15 research outputs found
Leaf nitrogen concentration based on dry weight (Nw) and leaf area (Na), and chlorophyll meter reading (SPAD) of the wide and narrow sides of leaf blade in the top three leaves at heading stage.
<p>The experiments were conducted in the early, middle, and late growing seasons in Wuxue County and Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in 2014.</p><p>Within a row for each leaf position, means followed by different letters are significantly different according to the least significant difference (LSD) at the 0.05 probability level.</p><p>Leaf nitrogen concentration based on dry weight (Nw) and leaf area (Na), and chlorophyll meter reading (SPAD) of the wide and narrow sides of leaf blade in the top three leaves at heading stage.</p
The leaf width, thickness, and specific leaf weight (SLW) of the wide and narrow sides of leaf blade in the top three leaves at heading stage.
<p>The experiments were conducted in the early, middle, and late growing seasons in Wuxue County and Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in 2014.</p><p>Within a row for each leaf position, means followed by different letters are significantly different according to the least significant difference (LSD) at the 0.05 probability level.</p><p>The leaf width, thickness, and specific leaf weight (SLW) of the wide and narrow sides of leaf blade in the top three leaves at heading stage.</p
Correlation between the wide and narrow sides in leaf area-based nitrogen concentration (Na).
<p>(A) The flag, (B) The -2<sup>nd</sup>, and (C) The -3<sup>rd</sup> leaves at heading stage. Each data point represents the mean of the four replications. Data (n = 40) were from the four field experiments conducted in three growing seasons in two locations in 2014.</p
Correlation between the wide and narrow sides of leaf blade in leaf width.
<p>(A) The flag, (B) The -2<sup>nd</sup>, and (C) The -3<sup>rd</sup> leaves at heading stage. Each data point represents the mean of the three plants and four replications. Data (n = 40) were from the four field experiments conducted in three growing seasons in two locations in 2014.</p
Correlation between the wide and narrow sides of leaf blade in specific leaf weight (SLW).
<p>(A) The flag, (B) The -2<sup>nd</sup>, and (C) The -3<sup>rd</sup> leaves at heading stage. Each data point represents the mean of the four replications. Data (n = 40) were from the four field experiments conducted in three growing seasons in two locations in 2014.</p
Correlation between the wide and narrow sides of leaf blade in chlorophyll meter reading (SPAD).
<p>(A) The flag, (B) The -2<sup>nd</sup>, and (C) The -3<sup>rd</sup> leaves at heading stage. Each data point represents the mean of the three plants and four replications. Data (n = 40) were from the four field experiments conducted in three growing seasons in two locations in 2014.</p
Correlation between the wide and narrow sides of leaf blade in leaf thickness.
<p>(A) The flag, (B) The -2<sup>nd</sup>, and (C) The -3<sup>rd</sup> leaves at heading stage. Each data point represents the mean of the three plants and four replications. Data (n = 40) were from the four field experiments conducted in three growing seasons in two locations in 2014.</p
General information on the rice varieties grown in the early (April to July), middle (May to October), and late (July to November) growing seasons in Wuxue County and Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in 2014.
<p>General information on the rice varieties grown in the early (April to July), middle (May to October), and late (July to November) growing seasons in Wuxue County and Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in 2014.</p
Correlation between the wide and narrow sides in dry weight-based nitrogen concentration (Nw).
<p>(A) The flag, (B) The -2<sup>nd</sup>, and (C) The -3<sup>rd</sup> leaves at heading stage. Each data point represents the mean of the four replications. Data (n = 40) were from the four field experiments conducted in three growing seasons in two locations in 2014.</p
Tripterygium doianum Ohwi
原著和名: コバノクロヅル科名: ニシキギ科 = Celastraceae採集地: 鹿児島県 高隈山 (大隅 高隈山)採集日: 1973/8/2採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH028030国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-97803