469 research outputs found

    Study on toxigenic cyanobacteria of aquaculture ponds in Thailand

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    Proliferation of cyanobacteria is frequently encountered in natural eutrophicated lakes as well as in aquaculture ponds, since daily feeding contributes to the high nutrient loading for the intensive aquaculture. The extensive growth of cyanobacteria presents a considerable threat to human health because many species have the potential to produce cyanotoxin. Microcystis, in particular, is a typical bloom-forming cyanobacterial genus that produces a strong hepatotoxin microcystin. In this study, aquaculture ponds of catfish and tilapia in Thailand were surveyed to obtain the basic information on the occurrence of harmful cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. This study provided two significant facets of information. One, from a viewpoint of the evaluation of the risk of cyanotoxins in aquaculture; the other, on the ecological study of toxigenic cyanobacteria at various environmental conditions. The relationship between the proliferation of toxigenic cyanobacteria and environmental conditions such as nutrients, temperature and kinds of cultured fish in aquaculture ponds were illuminated by mainly using conventional water quality analysis, quantitative real time PCR method (a molecular ecological method) and linear model analysis for the results. The results were summarized as follows. In September and December of 2009 and March of 2010, 22 ponds for commercial farming of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and 17 ponds for hybrid catfish (Clarias macrocephalus x C. gariepinus) were surveyed in the provinces of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Phayao. Fish species (tilapia or catfish) did not significantly affect the occurrence of toxigenic cyanobacteria. Actually, mcyD gene was detected in 8 tilapia ponds and 11 catfish ponds. Then microcystin analyzed by HPLC was detected in only 4 tilapia ponds and 6 catfish ponds. However, these differences between catfish pond and tilapia pond were not statistical significant. On the other hands, chl-a, as a surrogate of total biomass of phytoplankton, depended on both T-N and T-P. Then the concentration of chl-a in high temperature season (March) was higher than that in low temperature season (December). On the other hand, total cyanobacteria mainly depended on T-P, then it was found much in December than in March. The detection probability of mcyD in aquaculture ponds was explained by a logistic model, mainly with T-P. The probability in March was lower than that in December

    A list of fishes found on the oyster farming rafts by the underwater visual census in northern Hiroshima Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan

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    カキ筏には多様な付着生物が生育することが知られており,魚類にとっても寄り付きやすい環境であることが示唆されている。しかし,カキ筏に具体的にどのような魚類が出現するのかについての知見は乏しい。そこで,カキ筏が数多く係留されている広島湾北部の江田島沖合において,カキ筏に出現する魚類の潜水目視調査を2011年8月と10月に実施した。マガキの垂下された水深5-9mを筏に沿って約50m 遊泳しながら,水中構造内に存在する魚種と個体数を記録した。各月とも,マガキの成長した筏とマガキが垂下されて間もない筏について調査し,のべ400分の潜水観察により総計16科24種の魚類を確認した。そのほぼすべてが,沿岸岩礁域およびガラモ場にみられる魚種であった。クロダイ,アカオビシマハゼ,アミメハギ,カワハギの4種は,調査を実施した筏すべてにおいて出現が認められ,カキ筏環境への順応性の高さが伺われた。出現魚種数および出現個体数は,マガキの成長した筏が有意に高く,マガキの成長に伴い,より多様な魚が数多く寄り付きやすくなることが示唆された。The oyster farming rafts occupy 200ha of the water surface in Hiroshima Bay. Each floating raft (ca.11m wide x 26m long) hangs a total of 600 wires (ca. 10m depth) each attaching 40 oysters’ collectors, providing a complex underwater structure. Though the raft structure has been suggested to provide nursery habitats for fishes, information of fishes found around the oyster raft has been very limited hitherto. In order to obtain data of the species composition and the abundance of fishes occurring on the raft structure, we conducted visual census at off Eta-shima Island, northern Hiroshima Bay, during the daytime on August 5 and October 3, 2011. The collecters were dropped in 0-15m depth from floating rafts. Five observers swam for 52m along the outer edge of the raft in 5-9m depth, with recording fish species and individual numbers occurring within the structure (ca. 100min observation for each raft). The underwater survey was conducted for two types of the rafts in each survey month; a raft with well-grown oysters after overwintering (called the late raft) and one with oyster spats (called the early raft). A total of 24 fish species (16 families) were confirmed and almost of them (23 species) have ever been known as occurring on rocky reefs in Hiroshima Bay. Four fishes, a sparid Acanthopagrus schlegelii, a gobiid Tridentiger trigonocephalus, monacanthids Rudarius ercodes and Stephanolepis cirrhifer, commonly occurred in all four surveyed rafts, suggesting their high abilities in fitting for the environmental conditions of the oyster rafts. The late rafts maintained significantly higher values both in mean fish species numbers and in mean fish abundance than the early rafts, implying that the environmental conditions would become attractive for fishes as a nursery habitat in accordance with the growth of oysters mooring for longer periods.本研究は平成23年度広島大学地域連携推進研究事業の支援を受け,プロジェクト「魚類によるカキならびにアサリの食害防除に関する生物学的研究」の一環として実施したものである

