66 research outputs found

    Nongyrotropic electron velocity distribution functions near the lunar surface

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    We have analyzed nongyrotropic electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs) obtained near the lunar surface. Electron VDFs, measured at ∼10–100 km altitude by Kaguya in both the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere, exhibit nongyrotropic empty regions associated with the ‘gyroloss’ effect; i.e., electron absorption by the lunar surface combined with electron gyromotion. Particle-trace calculations allow us to derive theoretical forbidden regions in the electron VDFs, thereby taking into account the modifications due to nonuniform magnetic fields caused by diamagnetic-current systems, lunar-surface charging, and electric fields perpendicular to the magnetic field. Comparison between the observed empty regions with the theoretically derived forbidden regions suggests that various components modify the characteristics of the nongyrotropic electron VDFs depending on the ambient-plasma conditions. On the lunar nightside in the magnetotail lobes, negative surface potentials slightly reduce the size of the forbidden regions, but there are no distinct effects of either the diamagnetic current or perpendicular electric fields. On the dayside in the solar wind, the observations suggest the presence of either the diamagnetic-current or solar wind convection electric field effects, or both. In the terrestrial plasma sheet, all three mechanisms can substantially modify the characteristics of the forbidden regions. The observations imply the presence of a local electric field of at least 5 mV/m although the mechanism responsible for production of such a strong electric field is unknown. Analysis of nongyrotropic VDFs associated with the gyroloss effect near solid surfaces can promote a better understanding of the near-surface plasma environment and of plasma–solid-surface interactions

    Reductive chemical demagnetization: a new approach to magnetic cleaning and a case study of reef limestones

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    Abstract Chemical demagnetization is not preferred as a demagnetizing method in paleomagnetism because strong acids are cumbersome to handle and require considerable time compared to alternating field and thermal demagnetizations. Particularly, for rocks with carbonate minerals, strong acidic solutions are not applicable. This study presents a new method, termed reductive chemical demagnetization (RCD), using ascorbic acid solution as a reductive etchant. Ascorbic acid is a strong reductive agent and converts Fe3+ ions of secondary magnetic minerals to water-soluble Fe2+ ions, which facilitate chemical demagnetization of carbonate rocks. The carbonate frame can remain intact if the pH of the solution is buffered at approximately 7 with sodium bicarbonate. This etchant is more suitable than strong acid in terms of handling in a paleomagnetic laboratory, particularly in a magnetic field free room. To reduce the required time, a technique of dripping the etchant on the sample was also devised. This helps the fresh etchant flow through the voids between the grains of rocks to rapidly remove dissolved Fe2+ ions. As a case study of RCD, reef limestone samples were examined. The results showed that the dripping experiments with 5% ascorbic acid solution were the most effective. It took 72 h to reach the remaining isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) constant. Thermal demagnetizations of 3-component IRM indicate that RCD removed the high coercivity remanences carried by hematite and goethite. These magnetic minerals were considered to be precipitated between the grains of the rock, and thus they were dissolved by the RCD treatment. A chemical remanent magnetization (CRM), acquired by secondary magnetic minerals, can easily mask the primary remanence for sedimentary rocks of weak magnetization, and the coercivity or unblocking-temperature spectra of the primary remanence and secondary CRM overlap; however, RCD can effectively remove the secondary CRM. RCD prior to alternating field or thermal demagnetization has the potential to improve paleomagnetic demagnetization of sedimentary rocks

    Directions of the low-T and high-T components an the difference of the declination of ODP Site 124-770B (Table 1)

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    Experiments with thermal demagnetization of the samples from Site 770 of Ocean Drilling Leg 124 indicate that the samples have two magnetic components. An assumption that the low-temperature component, which is removed between 100°C and 200°C, is the secondary magnetization acquired in Brunhes normal chron, gives a core orientation. The oriented high-temperature component directions were tightly clustered around a pair of antipodal directions. The change of declination of the high-temperature component shows that the Celebes Sea was rotated counterclockwise about 60° during Eocene and Oligocene time

    Superoxide Dismutase 1 Loss Disturbs Intracellular Redox Signaling, Resulting in Global Age-Related Pathological Changes

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    Aging is characterized by increased oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and organ dysfunction, which occur in a progressive and irreversible manner. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) serves as a major antioxidant and neutralizes superoxide radicals throughout the body. In vivo studies have demonstrated that copper/zinc superoxide dismutase-deficient (Sod1−/−) mice show various aging-like pathologies, accompanied by augmentation of oxidative damage in organs. We found that antioxidant treatment significantly attenuated the age-related tissue changes and oxidative damage-associated p53 upregulation in Sod1−/− mice. This review will focus on various age-related pathologies caused by the loss of Sod1 and will discuss the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis in Sod1−/− mice