12 research outputs found

    PCR bias of the prokaryotic universal primer for members of the domain <i>Bacteria</i> (Class-level NGS analysis).

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    <p>PCR bias of the prokaryotic universal primer for members of the domain <i>Bacteria</i> (Class-level NGS analysis).</p

    <i>In-silico</i> analysis for the coverage rate of predicted primer sets.

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    <p>Primers used in the present and previous studies were submitted to the ‘Probe Match program' facility of the Ribosomal Database Project (<a href="http://www.rdp.cme.msu.edu/" target="_blank">http://www.rdp.cme.msu.edu/</a>) to evaluate specificity.</p><p>*The coverage of each primer set was calculated from the total number of matching sequences.</p

    Relative abundance ratios of the classes <i>Thermoplasmata and Methanobacteria</i> estimated by NGS with the prokaryotic universal primer (pro) and archaeal universal primer (arc).

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    <p>Relative abundance ratios of the classes <i>Thermoplasmata and Methanobacteria</i> estimated by NGS with the prokaryotic universal primer (pro) and archaeal universal primer (arc).</p

    Relative abundance ratios of members of the classes <i>Verrucomicrobiae</i> and <i>Opitutae</i> for NGS analyses using the prokaryotic and bacterial universal primers.

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    <p>Relative abundance ratios of members of the classes <i>Verrucomicrobiae</i> and <i>Opitutae</i> for NGS analyses using the prokaryotic and bacterial universal primers.</p

    Primers and thermal cycling profiles used in this study.

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    <p>Underlined regions indicate Illumina adapter sequences. Bold-face font indicates PCR primer region, which is preceded by a linker sequence. Poly-N string in forward primer denotes barcode sequence.</p><p>Barcode sequences used in this study (5′-3′): GATCTG, TCAAGT, CTGATC, AAGCTA, GTAGCC, TACAAG, CGTGAT, ACATCG, and GCCTAA.</p

    Relative abundance ratios of <i>Bacteria</i> and <i>Archaea</i> estimated by NGS with the prokaryotic universal primer.

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    <p>The results of NGS analysis for the three pig fecal samples are compared to those obtained by real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR).</p

    Class-level NGS analysis results for microbial diversity in pig fecal samples using the prokaryotic universal primer.

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    <p>The bar charts show the taxonomic profiles obtained for each of the three pig fecal samples. The arrowheads indicate archaeal reads (<i>Methanobacteria</i>).</p

    Correlations between FFQg data (intake of energy, and macronutrients and micronutrients) and fecal microbiota composition.

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    <p>Positive and negative values indicate the number of significant positive and negative correlations, respectively, between FFQg data (intake of energy, and macronutrients and micronutrients) and bacterial family abundance.Y axis: Positive and negative values indicate the number of significant positive and negative correlations. X axis: Bacterial family.</p

    Fecal microbiota composition at the family level in samples from elderly Japanese subjects.

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    <p>Columns are color-coded according to bacterial families. The X axis shows the bacterial family abundance (%). The Y axis shows the volunteer number.</p