15 research outputs found

    Masculinity in the Character of Margo Roth Spiegelman in Paper Towns Novel

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    Woman and her position toward man in society are always interesting to be discussed. Woman is now labeled by femininity for years and often be associated with several characteristics such as gentle, caring, loving and inferior from man because of the gender stereotype formed by society. By this research, the researcher aimed to analyze the masculine traits of the female character, Margo Roth Spiegelman in Paper Towns novel. This research was a qualitative research and used content analysis as the data analysis technique. This research used Sandra L Bem's Sex Role Inventory as the indicator of masculinity in Margo's character in Paper Towns novel. The result of this research showed that Margo has masculine traits even though she is a woman and they appeared through three aspects of her character: physical, emotional, and behavioral

    Female Oppression Toward Female Characters in Mars Need Mom Movie

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    In this study the researcher analyzed the oppression from female character toward other female characters. The researcher only discussed two female characters, Milo's mother and Gribble's mother who gained the oppression from Supervisor as another female character because the researcher wanted to prove that oppression could also happen from female to female (same sex). There are two objectifies of the study in this research, to show the forms of oppression which occur toward female characters in Mars Need Mom movie and to analyze how the female characters, experience the oppression that are shaped by another female character in Mars Need Mom movie. The five faces of oppression is a theory that is explained by Irish Marion Young. The theory is related toward the form of oppression which usually occur in the society. This form of oppression somehow called as injustice action that adhere toward people or group because of several reasons, such as class, race and gender. The five faces of oppression are marginalization, exploitation, powerlessness, cultural imperialism and violence. The result of this study are, Milo's mother got three faces oppression from Supervisor, those three oppression are marginalization, powerlessness and violence. Whereas Gribble's mother got four faces oppression. The four faces of oppression are exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, and violence. And the process of oppression that was gained by two mothers firstly which was done by Supervisor (female) was, Supervisor observed them, abducted them and extracted them using solar extraction machine. The different process from both of them is Martians succeed to extract Gribble's mother, whereas Milo's mother, the extraction is failed because Milo was successful in saving his mother.Based on those analysis, the researcher concludes that the oppression toward women can be done by women. Therefore, the researcher believes that the oppression toward women is not always caused by gender assumption that male is superior rather than women, but the oppression can be happened due to the power which is had by the perpetrators (men and women) of oppression

    Politeness Strategies Used by the Characters in Finding Neverland Movie (2004)

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    Politeness is one of important thing in doing conversation to avoid misunderstanding between speaker and hearer during the conversation to make the social interaction running more harmony. The purposes of this research were to find out types of politeness strategies, factors influencing the characters in using politeness strategies and the dominant politeness strategy used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. The research method in this research was descriptive qualitative research, the theory of politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson (1987) was used to analyze the four types of politeness strategy. The result of this research showed that there were fifty eight utterances represented four politeness strategies used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. Fourteen utterances represented of bald on record strategy, twenty seven utterances represented of positive politeness strategy, sixteen utterances represented of negative politeness strategy and oneutterance represented bald off record strategy. There are 2 factors influencing the choice of politeness strategies used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie. They are intrinsic payoff and relevant circumstances. Fifty eight utterances categorized as politeness strategies, twenty seven of them belong to positive politeness strategy, so that positive politeness strategy is the most dominantly used by the characters in Finding Neverland movie

    Women Portrayal in Patriarchal Society Through Female Main Characters in Zemeckis' Beowulf Film (2007)

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    Patriarchy system which forms gender stereotypes and its issues, consciously or not is easily found in daily life. Gender stereotypes are strengthened by patriarchy system which includes judgments of surrounding society, and forms two categories; masculinity (men stereotypes) and femininity (women stereotypes) which referred from the different biological characteristics among men and women, to empower men and disempower women in society. The purposes of this research were to analyze the portrayal of patriarchy system which is portrayed in the Zemeckis' Beowulf film, and to analyze the portrayal of female main characters who break patriarchy system which is portrayed in the film. This research was designed as a qualitative research, and the theory of patriarchy by Allan G. Johnson was used as the ground theory. The results of the research showed that patriarchy system and its four elements such as male dominance, male identification, male centeredness, and obsession with control are promoted in the society which is portrayed in the Zemeckis' Beowulf film (2007). Although the two female main characters of the film live in a society which is patriarchal, but they do not fall into the patriarchy system and the gender stereotypes that are imposed on them as subordinate women, instead they challenge and break the social systems

    The Psychoanalytical Study on the Characteristics and Causes of Adolescent Deviant Behavior Found in Divergent Novel by Veronica Roth

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    This research investigates how the major character described to get causes of Beatrice's deviant behaviors in Veronica Roth's Divergent Novel. This research used three different theories to answer two research questions. First, used the personality theory by Sigmund Freud and used the four ds of abnormality theory by Ronald J.Comer to define the deviant behavior of the main character, Beatrice Prior. This research also used behavior disorder theory by Harry Gottesfeld to analyzed the causes of deviant behavior which is performed by the main character. The data sources are literary data. The method of data collection of the research is library research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive qualitative method. The researcher served the data in dialogues, and narratives by Beatrice. Based on the analysis, the researcher draws two conclusions: First, this research shows that the failure to control personality can make a person being deviant. It is reflected in the major character's personality when she wants to leave her faction. The second, this research shows that there are four causes of Beatrice deviant behavior in six causes of behavior disorder, they are the physical, biological factors; the family; and the self-concept, and natural support systems

