6,350 research outputs found

    The signature of dissipation in the mass-size relation: are bulges simply spheroids wrapped in a disc?

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    The relation between the stellar mass and size of a galaxy's structural subcomponents, such as discs and spheroids, is a powerful way to understand the processes involved in their formation. Using very large catalogues of photometric bulge+disc structural decompositions and stellar masses from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Seven, we carefully define two large subsamples of spheroids in a quantitative manner such that both samples share similar characteristics with one important exception: the 'bulges' are embedded in a disc and the 'pure spheroids' are galaxies with a single structural component. Our bulge and pure spheroid subsample sizes are 76,012 and 171,243 respectively. Above a stellar mass of ~101010^{10} M⊙_{\odot}, the mass-size relations of both subsamples are parallel to one another and are close to lines of constant surface mass density. However, the relations are offset by a factor of 1.4, which may be explained by the dominance of dissipation in their formation processes. Whereas the size-mass relation of bulges in discs is consistent with gas-rich mergers, pure spheroids appear to have been formed via a combination of 'dry' and 'wet' mergers.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 6 pages, 3 figure

    The infrared imaging spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: sensitivities and simulations

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    We present sensitivity estimates for point and resolved astronomical sources for the current design of the InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) on the future Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). IRIS, with TMT's adaptive optics system, will achieve unprecedented point source sensitivities in the near-infrared (0.84 - 2.45 {\mu}m) when compared to systems on current 8-10m ground based telescopes. The IRIS imager, in 5 hours of total integration, will be able to perform a few percent photometry on 26 - 29 magnitude (AB) point sources in the near-infrared broadband filters (Z, Y, J, H, K). The integral field spectrograph, with a range of scales and filters, will achieve good signal-to-noise on 22 - 26 magnitude (AB) point sources with a spectral resolution of R=4,000 in 5 hours of total integration time. We also present simulated 3D IRIS data of resolved high-redshift star forming galaxies (1 < z < 5), illustrating the extraordinary potential of this instrument to probe the dynamics, assembly, and chemical abundances of galaxies in the early universe. With its finest spatial scales, IRIS will be able to study luminous, massive, high-redshift star forming galaxies (star formation rates ~ 10 - 100 M yr-1) at ~100 pc resolution. Utilizing the coarsest spatial scales, IRIS will be able to observe fainter, less massive high-redshift galaxies, with integrated star formation rates less than 1 M yr-1, yielding a factor of 3 to 10 gain in sensitivity compared to current integral field spectrographs. The combination of both fine and coarse spatial scales with the diffraction-limit of the TMT will significantly advance our understanding of early galaxy formation processes and their subsequent evolution into presentday galaxies.Comment: SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation 201

    The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: Volume phase holographic grating performance testing and discussion

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    Maximizing the grating efficiency is a key goal for the first light instrument IRIS (Infrared Imaging Spectrograph) currently being designed to sample the diffraction limit of the TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope). Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) gratings have been shown to offer extremely high efficiencies that approach 100% for high line frequencies (i.e., 600 to 6000l/mm), which has been applicable for astronomical optical spectrographs. However, VPH gratings have been less exploited in the near-infrared, particularly for gratings that have lower line frequencies. Given their potential to offer high throughputs and low scattered light, VPH gratings are being explored for IRIS as a potential dispersing element in the spectrograph. Our team has procured near-infrared gratings from two separate vendors. We have two gratings with the specifications needed for IRIS current design: 1.51-1.82{\mu}m (H-band) to produce a spectral resolution of 4000 and 1.19- 1.37 {\mu}m (J-band) to produce a spectral resolution of 8000. The center wavelengths for each grating are 1.629{\mu}m and 1.27{\mu}m, and the groove densities are 177l/mm and 440l/mm for H-band R=4000 and J-band R=8000, respectively. We directly measure the efficiencies in the lab and find that the peak efficiencies of these two types of gratings are quite good with a peak efficiency of ~88% at the Bragg angle in both TM and TE modes at H-band, and 90.23% in TM mode, 79.91% in TE mode at J-band for the best vendor. We determine the drop in efficiency off the Bragg angle, with a 20-23% decrease in efficiency at H-band when 2.5 degree deviation from the Bragg angle, and 25%-28% decrease at J-band when 5{\deg} deviation from the Bragg angle.Comment: Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147-33

