28 research outputs found

    A semi-empirical model for streamwise vortex intensification

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    Vortex intensification plays an important role in a wide range of flows of engineering interest. One scenario of interest is when a streamwise vortex passes through the contracting streamtube of an aircraft intake. There is, however, limited experimental data of flows of this type to reveal the dominant flow physics and to guide the development of vortex models. To this end, the evolution of wing-tip vortices inside a range of streamtube contractions has been measured using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry. A semi-empirical model has been applied to provide new insight on the role of vorticity diffusion during the intensification process. The analysis demonstrates that for mild flow contractions, vorticity diffusion has a negligible influence due to the low rates of diffusion in the vortex flow prior to intensification and the short convective times associated with the streamtube contraction. As the contraction levels increase, there is a substantial increase in the rates of diffusion which is driven by the greater levels of vorticity in the vortex core. A new semi-empirical relationship, as a function of the local streamtube contraction levels and vortex Reynolds number, has been developed. The model comprises a simple correction to vortex filament theory and provides a significant improvement in the estimation of vortex characteristics in contracting flows. For the range of contractions investigated, errors in the estimation of vortex core radius, peak tangential velocity and vorticity are reduced by an order of magnitude. The model can be applied to estimate the change in vortex characteristics for a range of flows with intense axial strain, such as contracting intake streamtubes and swirling flows in turbomachinery

    Aspects of aero-engine nacelle drag

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    To address the need for accurate nacelle drag estimation, an assessment has been made of different nacelle configurations used for drag evaluation. These include a sting mounted nacelle, a nacelle in free flow with an idealised, freestream pressure matched, efflux and a nacelle with a full exhaust system and representative nozzle pressure ratio. An aerodynamic analysis using numerical methods has been carried out on four nacelles to assess a near field drag extraction method using computational fluid dynamics. The nacelles were modelled at a range of aerodynamic conditions and three were compared against wind tunnel data. A comparison is made between the drag extraction methods used in the wind tunnel analysis and the chosen computational fluid dynamics approach which utilised the modified near-field method for evaluation of drag coefficients and trends with Mach number and mass flow. The effect of sting mounting is quantified and its influence on the drag measured by the wind tunnel methodology determined. This highlights notable differences in the rate of change of drag with free stream Mach number, and also the flow over the nacelle. A post exit stream tube was also found to create a large additional interference term acting on the nacelle. This term typically accounts for 50% of the modified nacelle drag and its inclusion increased the drag rise Mach number by around ΔM = 0.026 from M=0.849 M=0.849 to M=0.875 M=0.875 for the examples considered

    The aerodynamic effects of VHBR engine installation to the Common Research Model

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    This work describes the assessment of the effect of engine installation parameters such as engine position, size and power setting on the performance of a typical 300 seater aircraft at cruise condition. Two engines with very-high by-pass ratio and with different fan diameters and specific thrusts are initially simulated in isolation to determine the thrust and drag forces for an isolated configuration. The two engines are then assessed in an engine-airframe configuration to determine the sensitivity of the overall installation penalty to the vertical and axial engine location. The breakdown of the interference force is investigated to determine the aerodynamic origins of beneficial or penalising forces. To complete the cruise study a range of engine power settings were considered to determine the installation penalty at different phases of cruise. This work concludes with the preliminary assessment of cruise fuel burn for two engines. For the baseline engine, across the range of installed positions the resultant thrust requirement varied by 1.7% of standard net thrust. The larger engine was less sensitive with a variation of 1.3%. For an assessment over a 10000km cruise flight the overall effect of the lower specific thrust engine showed that the cycle benefits of –5.8% in specific fuel consumption was supplemented by a relatively beneficial aerodynamic installation effect but offset by the additional weight to give a -4.8% fuel burn reduction

