8 research outputs found

    Upaya Menuju Demokratisasi Pendidikan

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    The new paradigm education providing in order to capable produce results the generation who was came to play the role of nation young society be a live process and stating affair. Education expected will became efficacious medicine for medicine society disease. This importance are there base aspect the thing which necessary renewed that is regulation, professionalism, and management.Purpose education create the thing which democratic or education democratization, the state was make UU No. 22- 1999 year, UU No. 32-2004 year (Regional autonomy), UU No. 20- 2003 year (Sisdiknas), PP No 19-2005 year (SPN), Permendiknas No. 22, 23, 24 -2006 year (KTSP implementation). Implementation curriculum of KTSP the thing which give the right and freedom, community participation, organizer authority, supporter institution, and stakeholder's, there is as like real effort for creates education democratization in Indonesia. In order that capable the human resources which qualified, and superiority competitiveness

    Statement Kebijaksanaan Moneter

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    Monetary policy at 2010 year like as statement and implemented by Indonesia Bank (BI), as a purpose to reach national economy development target. That is counted unemployment, inflation pressure, and suppress International balance payment deficit. The monetary policy influence the first time tasted by banking monetary sector and then tasted by real sector.The monetary policy transmission can influence economy activity pass through some strip that is: the cost of capital, wealth channel, portofolio theory, and monetary theory. The latest purpose of monetary policy is watch over and take care of stability of rupiah value the thing which reflected at low level and inflation stability. Mechanism of monetary policy the thing which implementation with rate BI policy for influence inflation pass through some strip among others; rate of interest, credit, exchange value, asset and expectation.Application Asean-China Free Trade Agreement (AC-FTA) expected has an positive impact, concerning domestic economy, inflation level indicate a little increase in early 2010 year, although still appropriate revolves around target Indonesia Bank (BI) as high as ± 5% in January month 2010 noted down 0,84% (mtm) or 3,72%, formerly 0,33% (mtm) or 2,78%. Domestic financial sector became better by watched over money market inter bank (PUAB) even lean to decrees. To optimal result of monetary policy it is always together with fiscal policy and coordinate inter Indonesia Bank (BI) with central government along with regional governmen

    Bauran Kebijakan Moneter dan Makroprudensial Bank Indonesia Semenjak Maret 2011 Hingga Maret 2012

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    : Monetary Policy and Macroprudential of Bank Indonesia 2011-2012. Indonesia economic growth since February 2011 until the fourth quarter of 2011 was 6.5%. Throughout the year of 2011, CPI inflation has declined from 6.65 % in March to 4.15% in December. Investment increased in early 2012 in line with the development of infrastructure, reduction in the BI rate thus providing a favorable climate and positive perceptions for investors. In the first two quarters of 2011, export exceeded import, but in the fourth quarter of 2011, there was a deficit in the balance of payment as import increased. In early 2011, Indonesia foreign exchange reserve amounted to US 99.6billion,whichincreasedinAugusttoUS99.6 billion, which increased in August to US 124.6 billion. At the end of January 2012 the foreign exchange reserves increased by $US 112 billion. Performance of financial market and banking was fairly steady in February 2011 further demonstrated by the CAR above 8% and gross NPL below 8%, while credit growth of 24.6% of this state wake up to early 2012

    Meramal Krisis Keuangan di Indonesia

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    The policy makers in Indonesia is more Ad-hoc and myopic (the radar far) to make policy. With various models and methods can be made a prediction or forecast about the financial and banking crisis, and even can diagnose the health of can economy. The crisis that can accur in various parts of the world causing expert 1o try to find the cause, a common pattern (stylized facts) that is experts to developed a method to detect the financial crisis, it can even be used to see in the future economy performance. Crisis in Indonesia that occurred in 1971-1975 as the sample to predict a crisis of Indonesia in 1997 whose results were in general quite. There are several models developed to predict the financial crisis imn Indonesia include: parametric models/econometric models and non parametric, such as signals, the model logitlprobit, hybrid model that includes macro and micro prudential and artificial neural network model. Each using a similar indicator, only the number of indicators (its nodes) are indeed different. From the various models and methods developed, has the performance and results of analysis or early indicators are almost the same/similar and significant at 5% alpha level. It's just an early indicator of the difference and the probability that a crisis will occur when using a forecasting and prediction in outside sample. The performance of each model is adequate in terms of occurancy in predicting the probability of financial crisis in Indonesia. Early indicators are an important contribution in predicting the probability of financial crisis in Indonesia are: real exchange rate, fiscal deficit. the credit ratio to Gross Domestic Product (GOP, world oil prices, growth in export and import, government consumption, domestic Imterest rate spread is the interest rate "The Fed" (The Federal Reserve The Central Bank of The USA)