    Status of Cynops pyrrhogaster in a habitat after immigration of Procambarus clarkii

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    Red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii have immigrated since 2009 into one habitat of the Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster that we observed from 1999 to 2002 in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, so we studied the habitat again in December 2012. The observed number of individuals of C. pyrrhogaster in 2012 and their catch per unit effort as relative density tended to decline, and 93.9% of males and 72.7% of females showed injury. In another habitat that P. clarkii has invaded since 1993, C. pyrrhogaster showed low frequency of observation and many injured individuals from 1997 to 2002

    Nonprofit Business Plan Development: From Vision, Mission and Values to Implementation

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    Describes steps for nonprofit planning, with sections that cover organizational assessment, vision and mission statements, goal-setting, and plan implementation

    A study of food habits of the larvae of the Japanese giant salamander Andrias japonicus using fecal analysis

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    オオサンショウウオ幼生の食性を解明するために,広島県東広島市豊栄町椋梨川の自然巣穴周辺に離散した本種幼生の糞分析と環境分析を行った。糞分析の結果,カゲロウ目およびカワゲラ目の水生昆虫が80%を占めた。このうちカゲロウ目ではトビイロカゲロウ属が最も多くみられた。これらの餌生物は3-5月に羽化するため,餌生物の減少による幼生の流下離散の要因になっていることも考えられた。また,幼生の体サイズの増加に伴い,食性が変化することも示唆された。We conducted fecal analysis of the larvae of the Japanese giant salamander Andrias japonicus and environmental analysis to reveal its food habits. In fecal analysis, Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera larvae were observed as the most dominant preys. Choroterpes sp. was the dominant species in Ephemeroptera. The dominant prey species emerge from March to May and it causes a decrease in prey species; i.e., larvae are considered to flow down to search for prey species in a wider area. Food habits are also suggested to change with increase in larvae body size.本研究はJSPS科研費 JP26870400, JP17K01209の助成を受けたものです

    Potential demand for eco-museum excursions in Higashihiroshima City

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    エコミュージアムにおいて,地域に散在する遺産をどのように結びつけるかは1つの課題である。1つの解決策として,域内をめぐる見学ツアーを提供することが考えられる。本稿の目的は,東広島市で想定できるエコミュージアム・ツアーにどの程度の需要が見込めるのかを示すことである。そのために,広島県民へのウェブアンケート調査と,広島大学学生の意見調査を行った。ウェブアンケートからは,エコミュージアムに関心をもつ層が3分の1おり,ツアーへの参加希望は,「水と酒」をテーマとするものが56.0%,「生物と農村生活」で44.9%,「バイオマス関連」で40.3%,「伝説と歴史」で30.3%であることが示された。また,学生の意見としては,大学のある地域について知る機会を大事にしたい,日常的に自然に接する機会が少ないので提示された機会は貴重だと考える者がいる一方,参加費用面でそもそも無理だと判断する者がおり,両者はほぼ半々となった。見学ツアーに対して,広島大学総合博物館単独での実施能力を大きく上回る潜在的な需要があることが確認できた。Finding ways to connect scattered heritages in an eco-museum constitutes an issue. Solutions include providing excursions around the region. This article aims to demonstrate how much demand can be expected for the excursions of an eco-museum in Higashihiroshima City. To this end, an online questionnaire survey was administered to citizens of Hiroshima Prefecture, and an opinion survey of Hiroshima University students was conducted. According to the online survey, 56.0% of respondents were interested in participating in the excursion on the theme of “water and liquor”, and 44.9% were interested in the excursion regarding “wild living and rural life”. Further, 40.3% were interested in the “biomass-related” excursion and 30.3% were interested in the excursion on “local history and legends”. The opinions of university students were as follows. Almost half the students stated that the presented opportunities are valuable as they want to learn about the area surrounding the university and there are few opportunities to interact with nature in everyday life. Conversely, the other half of participants deemed the participation fee excessively high. The results confirmed that there is a potential demand for excursions, and that it exceeds the capacity that the museum can manage.ウェブアンケート調査について科学研究費(基盤研究(C),19K01186,代表:淺野敏久)を使用した

