four fish landing centers which are located in Karangantu, Terate, Wadas, and Kepuh from January to April 2010. Data were collected by surveying analyzed using the fishing season index analysis, relationship analysis between sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a and fish abundance, and GIS analysis. Based on the results, it were revealed that 1) peak fishing season of pelagic fish was from November to January and demersal fish was from November to December; 2) the catches from fishing grounds surrounding Panjang island were anchovies, trevallies, squids, Indian mackerels, pony fishes, Fringescale sardinella; surrounding Pamujan besar island were threadfin bream, shrimps; and surrounding Tunda island were eastern little tuna, narrow barred king mackerels, black pomfret, red snapper, great trevally, scads, mullets, squids; 3) development indicators of fishing zone were (i) feasibility of fishing ground, (ii) compatibility of fishing gears with fishing grounds, (iii) possibility of conflicts, (iv) infrastructure, (v) carrying capacity of environment; 4) Banten bay water was divided into three fishing zones, they were (i) passive zone, (ii) passive and outboard motor zone, (iii) active and inboard motor zone