7 research outputs found

    Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Small-size recombinant adenoviral hexon protein fragments for the production of virus-type specific antibodies

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    Immunostaining of hexon by the neutralizing dog anti-HAdV-C5 serum. Lysates from uninfected and infected Hela cells were analyzed by Western immunoblot using the polyclonal dog anti-HAdV-C5 serum. Several viral proteins including a protein corresponding in relative size to hexon (108 kDa) were detected. (PDF 346 kb

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Small-size recombinant adenoviral hexon protein fragments for the production of virus-type specific antibodies

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    Adenoviral HVRs 1-6 hexon fragment purification. SDS-PAGE analyses of HVRs1-6 hexon fragments of HAdV-B3 HAdV-C5, MAdV-1 and -2 were performed after GSH affinity purification (A), Mono Q ion-exchange purification (B), and Q5 ion-exchange purification (C). The Flow fraction represents proteins that did not bind to the chromatography matrix, the Wash fraction represents proteins washed out during the washing step of the purification, and the Beads fraction represents proteins that were eluted from the matrix by SDS boiling. Elution from the Q5 ion-exchange column was performed applying a slow KCl gradient of 50-600 mM. The hexon fragments were eluted at different KCl concentrations, including 150-210 mM KCl for the HAdV-B3 fragment, 270-350 mM KCl for the HAdV-C5 fragment, 90-130 mM KCl for the MAdV-1 ragment and 60-110 mM KCl for the MAdV-2 fragment. (PDF 2150 kb

    Additional file 1: of Expression of human CD46 and trans-complementation by murine adenovirus 1 fails to allow productive infection by a group B oncolytic adenovirus in murine cancer cells

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    Immunoblotting of FLAG-tagged MAV1 ORF transgenes encoded in EnAd. NMuMG-CD46 cells were infected with EnAd encoding different MAV1 ORFs as CMV-driven FLAG-tagged transgenes. A. Three days post-infection, cells were lysed and probed for the presence of the FLAG tag using a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated mouse anti-DYKDDDDK antibody. Red asterisks above bands denote proteins of approximately the predicted size for each transgene. Blots were probed with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated mouse anti-β-actin as a loading control. B. Predicted protein sizes for each ORF. (PPTX 1369 kb

    HVR1 on hexon controls binding of HAdV-C5 to MPI-2 cells.

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    <p>A) Pre-incubation of cells with soluble HAdV-C5 fiber knobs (FK) does not inhibit binding of HAdV-C5 to MPI-2 cells, whereas binding of the virus to the CAR-positive A549 cells is suppressed in a dose-dependent manner. Cells were first pre-incubated with the indicated amounts of FKs and Atto565-labeled HAdV-C5 was then added to the cells at 4°C for 60 min (moi ~ 20000 and 38000 virus particles/cell for MPI-2 and A549, respectively). After removal of unbound viruses and fixation, cells were imaged by confocal microscopy and cell-associated virus particles were scored from maximum projections of confocal stacks. The plot shows number of bound virus particles per cell, one dot representing one cell. Error bars represent the means ± SEMs. Number of cells analyzed is indicated. The difference between MPI-2 FK 0 and 5 μg/ml or 1 μg/ml samples was statistically significant (P = 0.002 and P = 0.032, respectively, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). B) HAdV-A31 (with a truncated HVR1) binds better to SR-A6 negative M2-4 than MPI-2 cells, and HVR1 swap HAdV-C5_HVR1(A31)/HVR7* shows reduced binding to MPI-2 cells compared to HAdV-C5. The HVR1 swap was engineered into a virus backbone that carried single amino acid changes in hexon HVR7 (HVR7*), which prevent coagulation factor X binding to the virus. The experiment was carried out as described in (C). The difference between HAdV-C5_HVR1(A31)/HVR7* MPI-2 and M2-4 results, as well as that of HAdV-A31 results, is statistically significant (P<0.0001, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). The HVR1 amino acid sequences of HAdV-C5 (highlighted in red), HAdV-A31 (blue) and HAdV-C5_HVR1(A31)/HVR7* (blue, red) are shown in single letter code. C) HVR1 ablation reduces HAdV-C5 binding to MPI-2 cells but not A549 cells. Indicated amounts (vp) of unlabeled wild type HAdV-C5, HAdV-C5_HVR7* and HAdV-C5_HVR1(A31)/HVR7* were added to ~ 1.6×10<sup>5</sup> cells at 4°C for 60 min and after removal of unbound virus, cells were switched to 37°C for 10 min before fixation. Viruses were detected by immunostaining with an anti-hexon 9C12 antibody and secondary Alexa-Fluor488-conjugated antibody. Samples were imaged by confocal microscopy and cell-associated virus particles were scored from maximum projections of confocal stacks. The plot shows number of bound virus particles per cell, one dot representing one cell. Error bars represent the means ± SEMs. Number of cells analyzed is indicated. The difference between HVR1(A31)/HVR7* and the wild type or HVR7* viruses was statistically significant in MPI-2 cells (P = 0.0091 and P = 0.0006 for the vp 13×10<sup>8</sup> samples, respectively, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), whereas differences in A549 cells were not statistically significant. D) Swap of hexon HVR1 with that of HAdV-A31 reduces HAdV-C5 gene transduction in MPI-2 cells, but not in A549 cells. Cells (~4×10<sup>4</sup>) were infected with the indicated amounts of HAdV-C5_HVR7* and HAdV-C5_HVR1(A31)/HVR7* viruses and the activity of firefly luciferase expressed from the viral genomes was used to estimate the transduction efficiencies at 24 h pi. The plot shows results from two technical replicates.</p

