2 research outputs found

    The phenomenon of the home: Metaphysics of the innermost (as illustrated by the modern Russian culture)

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the influence of the expanding globalization processes that affect the view of life of a modern man: the internal balance is lost due to feeling of chaos, rhythm of life and constant changes. In these conditions there is a tendency to de-humanize the living environment, depersonalization of living space and desacralization of human dwelling which leads to re-thinking of the Home that ensures human existence in the world. The purpose of the article is to state the necessity of new understanding of the Home as the phenomenon of culture which would confront the absolute priority of the rational, pragmatic and utilitarian through the notion of “the innermost”, through studying the transformation of the innermost within the historical context and through revealing the dialectics of the innermost and the explicit in living space of the modern culture. The lead method for studying this problem is the interdisciplinary approach that provides the possibility of comprehensive consideration of the results of philosophical, cultural, architectural and other studies. The article reveals the essence and the main philosophical-cultural characteristics of the Home and the essence of the innermost as a special super-value, specifies the traditional image of the innermost in living space related to the Home as the centre of existence and reveals the attributes of transformation of the innermost in the Home resulting from the processes which are characteristic of the modern age. The materials of the article can be useful for developing the scientific-methodological support of general and special courses, for conducting lessons in philosophical-cultural disciplines and for usage for designing and modeling the living environment. © 2016 Shupletsova et al

    The phenomenon of the innermost in the context of art education

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    The paper looks at the problems of modern art education. Thе aim of the research is to identify the interrelation between the innermost an artistic aspects of the artwork based on theoretical analysis and synthesis. Th authors explore the axiological and acmeological nature of the unseen, which manifests itself as a revelation and inspires a creative person to strive for perfection. The need for developing students’ moral values and ethical attitude t the surrounding realities intensifies the significance of the innermost aspect o art education. According to the author, the emphasis on the inmost thought and feelings can guarantee a spiritual immunity of the young generation an prevent penetration of a low taste and banality into the artistic sphere. The category of the unseen, being closely related to the spiritual level o self-awareness, requires a particular attention in art education; it should b taken into consideration while developing and implementing the educationa curriculaПубликация посвящена проблемам современного художественного образования. Цель предпринятой исследовательской работы – выявить на основе теоретического анализа и обобщения тесную связь феноменов сокровенного и художественного в произведении искусства. Раскрывается ценностная природа сокровенного, которое по своем содержанию аксиологично и акмеологично. Оно является откровение о самом заветном, главном в человеческой жизни и побуждает личность к созданию объективно лучших творений. Актуализация сокровенного в художественном образовании обусловлена необходимостью формирования у молодежи высших духовны ценностей, попрание которых приводит к эрозии идентичности и самосознания, утрате смысла и цели жизни, угасанию интереса к чему-либо. По мнению авторов, в условиях разгула асоциальной гедонистики воспитание нравственно-эстетического отношения к окружающим реалия становится актуальным как никогда. Оно обеспечивает своего рода иммунитет от духовного разложения, так как блокирует проникновение в сознание многообразной пошлости, сорняки которой буйно расцвел в современном обществе, в том числе в художественной сфере. Категория сокровенного, в силу того что она тесно связана с духовным уровнем самосознания общества, должна стать предметом пристального внимания в художественном образовании при разработке и реализации учебных программ и планов воспитательной работ