282 research outputs found

    Development of a Transferable Reactive Force Field of P/H Systems: Application to the Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Phosphorene

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    ReaxFF provides a method to model reactive chemical systems in large-scale molecular dynamics simulations. Here, we developed ReaxFF parameters for phosphorus and hydrogen to give a good description of the chemical and mechanical properties of pristine and defected black phosphorene. ReaxFF for P/H is transferable to a wide range of phosphorus and hydrogen containing systems including bulk black phosphorus, blue phosphorene, edge-hydrogenated phosphorene, phosphorus clusters and phosphorus hydride molecules. The potential parameters were obtained by conducting unbiased global optimization with respect to a set of reference data generated by extensive ab initio calculations. We extend ReaxFF by adding a 60{\deg} correction term which significantly improves the description of phosphorus clusters. Emphasis has been put on obtaining a good description of mechanical response of black phosphorene with different types of defects. Compared to nonreactive SW potential [1], ReaxFF for P/H systems provides a huge improvement in describing the mechanical properties the pristine and defected black phosphorene and the thermal stability of phosphorene nanotubes. A counterintuitive phenomenon is observed that single vacancies weaken the black phosphorene more than double vacancies with higher formation energy. Our results also show that mechanical response of black phosphorene is more sensitive to defects for the zigzag direction than for the armchair direction. Since ReaxFF allows straightforward extensions to the heterogeneous systems, such as oxides, nitrides, ReaxFF parameters for P/H systems build a solid foundation for the reactive force field description of heterogeneous P systems, including P-containing 2D van der Waals heterostructures, oxides, etc

    Skill-based Model-based Reinforcement Learning

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    Model-based reinforcement learning (RL) is a sample-efficient way of learning complex behaviors by leveraging a learned single-step dynamics model to plan actions in imagination. However, planning every action for long-horizon tasks is not practical, akin to a human planning out every muscle movement. Instead, humans efficiently plan with high-level skills to solve complex tasks. From this intuition, we propose a Skill-based Model-based RL framework (SkiMo) that enables planning in the skill space using a skill dynamics model, which directly predicts the skill outcomes, rather than predicting all small details in the intermediate states, step by step. For accurate and efficient long-term planning, we jointly learn the skill dynamics model and a skill repertoire from prior experience. We then harness the learned skill dynamics model to accurately simulate and plan over long horizons in the skill space, which enables efficient downstream learning of long-horizon, sparse reward tasks. Experimental results in navigation and manipulation domains show that SkiMo extends the temporal horizon of model-based approaches and improves the sample efficiency for both model-based RL and skill-based RL. Code and videos are available at \url{https://clvrai.com/skimo}Comment: Website: \url{https://clvrai.com/skimo

    Multimodal-Enhanced Objectness Learner for Corner Case Detection in Autonomous Driving

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    Previous works on object detection have achieved high accuracy in closed-set scenarios, but their performance in open-world scenarios is not satisfactory. One of the challenging open-world problems is corner case detection in autonomous driving. Existing detectors struggle with these cases, relying heavily on visual appearance and exhibiting poor generalization ability. In this paper, we propose a solution by reducing the discrepancy between known and unknown classes and introduce a multimodal-enhanced objectness notion learner. Leveraging both vision-centric and image-text modalities, our semi-supervised learning framework imparts objectness knowledge to the student model, enabling class-aware detection. Our approach, Multimodal-Enhanced Objectness Learner (MENOL) for Corner Case Detection, significantly improves recall for novel classes with lower training costs. By achieving a 76.6% mAR-corner and 79.8% mAR-agnostic on the CODA-val dataset with just 5100 labeled training images, MENOL outperforms the baseline ORE by 71.3% and 60.6%, respectively. The code will be available at https://github.com/tryhiseyyysum/MENOL.Comment: 7 pages,6 figure
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