    Aerodynamic effects of propulsion integration for high bypass ratio engines

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    This work describes the assessment of the effect of engine installation parameters such as engine position, size, and power setting on the performance of a typical 300-seater aircraft at cruise condition. Two engines with very high bypass ratio and with different fan diameters and specific thrusts are initially simulated in isolation to determine the thrust and drag forces for an isolated configuration. The two engines are then assessed in an engine–airframe configuration to determine the sensitivity of the overall installation penalty to the vertical and axial engine location. The breakdown of the interference force is investigated to determine the aerodynamic origins of beneficial or penalizing forces. To complete the cruise study, a range of engine power settings is considered to determine the installation penalty at different phases of cruise. This work concludes with the preliminary assessment of cruise fuel burn for two engines. For the baseline engine, across the range of installed positions, the resultant thrust requirement varies by 1.7% of standard net thrust. The larger engine is less sensitive with a variation of 1.3%. For an assessment over a 10,000 km cruise flight, the overall effect of the lower specific thrust engine shows that the cycle benefits of −5.8% −5.8% in specific fuel consumption are supplemented by a relatively beneficial aerodynamic installation effect but offset by the additional weight to give a −4.8% −4.8% fuel-burn reduction

    Propulsion integration study of civil aero-engine nacelles

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    It is envisaged that future civil aero-engines will operate with ultra-high bypass ratios to reduce the specific fuel consumption. To achieve the expected benefits from the new engine cycles, these new powerplants may mount compact nacelles. For these new configurations the aerodynamic coupling between the powerplant and the airframe may increase. For this reason, it is required to quantify and further understand the effects of aircraft integration for compact aero-engine nacelles. This study provides an insight of the changes in flow aerodynamics as well as quantification of the most relevant performance metrics of the powerplant, airframe and the combined aircraft system across a range of different installation positions. Relative to a conventional architecture, there is an aerodynamic benefit in net vehicle force of about 1.2% for a compact powerplant when installed in forward positions. This is the same improvement that was identified when the aero-engine nacelles were in isolation. However, for close-coupled installation positions, the aerodynamic benefit in net vehicle force erodes to 0.44% due to the larger effects of aircraft integration on compact nacelles

    Artificial neural network for preliminary design and optimisation of civil aero-engine nacelles

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    Within the context of preliminary aerodynamic design with low order models, the methods have to meet requirements for rapid evaluations, accuracy and sometimes large design space bounds. This can be further compounded by the need to use geometric and aerodynamic degrees of freedom to build generalised models with enough flexibility across the design space. For transonic applications, this can be challenging due to the non-linearity of these flow regimes. This paper presents a nacelle design method with an artificial neural network (ANN) for preliminary aerodynamic design. The ANN uses six intuitive nacelle geometric design variables and the two key aerodynamic properties of Mach number and massflow capture ratio. The method was initially validated with an independent dataset in which the prediction error for the nacelle drag was 2.9% across the bounds of the metamodel. The ANN was also used for multi-point, multi-objective optimisation studies. Relative to computationally expensive CFD-based optimisations, it is demonstrated that the surrogate-based approach with ANN identifies similar nacelle shapes and drag changes across a design space that covers conventional and future civil aero-engine nacelles. The proposed method is an enabling and fast approach for preliminary nacelle design studies.The authors thank Rolls-Royce plc for supporting this research. Partial financial support was received from the INNOVATE UK FANFARE and the INNOVATIVE UK iFAN projects

    Multi-objective optimisation of short nacelles for high bypass ratio engines

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    Future turbo-fan engines are expected to operate at low specific thrust with high bypass ratios to improve propulsive efficiency. Typically, this can result in an increase in fan diameter and nacelle size with the associated drag and weight penalties. Therefore, relative to current designs, there is a need to develop more compact, shorter nacelles to reduce drag and weight. These designs are inherently more challenging and a system is required to explore and define the viable design space. Due to the range of operating conditions, nacelle aerodynamic design poses a significant challenge. This work presents a multi-objective optimisation approach using an evolutionary genetic algorithm for the design of new aero-engine nacelles. The novel framework includes a set of geometry definitions using Class Shape Transformations, automated aerodynamic simulation and analysis, a genetic algorithm, evaluations at various nacelle operating conditions and the inclusion of additional aerodynamic constraints. This framework has been applied to investigate the design space of nacelles for high bypass ratio aero-engines. The multi-objective optimisation was successfully demonstrated for the new nacelle design challenge and the overall system was shown to enable the identification of the viable nacelle design space