    SR-A6 facilitates binding of HAdV-C2, HAdV-D26 and HAdV-B35 to MPI-2 cells.

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    <p>A) Alexa-Fluor488-labeled virus particles were added to wild type MP1-2 or to the SR-A6 knockout M2-4 cells as described in the legend to <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006914#ppat.1006914.g002" target="_blank">Fig 2A</a>. Images shown are maximum projections of confocal stacks. Virus particles are pseudo-colored green and nuclei (DAPI) blue. Scale bar = 10 μm. The plots show quantification of virus binding efficiency, expressed as percentage of cell area covered by virus particles. Error bars represent the means ± SEMs, and number of cells analyzed is indicated. The difference in virus binding to MPI-2 and M2-4 cells was statistically significant for all viruses (P<0.0001, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). B) SR-A6 facilitates HAdV-D26 and HAdV-B35 virus transduction. Wild type MPI-2 and the SR-A6 knockout M2-4 cells (~8×10<sup>4</sup>) were infected with indicated amounts of recombinant virus vectors carrying the Firefly luciferase gene, and the luciferase enzyme activity in cell extracts was used to estimate the virus transduction efficiencies at 20.5 h pi. The plot shows results from two technical replicates.</p

    Characterization of HAdV-C5 entry into MPI-2 cells.

