8 research outputs found

    Structure аnd Physical-Mechanical Properties of nc-TiN Coatings Obtained by Vacuum-Arc Deposition and Deposition with HF Discharge

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    Using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, adhesion strength, friction coefficient, and wear rate of the material we have studied properties of nc-TiN coatings. Depending on the bias potential applied to the substrate and the chamber pressure, the inclusion of HF discharge, it is shown that combination of different parameters recorded during scratching allows to distinguish the threshold values of the critical load which are linked to different types of cohesive and adhesive fracture of coatings in tribological tests. Sizes of nc-TiN nanograins, stoichiometry of coatings, as well as the phase and elemental composition and morphology of the coating surface were determined. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3599

    physical and mechanical properties of the nanocomposite and combined Ti-N-Si /WC-Co-Cr and Ti-N-Si/(CR3C2)75-(NiCr)25 coatings

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    Two types of the combined nanocomposite coatings (Ti-N-Si /WC-Co-Cr and Ti-N-Si/ (Cr3C2Ni)75-(NiCr)25) of 160-320 μm thickness were produced using two deposition techniques: the cumulative-detonation and the vacuum-arc deposition with the high-frequency discharge. This gives the possibility (using the combined coatings) to restore the size of worn areas of the tools and demonstrate the high corrosion and wear resistance, to increase the hardness, modulus of elasticity, and plasticity index. Composition of the top coating varied from Ti = 60 at.%, N = 30 at.%, and Si = 10 at.% to Ti = 75 at.%, N = 20 at.%, and Si = 5 at.%. In the first series of coatings the following phases were obtained: (Ti;Si) and TiN in thin top coating and WC and W2C in thick bottom coating. The second series gives (Ti;Si)N and TiN in top coating; Cr3Ni2 and pure Cr in bottom coating; and small amount of Ti19O17 in the transition region between thin and thick coatings. For the first series the grain size achieved 25 nm at the hardness of 38 GPa. For the second series the grain size was 15 nm at the hardness of 42 GРa ± 4 GPa. It is shown that the corrosion resistance in salt solution and acid media increases with the wear decrease as a result of the cylinder friction over the surface of combined coating. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9351Отримано два види комбінованих нанокомпозитних покриттів (Ti -N-Si /WC-Co-Cr; TI-N -Si/(Cr3C2Ni)75-(NiCr)25) товщиною 160 ÷ 320 мкм з використанням двох технологій осадження: кумулятивно-детонаційним з подальшим осадженням за допомогою вакуумно-дугового джерела у ВЧ розряді. Що дає можливість, за допомогою комбінованого покриття, відновлювати розмір зношених ділянок виробів із захистом їх від корозії, зносу, при цьому збільшити твердість, модуль пружності, індекс пластичності. Склад верхнього покриття змінювали від Ti = 60 %, N ≈ 30 %, Si = 10 % до Si = 5 %; N = 20 %, Ti = 75 %. У першій серії покриттів виявлені фази (Ti, Si) і TiN в тонкому верхньому покритті і WC і W2C в товстому нижньому покритті. У другій серії, у верхньому покритті були отримані (Ti, Si) N і TiN, а в нижньому покритті Cr3Ni2, чистий Cr; невелика кількість Ti19O17 в перехідній області між тонким і товстим покриттям. Розмір зерен в першому варіанті тонкого покриття складав 25 нм, при твердості 35 ГПа, а в другому варіанті розмір зерен кристалітів складав 15 нм при твердості Н = 42 ± 3,6 ГПа. Показано, що корозійна стійкість в сольовому розчині і кислотному середовищах збільшується, при зменшенні зносу в результаті тертя циліндра по поверхні комбінованого покриття. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9351Получено два вида комбинированных нанокомпозитных покрытий (Ti-N-Si/WC-Co-Cr; Ti-N-Si/(Cr3C2Ni)75-(NiCr)25) толщиной 160 ÷ 320 мкм с использованием двух технологий осаждения: кумулятивно-детонационным с последующим осаждением с помощью вакуумно-дугового источника в ВЧ разряде. Что даёт возможность, при помощи, комбинированного покрытия восстанавливать размер изношенных участков изделий с защитой их от коррозии, износа, при этом увеличить твердость, модуль упругости, индекс пластичности. Состав верхнего покрытия изменяли от Ti = 60 %, N ≈ 30 %, Si = 10 % до Si = 5 %; N = 20 %, Ti = 75 %. В первой серии покрытий обнаружены фазы (Ti; Si) и TiN в тонком верхнем покрытии и WC и W2C в толстом нижнем покрытии. Во второй серии, в верхнем покрытии были получены (Ti, Si)N и TiN, а в нижнем покрытии Cr3Ni2, чистый Cr; небольшое количество Ti19O17 в переходной области между тонким и толстым покрытием. Размер, зерен в первом варианте тонкого покрытия, составлял 25 нм, при твёрдости 35 ГПа, а во втором варианте размер зёрен кристаллитов составлял 15 нм при твёрдости Н = 42 ÷ 3,6 ГПа. Показано, что коррозионная стойкость в солевом растворе и кислотной средах увеличивается при уменьшении износа в результате трения цилиндра по поверхности комбинированного покрытия. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/935