    An Analysis of Intrinsic Elements in Mama Film by Andres Muschietti

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur intrinsik yang terdapat pada film Mama dan pengaruh yang diberikan oleh unsur-unsur tersebut dalam menciptakan tema difilm Mama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan intrinsik untuk megetahui unsur-unsur intrinsik dari film Mama dan teori Lombardi dalam mengidentifikasi suatu tema dari karya sastra untuk mencari pengaruh unsur-unsur intrinsik film Mama dalam membentuk temanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif sebagai bentuk penelitiannya dan pendekatan struktural sebagai alat untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini. Data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini diambil dari dialog-dialog dan narasi-narasi skrip film Mama (2013) yang disutradarai oleh Andres Muschietti. Film Mama merupakan film bergenre horor yang temanya berfokus pada kasih ibu. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa unsur-unsur intrinsik yang terdapat pada film Mama terdiri dari alur (orientasi, konflik, klimaks, antiklimaks, dan resolusi), karakter (Annabel, Mama, Lucas, Victoria, Lily, Aunt Jane, Dr. Gerald, Jeffrey Desange, dan Burnsie), latar (tempat: rumah sakit, pengadilan, Kabin Halvetia, Clifton Forge, institut penelitian, dan dinding). Waktu: tahun 1987, hari Kamis, waktu sarapan, dan malam hari), dan sudut pandang yang diambil yaitu sudut pandang Victoria. Disisi lain, semua unsur intrinsik tersebut memiliki pengaruhnya masing-masing dalam penentuan tema film Mama yaitu siapapun itu, selama ia memiliki perasaan yang tulus, mampu untuk memberikan kasih ibu. Semua unsur intrinsik tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kasih ibu merupakan tema dari film Mama yang berasal dari ketiga karakter perempuan: Annabel, Mama, dan Aunt Jean terhadap Victoria dan Lily

    Gender Stereotypes Changes Of Merida's Character In Disney Movie Brave

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    This research is aimed to reveal of how Merida's character deal with gender stereotypes, whether she fall within the stereotypes rule or not, the writer used the theory of Sex Role Inventory by Sandra L Bem to measure Merida's masculine and feminine traits. Next purpose is to examine the process of Merida's gender stereotypes changes by using the theory of Feminist Identity Development by Nancy E Downing and Kristin L. Roush. This research is categorized as a qualitative research and it applied the technique of coding in analyzing data. The result of this study found out that Merida's character did not embrace the gender stereotypes due to her dominated masculine traits character rather than feminine as contradictory to gender stereotypes. Merida's character has ten masculine traits and three feminine traits. Furthermore, the process of Merida's stereotype changes began from revelation stage and the climax is she survived to the stage of active commitment

    Analysis Of Deixis In Pitch Perfect 2 Movie

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    This study aimed to find out the types of deixis and contexts used by Beca Mitchell character in Pitch Perfect 2 movie. In order to fulfill the two aims, this study used two theories: Levinson's (1983) five types of deixis were used to find out the types of deixis, while Panevová and Hana's (2011) four types of context were used to find out the types of context appeared in each utterance of Beca Mitchell character. This study was a qualitative research with content analysis as its approach. Moreover, this study used words as its data in the forms of narrations and dialogues uttered by Beca Mitchell character taken from Pitch Perfect 2 movie script. The results of this study showed there were five types of deixis used by Beca Mitchell character: person deixis (40% of first person, 23% of second person, and 6% of third person), time deixis usage as 12%, place deixis usage as 6% shown in both types: proximal and distal, discourse deixis usage as 6%, and social deixis usage as 7% shown only in the relational type that considered the closeness of relationship between Beca and her hearers. Meanwhile, there were four types of context appeared: physical, linguistic, social, and epistemic. The conclusions showed that Beca Mitchell used Levinson's five types of deixis along with four types of context by Panevová and Hana to help her getting clearer about things she said in her utterances. As the implications, theoretically, this study was capable of giving the understanding about Levinson's deixis and Panevová-Hana's contexts. While practically, this study had shown that film also used deixis as its speech variety similar with the communication done in real world even though the film used in this study, Pitch Perfect 2 movie was a fiction one. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tipe-tipe deiksis dan konteks yang digunakan oleh karakter Beca Mitchell dalam film Pitch Perfect 2. Untuk memenuhi kedua tujuan tersebut, maka penelitian ini menggunakan dua teori: lima tipe deiksis dari Levinson (1983) untuk menemukan tipe-tipe deiksis dan teori empat tipe konteks dari Panevová dan Hana (2011) untuk menemukan tipe-tipe konteks yang ada dalam tiap ujaran deiksis karakter Beca Mitchell. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisa konten. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini menggunakan kata-kata sebagai datanya yang berupa narasi-narasi dan dialog-dialog yang diujarkan oleh karakter Beca Mitchell dalam skrip film Pitch Perfect 2. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat lima tipe deiksis yang digunakan oleh karakter Beca Mitchell: deiksis orang (40% orang pertama, 23% orang kedua, dan 6% orang ketiga), deiksis waktu sebanyak 12%, deiksis tempat sebanyak 6% dalam dua tipe: proksimal dan distal, deiksis wacana sebanyak 6%, dan deiksis sosial sebanyak 7% yang hanya muncul dalam satu tipe yaitu relasional yang mana melibatkan kedekatan hubungan antara Beca dan para lawan bicaranya. Sementara itu, terdapat empat tipe konteks yang muncul yaitu: fisikal, linguistik, sosial, dan epistemik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Beca Mitchell menggunakan lima tipe deiksis milik Levinson bersamaan dengan empat tipe konteks milik Panevová dan Hana untuk membantunya dalam memberikan ujaran-ujaran yang lebih jelas. Sebagai implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu secara teori bahwa penelitian ini dapat memberikan pengertian tentang deiksis milik Levinson serta konteks dari Panevová dan Hana. Secara praktik, penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa film juga menggunakan deiksis sebagai variasi bentuk ujarannya yang hakikinya juga sama dengan komunikasi yang dilakukan dalam dunia nyata terlepas dari fakta bahwa film yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, Pitch Perfect 2 merupakan fiksi