    The SBF Survey of Galaxy Distances. I. Sample Selection, Photometric Calibration, and the Hubble Constant

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    We describe a program of surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) measurements for determining galaxy distances. This paper presents the photometric calibration of our sample and of SBF in general. Basing our zero point on observations of Cepheid variable stars, we find that the absolute SBF magnitude in the Kron-Cousins I band correlates well with the mean (V-I)o color of a galaxy according to M_Ibar = (-1.74 +/- 0.07) + (4.5 +/- 0.25) [ (V-I)o - 1.15 ] for 1.0 < (V-I) < 1.3. This agrees well with theoretical estimates from stellar population models. Comparisons between SBF distances and a variety of other estimators, including Cepheid variable stars, the Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function (PNLF), Tully-Fisher (TF), Dn-sigma, SNII, and SNIa, demonstrate that the calibration of SBF is universally valid and that SBF error estimates are accurate. The zero point given by Cepheids, PNLF, TF (both calibrated using Cepheids), and SNII is in units of Mpc; the zero point given by TF (referenced to a distant frame), Dn-sigma and SNIa is in terms of a Hubble expansion velocity expressed in km/s. Tying together these two zero points yields a Hubble constant of H_0 = 81 +/- 6 km/s/Mpc. As part of this analysis, we present SBF distances to 12 nearby groups of galaxies where Cepheids, SNII, and SNIa have been observed.Comment: 29 pages plus 8 figures; LaTeX (AASTeX) uses aaspp4.sty (included); To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, 1997 February 1 issue; Compressed PostScript available from ftp://mars.tuc.noao.edu/sbf

    Breaking the Disk/Halo Degeneracy with Gravitational Lensing

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    The degeneracy between the disk and the dark matter contribution to galaxy rotation curves remains an important uncertainty in our understanding of disk galaxies. Here we discuss a new method for breaking this degeneracy using gravitational lensing by spiral galaxies, and apply this method to the spiral lens B1600+434 as an example. The combined image and lens photometry constraints allow models for B1600+434 with either a nearly singular dark matter halo, or a halo with a sizable core. A maximum disk model is ruled out with high confidence. Further information, such as the circular velocity of this galaxy, will help break the degeneracies. Future studies of spiral galaxy lenses will be able to determine the relative contribution of disk, bulge, and halo to the mass in the inner parts of galaxies.Comment: Replaced with minor revisions, a typo fixed, and reference added; 21 pages, 8 figures, ApJ accepte

    Tests of the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey from Confirmation Observations for the ESO Distant Cluster Survey

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    The ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS) is a photometric and spectroscopic study of the galaxy cluster population at two epochs, z~0.5 and z~0.8, drawn from the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey (LCDCS). We report results from the initial candidate confirmation stage of the program and use these results to probe the properties of the LCDCS. Of the 30 candidates targeted, we find statistically significant overdensities of red galaxies near 28. Of the ten additional candidates serendipitously observed within the fields of the targeted 30, we detect red galaxy overdensities near six. We test the robustness of the published LCDCS estimated redshifts to misidentification of the brighest cluster galaxy (BCG) in the survey data, and measure the spatial alignment of the published cluster coordinates, the peak red galaxy overdensity, and the brightest cluster galaxy. We conclude that for LCDCS clusters out to z~0.8, 1) the LCDCS coordinates agree with the centroid of the red galaxy overdensity to within 25'' (~150 h^{-1} kpc) for 34 out of 37 candidates with 3\sigma galaxy overdensities, 2) BCGs are typically coincident with the centroid of the red galaxy population to within a projected separation of 200 h^{-1} kpc (32 out of 34 confirmed candidates), 3) the red galaxy population is strongly concentrated, and 4) the misidentification of the BCG in the LCDCS causes a redshift error >0.1 in 15-20% of the LCDCS candidates. These findings together help explain the success of the surface brightness fluctuations detection method.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the November 10 issue of Ap
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