    Fabrication and Research of Superhard (Zr–Ti–Cr–Nb)N Coatings

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    This work presents the results of (Zr–Ti–Cr–Nb)N superhard coatings research. The samples were fabricated by the vacuum-arc deposition method (Arc-PVD). Structure, composition and properties of these coatings were studied. The study of coatings was carried out using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Hardness measurements and adhesion tests were performed. The coatings thickness was up to 6.2 m, nanocrystallites sizes ranged from 4 to 7.3 nm. Values of hardness and cohesive streng

    Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Coatings Based on (Ti, Hf, Nb, Si)N

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    Current paper presents the results of investigating of nanostructured cathode arc vacuum evaporation coatings, based on (Ti, Hf, Nb, Si)N. Several methods of the structural and elemental analysis were used: proton microbeam, nano- and micro-electron beam, X-ray diffraction analysis. To determine tribological properties (scratch resistance, adhesive and cohesive strength) of the coatings, scratch testing were conducting. Influence of thermal annealing at temperatures 300, 500, 800, 1000 C on elemental composition, microstructure, residual stress, phase composition, profiles of atomic distribution in the coatings were investigated

    Structure and Properties of Superhard (Zr-Ti-Cr-Nb)N Coatings

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    This work presents the results of superhard (Zr-Ti-Cr-Nb)N coatings research. Samples were fabricated by vacuum-arc deposition method (Arc-PVD). Structure, composition and properties of these coatings were studied. The study of coatings was performed using SEM, EDS and XRD. Hardness measurements and adhesion tests were provided. The coatings thickness was up to 6.2 mm. Nanocrystallites sizes ranged from 4 to 7.3 nm. Values of hardness and cohesive strength were H=43.7 GPa and LC=62.06 N respectively. The optimal conditions for coating’s deposition were found

    Fabrication and Research of Superhard (Zr–Ti–Cr–Nb)N Coatings

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    This work presents the results of (Zr–Ti–Cr–Nb)N superhard coatings research. The samples were fabricated by the vacuum-arc deposition method (Arc-PVD). Structure, composition and properties of these coatings were studied. The study of coatings was carried out using scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Hardness measurements and adhesion tests were performed. The coatings thickness was up to 6.2 m, nanocrystallites sizes ranged from 4 to 7.3 nm. Values of hardness and cohesive streng

    Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Coatings Based on (Ti, Hf, Nb, Si)N

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    Current paper presents the results of investigating of nanostructured cathode arc vacuum evaporation coatings, based on (Ti, Hf, Nb, Si)N. Several methods of the structural and elemental analysis were used: proton microbeam, nano- and micro-electron beam, X-ray diffraction analysis. To determine tribological properties (scratch resistance, adhesive and cohesive strength) of the coatings, scratch testing were conducting. Influence of thermal annealing at temperatures 300, 500, 800, 1000 C on elemental composition, microstructure, residual stress, phase composition, profiles of atomic distribution in the coatings were investigated