6 research outputs found

    Per millorar la recuperació muscular de la part superior del braç després del dany induït per l’exercici no n’hi ha prou amb usar durant 12 h una màniga de compressió

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    Objectiu Avaluar l’eficàcia de la màniga de compressió usada durant un període de temps curt (12 h) en la recuperació dels símptomes del dany muscular induït per l’exercici dels músculs del braç. Mètode En un estudi aleatori controlat, 13 homes joves sans realitzaren un protocol d’exercicis estandarditzat per induir dany muscular als flexors del colze. Es dividiren en 2 grups: experimental (n = 7) i control (n = 6). Es prengueren mesures de la força isomètrica de flexió del colze, la circumferència del braç (CB) i la percepció del dolor muscular abans i a les 24, 48, 72 i 96 h posteriors a l’exercici, i s’utilitzaren com a criteris de dany muscular induït per l’exercici. Es van fer comparacions entre grups de cada variable amb un ANOVA de 2 vies (2 grups × 5 mesures) i amb un nivell de significació de p < 0,05. Resultats S’observà una pèrdua important (p < 0,001) de la força muscular (∼43% i ∼34% en els grups control i experimental, respectivament, 24 h després de l’exercici) i un augment significatiu (p < 0,001) en la circumferència del braç i dolor muscular (F4,55 = 6,49 per a CB i F4,55 = 6,95 per al dolor muscular) en prendre les mesures després de l’exercici, en tots 2 grups, sense diferències significatives entre ells. Conclusions Els nostres resultats, juntament amb troballes prèvies, suggereixen que l’ús de la màniga de compressió durant 12 h no és suficient per millorar la recuperació dels símptomes del dany muscular induït per l’exercici dels músculs del braç, i que per aconseguir resultats positius són necessaris períodes més llargs de compressió

    Twelve hours of a compression sleeve is not enough to improve the muscle recovery of an exercise-damaged upper arm

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    Objective To assess the efficacy of a compression sleeve worn for a short-time period (12 h) on the recovery from the symptoms of exercise-induced upper arm muscle damage. Methods A randomized controlled study was conducted on thirteen healthy young men using a standardized and exercise-induced upper arm muscle damage protocol, and they were immediately placed into two groups: TREATED (n = 7) and CONTROL (n = 6). Isometric elbow flexion strength, upper arm circumference, and muscle soreness measurements were taken before and at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after the damaging exercise, and were used as criteria of exercise-induced muscle damage. Group comparisons were made for each variable using a two-way ANOVA design (2 groups × 5 measurements), and with a significance level of P < 0.05. Results A significant impairment (P < 0.001) was observed in muscle strength (∼43% and ∼34%, for CONTROL and TREATED groups, respectively, 24 h after exercise), as well as a significant increase (P < 0.001) in upper arm circumference (UAC) and muscle soreness (F4,55 = 6.49 for UAC and F4,55 = 6.95 for muscle soreness) among the measurements after exercise for both groups, with no significant differences between them. Conclusions These results, together with previous findings, suggest that the use of a compression garment for 12 h is not enough to improve the recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage in the upper arm, and longer periods of compression may be necessary to achieve positive outcomes

    Influence of visual information in postural control: Impact of the used stabilometric analysis methods

