223 research outputs found

    Present practice, on-going research and future potential for non-chemical pest management in fruit and berry production in Denmark

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    Workshop prensentation - Present practice, ongoing research and future potential for non-chemical pest management in fruit and berry production in Denmark. Chinese-Danish networking on systemic approaches to pest management without pesticides. Hand-out (Flowerstrips and beneficials in orchards

    Functional agrobiodievrsity - a novel approach to optimize pest control in fruit production

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    Functional agrobiodiversity was implemented in organic apple orchards in Denmark, by perennial flower strips. Two techniques were tested with the purpose of enhancing natural enemies and reducing damage of the rosy apple aphid

    Functional agrobiodiversity – a novel approach to optimize pest control in fruit production

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    Fruit growers suffer great economic losses each year due to pest damage. The demand for organic produce is increasing along with the interest from growers to develop sustainable and more resilient production systems and over 20% of the apple production in Denmark is now organic. Available pest management options are limited and prevention is important for resilience. In the project PROTECFRUIT we test the use of functional agrobiodiversity

    Åbent hus på Pometet - Blomsterbræmmer i æbleplantager og strategisk vanding mod skurv

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    Åbent hus på Pometet med rundvisninger, hvor der er fokus på Pometets genbanksamlinger. FruitGrowth forsøg med skadedyr og nyttedyr, samt strategisk vanding mod skurv fremvises

    Blomsterstriber og naturlige fjender - forsøg og observationer i æble

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    Indlæg om blomsterstriber i frugtplantager som habitat for nyttedyr mod skadevoldere. Afholdt på Kernefrugt temadag i januar 2018 arrangeret af GartneriRådgivningen

    Ă…bent hus pĂĄ Pometet

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    Pometet afholder sit årlige Åbent Hus arrangement. Der vil være rundvisning og omtale af igangværende forskning, hvor der er information om FruitGrowth projektet med fokus på bekæmpelse af skadedyr og svampesygdomme i økologisk æbleproduktion

    Äppelträffen 2012 - SLU

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    Møde mellem forskere, konsulenter og æbleavlere ved Sveriges landbrugsuniversitet i februar

    Projects on fruits and berries in Denmark

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    Presentation "Projects on fruits and berries in Denmark" at the Universiy in Sao Paoulo, Brazil in connection with IMBICONT kick-off meeting. Apple IPM is an focus area of the collaboration with Brazil
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