21 research outputs found

    DataSheet_1_Multiomics analysis elucidated molecular mechanism of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in Akebia trifoliata fruit.xlsx

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    Akebia trifoliata is a novel edible and healthy fruit. Here, we found that this fruit had the highest content of total free amino acids and three aromatic amino acids (AAAs) compared with the other popular fruits, and there was an obvious inverse relationship between AAA and flavonoid levels in various fruit tissues. Multiomics analysis revealed that the evolutionarily strengthened synthetic pathway of all three AAAs, the largely regulating ability conferred by ASP5 in the arogenate pathway and the complementary phenylpyruvate pathway endorsed by ADT of both Phe and Tyr biosynthesis provided reasonable explanations for the high AAA content in the flesh of A. trifoliata fruit. Gene-specific expression could be the main reason for the inverse relationship between AAAs and flavonoids. This study will help us understand the metabolic mechanism of AAAs and to develop A. trifoliata as a fresh fruit crop and medicinal plant by molecular breeding strategies.</p

    DataSheet_2_Multiomics analysis elucidated molecular mechanism of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in Akebia trifoliata fruit.docx

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    Akebia trifoliata is a novel edible and healthy fruit. Here, we found that this fruit had the highest content of total free amino acids and three aromatic amino acids (AAAs) compared with the other popular fruits, and there was an obvious inverse relationship between AAA and flavonoid levels in various fruit tissues. Multiomics analysis revealed that the evolutionarily strengthened synthetic pathway of all three AAAs, the largely regulating ability conferred by ASP5 in the arogenate pathway and the complementary phenylpyruvate pathway endorsed by ADT of both Phe and Tyr biosynthesis provided reasonable explanations for the high AAA content in the flesh of A. trifoliata fruit. Gene-specific expression could be the main reason for the inverse relationship between AAAs and flavonoids. This study will help us understand the metabolic mechanism of AAAs and to develop A. trifoliata as a fresh fruit crop and medicinal plant by molecular breeding strategies.</p

    Changes in Photosynthetic Parameters Between the Stay-Green CN12 and Non-Stay-Green CN19 Wheat Cultivars Under Shading.

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    <p>(A), Net photosynthetic rate (<i>Pn</i>); (B), stomatal conductance (<i>Gs</i>); (C), intercellular CO<sub>2</sub> concentration (<i>Ci</i>); and (D), transpiration rate (<i>Tr</i>). The bars represent the mean ± standard error (SE). Asterisks represent statistically significant differences, as follows: **P≤0.01 and *P≤0.05. Letters represent the probability of multiple comparisons of the means of different genotypes and treatments at each time point, as follows: capital letter, P≤0.01; lowercase letter, P≤0.05. An asterisk in the trend line represents the difference between two adjacent time points for the same genotype and treatment.</p

    Changes in Chlorophyll Content Between CN12 and CN19 Under Shading.

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    <p>(A), Chlorophyll a (<i>Chl a</i>) content; (B), chlorophyll b (<i>Chl b</i>) content; (C), total chlorophyll content; and (D), <i>Chl a</i>/<i>b</i>. Bars represent the mean ± (SE). Asterisks represent statistically significant differences, as follows: **P≤0.01 and *P≤0.05. Letters represent the probability of multiple comparisons of the means of different genotypes and treatments at each time point, as follows: capital letter, P≤0.01; lowercase letter, P≤0.05. An asterisk in the trend line represents the difference between two adjacent time points for the same genotype and treatment.</p

    Additional file 1 of Conserved DNA sequence analysis reveals the phylogeography and evolutionary events of Akebia trifoliata in the region across the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau and subtropical China

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    Supplementary Table S1: Locations of populations of Akebia trifoliata sampled, sample sizes(n), the cpDNA haplotype and ITS haplotype frequency, haplotype distribution type, haplotype (gene) diversity (Hd) and nucleotide diversity (π × 10 − 3) of each populatio

    Changes in Antioxidant Enzyme Activity and Related Biochemical Parameters in CN12 and CN19 Under Shading.

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    <p>(A), superoxide dismutase (SOD); (B), catalase (CAT); (C), peroxidase (POD); and (D), malondialdehyde (MDA). The bars represent the mean ± (SE). Asterisks represent statistically significant differences, as follows: **P≤0.01 and *P≤0.05. Letters represent the probability of multiple comparisons of the means of different genotypes and treatments at each time point, as follows: capital letter, P≤0.01; lowercase letter, P≤0.05. An asterisk in the trend line represents the difference between two adjacent time points for the same genotype and treatment.</p

    Changes in Chlorophyll Florescence Parameters Between CN12 and CN19 Under Shading.

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    <p>(A), Maximal photochemical efficiency of PSІІ in dark-adapted leaves (<i>Fv</i> /<i>Fm</i>); (B), efficiency of excitation capture by open PSII reaction centers (<i>Fv’/Fm’</i>); (C), photochemical quenching coefficient (<i>qP</i>); (D), quantum yield of photochemical energy conversion in PSII (<i>Ф</i><sub>PSII</sub>); and (E), regulated non-photochemical energy loss in PSII (<i>qN</i>). Bars represent the mean ± (SE). Asterisks represent statistically significant differences, as follows: **P≤0.01 and *P≤0.05. Letters represent the probability of multiple comparisons of the means of different genotypes and treatments at each time point, as follows: capital letter, P≤0.01; lowercase letter, P≤0.05. An asterisk in the trend line represents the difference between two adjacent time points for the same genotype and treatment.</p

    Comparative transcriptome profiling of <i>Blumeria graminis</i> f. sp. <i>tritici</i> during compatible and incompatible interactions with sister wheat lines carrying and lacking <i>Pm40</i>

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    <div><p><i>Blumeria graminis</i> f. sp. <i>tritici</i> (<i>Bgt</i>) is an obligate biotrophic fungus that causes wheat powdery mildew, which is a devastating disease in wheat. However, little is known about the pathogenesis of this fungus, and differences in the pathogenesis of the same pathogen at various resistance levels in hosts have not been determined. In the present study, leaf tissues of both <i>Pm40</i>-expressing hexaploid wheat line L658 and its <i>Pm40</i>-deficient sister line L958 were harvested at 0 (without inoculation), 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours post-inoculation (hpi) with <i>Bgt</i> race 15 and then subjected to RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). In addition, we also observed changes in fungal growth morphology at the aforementioned time points. There was a high correlation between percentage of reads mapped to the <i>Bgt</i> reference genome and biomass of the fungus within the leaf tissue during the growth process. The percentage of mapped reads of <i>Bgt</i> in compatible interactions was significantly higher (at the p<0.05 level) than that of reads in incompatible interactions from 24 to 72 hpi. Further functional annotations indicated that expression levels of genes encoding H<sup>+</sup>-transporting ATPase, putative secreted effector proteins (PSEPs) and heat shock proteins (HSPs) were significantly up-regulated in compatible interactions compared with these levels in incompatible interactions, particularly at 72 hpi. Moreover, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis suggested that genes involved in the endocytosis pathway were also enriched in compatible interactions. Overall, genes encoding H<sup>+</sup>-transporting ATPase, PSEPs and HSPs possibly played crucial roles in successfully establishing the pathogenesis of compatible interactions during late stages of inoculation. The study results also indicated that endocytosis is likely to play a potential role in <i>Bgt</i> in establishing compatible interactions.</p></div