    Design optimisation of separate-jet exhausts for the next generation of civil aero-engines

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    This paper presents the development and application of a computational framework for the aerodynamic design of separate-jet exhaust systems for Very-High-Bypass-Ratio (VHBR) gas-turbine aero-engines. An analytical approach is synthesised comprising a series of fundamental modelling methods. These address the aspects of engine performance simulation, parametric geometry definition, viscous/compressible flow solution, design space exploration, and genetic optimisation. Parametric design is carried out based on minimal user-input combined with the cycle data established using a zero-dimensional (0D) engine analysis method. A mathematical approach is developed based on Class-Shape Transformation (CST) functions for the parametric geometry definition of gas-turbine exhaust components such as annular ducts, nozzles, after-bodies, and plugs. This proposed geometry formulation is coupled with an automated mesh generation approach and a Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) flow-field solution method, thus forming an integrated aerodynamic design tool. A cost-e ective Design Space Exploration (DSE) and optimisation strategy has been structured comprising methods for Design of Experiment (DOE), Response Surface Modelling (RSM), as well as genetic optimisation. The integrated framework has been deployed to optimise the aerodynamic performance of a separate-jet exhaust system for a large civil turbofan engine representative of future architectures. The optimisations carried out suggest the potential to increase the engine’s net propulsive force compared to a baseline architecture, through optimum re-design of the exhaust system. Furthermore, the developed approach is shown to be able to identify and alleviate adverse flow-features that may deteriorate the aerodynamic behaviour of the exhaust system

    Effect of unsteady fan-intake interaction on short intake design

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    The next generation of ultra-high bypass ratio civil aero-engines promises notable engine cycle benefits. However, these benefits can be significantly eroded by a possible increase in nacelle weight and drag due to the typical larger fan diameters. More compact nacelles, with shorter intakes, may be required to enable a net reduction in aero-engine fuel burn. The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of the design style of short intakes on the unsteady interaction under crosswind conditions between fan and intake, with a focus on the separation onset and characteristics of the boundary layer within the intake. Three intake designs were assessed and a hierarchical computational fluid dynamics approach was used to determine and quantify primary aerodynamic interactions between the fan and the intake design. Similar to previous findings for a specific intake configuration, both intake flow unsteadiness and the unsteady upstream perturbations from the fan have a detrimental effect on the separation onset for the range of intake designs. The separation of the boundary layer within the intake was shock driven for the three different design styles. The simulations also quantified the unsteady intake flows with an emphasis on the spectral characteristics and engine-order signatures of the flow distortion. Overall, this work showed that is beneficial for the intake boundary layer to delay the diffusion closer to the fan and reduce the pre-shock Mach number to mitigate the adverse unsteady interaction between the fan and the shock

    Experimental investigation of transonic external fan cowl separation

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    When a civil aircraft engine is shut down during the cruise phase of flight and thus begins to windmill, a supersonic region forms on the external surface of the fan cowl. The terminating normal shock can separate the turbulent boundary layer developing on this external surface. A series of experiments are performed in a quasitwo-dimensional wind tunnel rig to investigate the influence of various parameters on this flow problem. As the engine mass-flow rate is reduced, an increase in normal shock strength results in the onset of flow separation which thickens the boundary layer developing on the external fan cowl surface by a factor of three. A reduction in incoming Mach number from the nominal value of 0.65 to 0.60 weakens the shock wave and thus delays flow separation. If the incoming boundary layer is laminar rather than turbulent, the normal shock Mach number is observed to increased by 10%. Despite the stronger shock, no significant flow separation can be detected even for the lowest engine mass-flow rates studied and the external nacelle surface boundary layer is measured to be thinner than for the turbulent case.This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101007598. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Clean Sky 2 JU members other than the Union