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    <p>A) Internalization of HAdV-C5 into MPI-2 cells and B) exposure of viral membrane lytic protein VI on internalized virus. Atto565-labeled HAdV-C5 were added to MPI-2 cells at 4°C (moi ~13600 virus particles per cell) for 60 min. Unbound particles were washed away, and cells were shifted to 37°C for the indicated times. Intact cells were then incubated with 9C12 anti-hexon antibodies at 4°C to tag surface-associated viruses, and after fixation, cells were permeabilized and stained for protein VI. Secondary Alexa Fluor680-conjugated anti-mouse and Alexa-Fluor488-conjugated anti-rabbit antibodies were used to detect 9C12 and anti-protein VI antibodies, respectively. Nuclei were stained with DAPI, and samples were imaged by confocal microscopy. Virus particles lacking the 9C12 signal were scored as internalized particles and (A) shows percentage of internalized virus particles per cell at the different time points. One dot represents one cell. (B) shows mean average protein VI signal on internalized particles. One dot represents one cell. Error bars represent the means ± SEMs. Number of cells analyzed is indicated. C) SR-A6-facilitated entry supports efficient penetration of HAdV-C5 into the cytoplasm. Alexa-Fluor488-conjugated HAdV-C5 were added to MPI-2 cells at 4°C for 60 min (moi ~7300 virus particles per cell). Unbound viruses were washed away and cells were shifted to 37°C for 45 min. Cell surface and cytoplasmic particles were tagged with anti-Alexa-Fluor488 antibodies after perforation of the plasma membrane with streptolysin O (SLO). The anti-Alexa-Fluor488 antibodies in turn were visualized by secondary Alexa-Fluor594 antibodies. Control cells were incubated with antibodies without SLO treatment to specifically mark virus particles at the plasma membrane. The plot shows percentage of virus particles positive for the anti-Alexa-Fluor488 antibodies, one dot representing one cell. The majority of antibody-positive particles in the SLO-treated HAdV-C wild type (wt) sample represent cytoplasmic virus, since the no-SLO control indicated only few particles at the cell surface. Virus particles in the endosomes are inaccessible to the antibodies, and the endosomes stayed intact in the assay, since parallel samples infected with the penetration deficient HAdV-C2-TS1 mutant virus displayed only low number of antibody-positive particles. Error bars represent the means ± SEMs. Numbers of cells and virus particles analyzed are indicated. D) Tracking of incoming virus genome. EdC-labeled HAdV-C5 particles (moi ~ 7300 virus particles per cell) were internalized into MPI-2 cells at 37°C for 30 min and, after removal of unbound virus, the samples were incubated for further 270 min before fixation. The virus capsids were visualized by anti-hexon 9C12 and Alexa-Fluor594-conjugated secondary antibodies, and click-reaction with Alexa-Fluor488-conjugated azide was carried out to mark the virus genomes. The image represents maximum projection of image stack from central parts of the cells. Nuclear area and cell outline are indicated. In the majority of cells, the virus genome was separated from the capsid at this time point and concentrated over the nuclear area, as exemplified by the upper cell in the image. A fraction of cells displayed significant amounts of capsid-free virus DNA also in the cytoplasm, as exemplified by the lower cell in the image. Scale bar = 5 μm.</p

    SR-A6 is required for HAdV-C5 infection of murine alveolar macrophage-like MPI-2 cells.

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    <p>A) Transduction assay with HAdV-C5_dE1_GFP in MPI-2 cells expressing shRNAs against the scavenger receptors SR-A1, SR-A6, SR-B1 and SR-B2. Three different input amounts of HAdV-C5_dE1_GFP (~9765–39000 virus particles per cell) were used for the transduction. Transduction efficiency was scored at 20 h pi by measuring GFP signal intensity over nucleus, and is expressed as infection index (number of GFP positive nuclei/total number of nuclei). The values represent mean values from three technical replicates ± standard deviations. B) qRT-PCR control of knockdown efficiencies in shRNA-expressing cells. Transcripts analyzed are indicated on the upper part of the panel, and the annotation on x-axis indicates shRNA-expressing cell lysates used for analyses. The transcript levels are normalized to the wild type MPI-2 cells by three or two house-keeping genes. C) Transduction assay with HAdV-C5_dE1_GFP on MPI-2 cells expressing shRNA against SR-A6 or a control, non-targeting SR-A6_C911 shRNA. D) Transduction assay with HAdV-C5_dE1_GFP on MPI-2 and A549 cells after pre-incubation of cells with three different concentrations of anti-SR-A6 antibody ED31 or an isotype-matched control antibody. E) Transduction assay with HAdV-C5_dE1_GFP on MPI-2 and A549 cells after pre-incubation of virus with three different amounts of soluble mouse SR-A6. Input virus ~16700 virus particles per cell with the soluble SR-A6. F) Transduction assay with HAdV-C5_dE1_GFP on wild type MPI-2 and two independent SR-A6<sup>-/-</sup> MPI-cell lines. G) Secretion of IFN α/β from wild type, SR-A6 knock-out or scavenger receptor shRNA-expressing MPI-2 cells upon HAdV-C5 infection. Culture medium was collected from virus-infected cells 24h pi and titrated on a reporter cell line expressing the Firefly luciferase gene under the control of an IFN-inducible Mx2 promoter.</p