43 research outputs found

    Atraksi Wisata Religi di Masjid Syahbuddin Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau

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    This study aimed to investigated religious tourist attraction. Which is a tourist attraction the attractiveness of an attraction so that the tourist interested in visiting the tourist attraction and Also to determine the Syahhabuddin mosque tourist activities in Siak district of Riau province. This study used descriptive qualitative method which describe situation in accordance with the event, the sourcer is the head daily Syahhabuddin mosque and Disparpora Siak district. This study used descriptive qualitative method which describe situation in accordance with the event, the sourcer is the head daily Syahhabuddin mosque and Disparpora Siak district. The result of this study are Syahhabuddin mosque religious tourist attraction showed the historical mosque, the unique architecture , and the adjacent mosque location to the river and Sultan Syarif Khasim II tombs. While the tourist activities in Syahhabuddin mosque itself are prayer, pilgrimage while enjoying the beauty of the Siak river view and following recitation. The result of this study are Syahhabuddin mosque religious tourist attraction showed the historical mosque, the unique architecture , and the adjacent mosque location to the river and Sultan Syarif Khasim II tombs. While the tourist activities in Syahhabuddin mosque itself are prayer, pilgrimage while enjoying the beauty of the Siak river view and following recitation. The study expected to increase knowledge about Syahbuddin mosque as religious tourist attraction, and as consideration for the Syahhabuddin mosque tourism to increase the tourists number enjoyed it. The study expected to increase knowledge about Syahbuddin mosque as religious tourist attraction, and as consideration for the Syahhabuddin mosque tourism to increase the tourists number enjoyed it. Keyword : Religious tourist attraction , Syahhabuddin mosque Keyword : Religious tourist attraction , Syahhabuddin mosqu

    Motivasi Kerja Karyawan Housekeeping di Hotel Zaira Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted at Hotel Zaira Pekanbaru. This study aims to determine working motivation of housekeeping at Zaira Hotel. This study aims a). To analyze the factors that influence the working activity of Housekeeping at Zaira Pekanbaru Hotel. b). To know what efforts were made by the company in increasing working motivation of Housekeeping at Zaira Pekanbaru Hotel. The sample used in this study were 9 respondents (people). This research useddescriptive analysis method that is a technique to describes or depicts something, either in the form of drawings or photographs obtained from field data or researcher describes research results with pictures and can also mean to explain with words in thereport for complementarity Boundary problem in this study, the author discusses only working motivation of Housekeeping at Zaira Pekanbaru Hotel and any attempts by the company to improve working motivation of Housekeeping at Zaira Pekanbaru Hotel. Apart from these aspects of the author will not be discussed. The identification of this research to determine how is the working motivation of Housekeeping at Zaira Pekanbaru Hotel? and What attempts did implement by the company to improve it? Keywords: Phisical needs, Security needs, Social needs, Esteem needs, self actualization needs

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Beban Kerja Room Attendant di Grand Jatra Hotel Pekanbaru

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    One of the factors which have influence to the success level of the organization is employees performance. One of the efforts to improve the employees performance is by giving attention to workload. This research aims to determine factors influence workload of room attendant in Grand Jatra Hotel Pekanbaru.Descriptive quantitative method was used to examine the issues raised. The sampel in this research are 10 peoples and used census method. While the data collection technique in this research used questionnaires, observation, interviews and documentation. A likert scale used as a measure to determine the length of the interval.Based on the research that has been done, to the factors that influence workload of room attendant in Grand Jatra Hotel Pekanbaru are namely external factors and internal factors. Where the eksternal factors that most influence significantly

    Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Wisatawan di Candi Muara Takus Kabupaten Kampar

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    Attractions Muara Takus as a relic of Buddhist temple located in the area throughout the Moslem inhabitant, and still stronger hold their customs and culture. This temple began much visited by tourists from various ethnic backgrounds, religions and cultures. This certainly raises different perceptions against the travelers.This study aims to determine the public perception of the tourists visiting Muara Takus Kampar regency. This perception viewed from the aspect of cognitive, affective and conative aspect.The method used is qualitative method. In a study that is the subject of research amounted to 7 people, which is the surrounding community as informants. To determine the informant researchers used purposive sampling technique, which the researchers took the informant based on certain criteria which are based on objective research.This study identified into three main issues, namely the perception viewed from the aspect of cognitive, affective and conative aspect. Thus researchers can determine how the public perception of the tourists in Kampar regency Muara Takus.Keywords: Perception, Society, Travelers, Muara Takus

    Faktor-faktor Keputusan Wisatawan di Objek Wisata Riau Fantasi Labersa Waterpark Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research was conducted in Riau Fantasi Labersa Water Park tourism object, Kampar Regency since decision making factors as the variable. The aim of this research is to determine the factors influenced the decision making of tourist in doing the tour.The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative where accidental sampling used take the sample. The amount of samples were 100 respondents. The data collection technique used in this research was observation, questionnaire, and documentation. Scale Likert was used to get data quantitativelyAccording to Pitana and Gayatri (2005), there are 4 factors influenced the decision making of tourism, such as: tourist characteristics, awareness the benefit of travel, description of the tour and tourist destination superiority.As the result of this research, the tourists in Riau Fantasi tourism object said that they were agreed about the factors of decision making influenced their decision in doing the tour to Riau Fantasi Labersa Water Park tourism object Kampar Regency. Highest average percentage was in the factor of the awareness of the benefits of the tour 80.5%.Keywords : Decision Making Factors, Tourist, Tourism Objec

    Seni Pertunjukan sebagai Atraksi Wisata Budaya di Kecamatan Karimun Kabupaten Karimun Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    This research purposed to get know how performing arts development in The Karimun District of Karimun Regency Riau Island Province. How far potential and readiness from the government and the peoples to packing the perfoming arts to be a cultural tourism attraction that worthy presented for tourists. Because so far Karimun District is an area that active in performing arts events every years.This research used qualitative desciptive method to analyze the problems. The sample in this research are 11 samples by using snowball sampling. And then the technique to collected data in this research are using by observation, interview and documentation.Based on the research, performing arts packed as a cultural tourism attraction can be said to begin to develop. Because in Karimun District, performing arts presented as free entertainment for the peoples and tourists. Performing arts which consist of Dance, Music and Theatre had met several points of characteristic features for performing arts that packged for tourists as tourist community, such that a clone of the original, a short and solid version, had eliminated its sacred, magical and symbolic value, varied served, interested served. Even the last point that low pocket costs for tourist, it could be said not apply in Karimun. Because in Karimun District didnt apply performing arts by using tickets or charge. So for every tourist who wants watched performing arts can get it free.maybe in the future can be develop performing arts attraction that worth of profit.Key words : Performing Arts, Cultural Tourism Attraction, Karimun Distric