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    This study aimed to investigate the postural control performance and the contribution of the sensorial systems during upright standing posture through an integrated analysis of the center-of-pressure (CoP) oscillations with time and frequency domain methods. Material and Methods: Volunteers remained on upright standing upon a piezoelectric force platform at two conditions: eyes closed (EC) and eyes opened (EO). Coordinates of the body's CoP were analyzed to obtain stabilometric parameters in the time (anteroposterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) amplitude displacement of the CoP) and in the frequency domain (contribution of spectral bands sub 0.3Hz and 1-3Hz). The time-domain parameters inform a postural control performance, while the spectral parameters inform sensorial strategies to ensure a satisfactory postural stability. Results: Time-domain parameters were not significantly different between conditions, while the contribution of Sub 0.3Hz band was higher in EO condition, as well as, the contribution of 1-3Hz band was higher in the EC. Discussion: Our results pave the way for further studies using stabilometric parameters in the time and frequency domain together. Using this integrated approach, it was possible to identify a reweighting from the available sensory cues, since the Sub 0.3Hz band depends on the visual and vestibular input, while 1-3Hz band depends on the proprioceptive input, ensuring a good postural stability even with the visual-deprivation.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el desempeño del control postural y la contribución de los sistemas sensoriales durante la postura erguida a través de un análisis integrado de las oscilaciones del centro de presión (CoP) con métodos de dominio de tiempo y frecuencia. Material y método: Los participantes permanecieron de pie sobre una plataforma piezoeléctrica, distribuidos en dos grupos: con ojos cerrados (EC) y con ojos abiertos (EO). Se analizaron las coordenadas de CoP del cuerpo para obtener parámetros estabilométricos en el tiempo (desplazamiento anteroposterior (AP) y medial-lateral (ML) de la CoP) y en el dominio de la frecuencia (contribución de las bandas espectrales sub 0,3 Hz y 1-3 Hz). Los parámetros del dominio del tiempo proporcionan información del control postural, mientras que los parámetros espectrales informan sobre las estrategias sensoriales utilizadas para asegurar una estabilidad postural satisfactoria. Resultados: Los parámetros del dominio temporal no fueron significativamente diferentes entre los dos grupos, mientras que la contribución de la banda Sub 0,3 Hz fue mayor en el grupo de ojos abiertos (EO), así como, la contribución de la banda 1-3Hz fue mayor en el grupo de ojos cerrados (EC). Discusión: Nuestros resultados allanan el camino para nuevos estudios utilizando parámetros estabilométricos en el dominio del tiempo y la frecuencia juntos. Utilizando este enfoque integrado, fue posible identificar una reponderación a partir de las señales sensoriales disponibles, ya que la banda Sub 0,3 Hz depende de la entrada visual y vestibular, mientras que la banda 1-3Hz depende de la entrada propioceptiva, garantizando una buena estabilidad postural incluso con la privación visual

    Comparison of Heart Autonomic Control between Hemodynamically Stable and Unstable Patients during Hemodialysis Sessions: A Bayesian Approach

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    Intradialytic hypotension is a common complication during hemodialysis sessions. The analysis of successive RR interval variability using nonlinear methods represents a promising tool for evaluating the cardiovascular response to acute volemic changes. Thus, the present study aims to compare the variability of successive RR intervals between hemodynamically stable (HS) and unstable (HU) patients during a hemodialysis session, through linear and nonlinear methods. Forty-six chronic kidney disease patients volunteered in this study. Successive RR intervals and blood pressures were recorded throughout the hemodialysis session. Hemodynamic stability was defined based on the delta of systolic blood pressure (higher SBP-lower SBP). The cutoff for hemodynamic stability was defined as 30 mm Hg, and patients were stratified as: HS ([n = 21]: ≤29.9 mm Hg) or HU ([n = 25]: ≥30 mm Hg). Linear methods (low-frequency [LFnu] and high-frequency [HFnu] spectra) and nonlinear methods (multiscale entropy [MSE] for Scales 1–20, and fuzzy entropy) were applied. The area under the MSE curve at Scales 1–5 (MSE1–5), 6–20 (MSE6–20), and 1–20 (MSE1–20) were also used as nonlinear parameters. Frequentist and Bayesian inferences were applied to compare HS and HU patients. The HS patients exhibited a significantly higher LFnu and lower HFnu. For MSE parameters, Scales 3–20 were significantly higher, as well as MSE1–5, MSE6–20, and MSE1–20 in HS, when compared to HU patients (p 1–5, MSE6–20, and MSE1–20. HS patients exhibited a higher heart-rate complexity than HU patients. In addition, the MSE demonstrated a greater potential than spectral methods to differentiate variability patterns in successive RR intervals