    Masculinity Traits of Maud Watts as A Female Character in the Suffragette Film

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    This study is aimed to reveal how a female character is depicted in the film and to prove that a female character also adopted masculinity traits. The theory of characterization by Boggs and Petrie is used to reveal the depiction of Maud's character, while to prove that Maud Watts adopted masculinity traits, the writer used the theory of Bem Sex Role Inventory by Sandra L. Bem. This study is conducted as a qualitative content analysis, which adopts the technique of coding categories. The findings of this study reveal that as a female character, Maud Watts is not only adopted femininity traits but also masculinity traits. Maud's character is depicted through the five tools of characterization according to Boggs and Petrie. Through her appearances, she is masculine and likeable. Through the dialogues, she is independent, confident, ambitious, assertive, competitive, sympathetic and loyal. Through her external action, Maud is ambitious, sympathetic, aggressive and loyal. Through her internal actions, she is sensitive and independent. Next, through reactions of other characters, she is smart, aggressive and ambitious. Those findings prove that as a female character, Maud also adopted masculinity traits. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana karakter perempuan digambarkan dalam film dan untuk membuktikan bahwa karakter perempuan juga mengadopsi sifat maskulinitas. Teori karakterisasi dari Boggs dan Petrie digunakan untuk mengungkap penggambaran karakter Maud, sementara untuk membuktikan bahwa Maud Watts mengadopsi sifat maskulinitas, penulis menggunakan teori Bem Sex Role Inventory dari Sandra L. Bem. Kajian ini dilakukan sebagai analisis isi kualitatif, yang mengadopsi teknik pengkodean kategori. Temuan kajian ini mengungkapkan bahwa sebagai karakter wanita, Maud tidak hanya mengadopsi sifat feminitas tetapi juga sifat maskulinitas. Karakter Maud digambarkan melalui lima alat karakterisasi menurut teori dari Boggs dan Petrie. Melalui penampilannya, Maud diketahui memiliki sifat maskulin dan menyenangkan. Melalui dialog, Maud mandiri, percaya diri, ambisius, tegas, kompetitif, simpatik, dan loyal. Melalui tindakan luarnya, Maud ambisius, simpatik, agresif, dan loyal. Melalui tindakan internalnya, dia sensitif dan mandiri. Selanjutnya, melalui reaksi dari karakter lain, Maud diketahui sebagai orang yang pintar, agresif dan ambisius. Temuan itu membuktikan bahwa sebagai karakter wanita, Maud juga mengadopsi sifat-sifat maskulinitas

    Archetypal Characters in Beautiful Boxer and White Chicks Films

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    The concern of this study was about the archetypal characters of men characters who transformed into women as portrayed by Toom of Beautiful Boxer and Kevin & Marcus of White Chicks films. This study used Jung's four major archetypes to find out the types of archetype portrayed by the three men characters and their similarities and differences toward each other. Qualitative research was the research design of this study. The data used in this study were words (narrations and dialogues) related to Toom character taken from the English Subtitle of Beautiful Boxer film and Kevin & Marcus characters of White Chicks film script. This study found the archetypes portrayed by Toom of Beautiful Boxer film were persona, shadow, and anima. Meanwhile, the archetypes of persona and anima were portrayed by Kevin and Marcus of White Chicks film. The similarity of archetype portrayed by Toom, Kevin, and Marcus was that their anima archetype existing from another archetype which led to the difference among the three of them. Toom's anima was the result of his growing shadow containing his oppressed desire of becoming a real woman, while Kevin and Marcus' anima came from their persona archetype related to their mission of pretending as women. Based on these findings, this study concluded that shadow archetype affected Toom's decision of transforming into woman, while persona affected Kevin and Marcus'