    潜水センサスを用いた瀬戸内海倉橋島における浅海魚類相 : 出現魚種の季節的消長 <原著論文>

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    瀬戸内海の倉橋島において,潜水センサスによる魚類相の周年調査を行った。本調査により,8目29科53種の魚類を確認した。これらは周年定住種16種,季節的定住種37種に分けられた。近年,瀬戸内海で報告されている暖海性魚類と思われる種は確認されなかった。月毎の出現魚種数は,9・10月の41種が最多であり,1・2月の18種が最少であった。冬期には,9・10月に認められた多くの季節的定住種はその姿を消し,周年定住種を中心とした魚類群集が形成された。本調査海域の冬期の最低水温は10℃であり,低水温が種数の変動に影響し,暖海性魚類の出現を制限する要因になっていると考えられた。We conducted a year-long underwater census to survey fish fauna on a reef off Kurahashi Island in the Seto Inland Sea. A total of 53 species (8 orders, 29 families) were recorded; 16 species were residents, 37 were seasonal residents. No tropical/warm-temperate fish were confirmed. The total number of fish species (41) peaked in September and October, but drastically decreased to just 18 species in January and February because of the disappearance of most seasonal residents. These seasonal residents appeared to be prevented from continuing residence in the central part of the Seto Inland Sea because of the low water temperature in winter.※誤植訂正のためPDF差し替え(2018年3月20日

    Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for Early Diagnosis of Viral Infection

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    Viral reactivation is one of the most serious complications for immunocompromised patients. Under immunosuppressive conditions, some viruses can be reactivated solely or simultaneously and may thus cause life-threatening infection. Therefore, the prompt and proper diagnosis of viral reactivation is important for the initiation of preemptive therapy. For this purpose, we recently developed a multiplex-virus polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. The multiplex PCR assay is designed to qualitatively measure the genomic DNA of 12 viruses at once: cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV-6), HHV-7, HHV-8, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), BK virus (BKV), JC virus (JCV), parvovirus B19 (ParvoB19), herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), HSV-2, and hepatitis B virus (HBV). When a specific PCR signal is obtained, the viral load is determined by a quantitative real-time PCR. The qualitative multiplex and quantitative real-time PCR procedures take only 3 hours to complete. With this assay system, we can identify viremia at the early stage and thereby prevent it from progressing to overt and symptomatic viral infection in immunocompromised patients, such as those receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

    Implementation of a new specific program for training curators at Hiroshima University

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    博物館法施行規則の改正に伴い,2012年4月から学芸員資格取得のために修得すべき科目が大幅に変更となった。学芸員資格取得の歴史においてはきわめて大きな変更である。本学では,これに対応するため,各学部の学芸員資格取得特定プログラムを統合し,全学の学生を対象とする新課程に移行した。本稿では,本学が新たに採用した4学期制(ターム制)を含め,今回の変更が受講や資格取得にどのような影響を及ぼしたのか,統計データの分析を通じて考察した。新課程移行の前後で,プログラム登録者数,資格取得者数は大幅に減少し,取得率も大きく低下した。こうした現象は特定の学部,分野の変化に基づくものではなく,旧課程においてプログラム登録の主体となってきた全ての学部に共通する。分析を通じて,大幅な必要単位数の増加,全学を対象としたプログラムへの変更,2学期制から4学期制(ターム制)への変更など,複数の要因が関連して,各学部における専門の修得と学芸員資格取得を両立させることが困難な状況が生じていることが推定された。As a result of the revision of Museum Law Enforcement Rules, the subjects that must be completed to acquire the curator qualification have changed significantly since April 2012, which constitutes a major change in the history of this qualification. To cope with this change, we integrated the curator qualification specific programs of each faculty into a new course for students of all universities. In this paper, through statistical data analysis, we examined the impact of this change on attendance trends, including the term system newly adopted by Hiroshima University. Before and after the transition to the new course, the number of program registrants and qualifications greatly decreased, and the acquisition rate has also declined significantly. These phenomena were not based on changes in specific faculties or fields, but are common to all faculties subject to program registration during the old course. Through this analysis, we presumed that several factors, such as the great increase in the required number of credits, the change to the program for the whole school, and the change from a two-semester system to the four-semester system, were all interrelated to each other, which make it difficult to achieve both specialized and curator qualifications.本稿は,2018年6月22日に香川大学で開催された第13回日本博物科学会で口頭発表した藤野次史・青木孝夫・清水則雄・菅村 亨・本多博之・山口富美夫・山崎博史・吉田将之「広島大学における新課程実施後の学芸員資格取得状況について」を元に,新たなデータを加えて考察したものである