649 research outputs found

    The Indiana Plan

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    The Sterilization of Degenerates

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    Rendering Sterile of Confirmed Criminals and Mental Defectives.

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    Revisiting the Dimensions of Residential Segregation

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    The first major work to analyze the dimensions of segregation, done in the late 1980s by Massey and Denton, found five dimensions which explained the phenomenon of segregation. Since the original work was done in 1988 it seems relevant to revisit the issue with new data. Massey and Denton used the technique of factor analysis to identify the latent structure underlying the phenomenon. In this research their methodology is applied to a more complete data set from the 1980 Census to confirm their results and extend the methodology. Due to problems identified during the analysis confirmation was not possible. However, a simpler structure was identified which is comprised of only two factors. This structure is replicated when the methodology is applied to the 1990 and 2000 Census data thereby proving the robustness of the methodology

    A Model of the Deviation between the Intended and the Actual Experiences with Interactive Installations

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    Interactive installations engage people in different ways, many of which are different than originally intended by the designer. We present a model that illustrates the differences between the intended experience and the actual experience of people. The model is demonstrated through the analysis of one interactive installation at the Science Museum (London) and the various parameters are mapped and visualized. We suggest that the participants of interactive installations engage differently than originally intended by the designer, which can be defined here as "deviation". There are several levels of deviation, and the proposed model will illustrate the critical interaction stages and visualize the deviations. This model offers new tools for designers and curators alike

    A finite element model of cerebral vascular injury for predicting microbleeds location

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    Finite Element (FE) models of brain mechanics have improved our understanding of the brain response to rapid mechanical loads that produce traumatic brain injuries. However, these models have rarely incorporated vasculature, which limits their ability to predict the response of vessels to head impacts. To address this shortcoming, here we used high-resolution MRI scans to map the venous system anatomy at a submillimetre resolution. We then used this map to develop an FE model of veins and incorporated it in an anatomically detailed FE model of the brain. The model prediction of brain displacement at different locations was compared to controlled experiments on post-mortem human subject heads, yielding over 3,100 displacement curve comparisons, which showed fair to excellent correlation between them. We then used the model to predict the distribution of axial strains and strain rates in the veins of a rugby player who had small blood deposits in his white matter, known as microbleeds, after sustaining a head collision. We hypothesised that the distribution of axial strain and strain rate in veins can predict the pattern of microbleeds. We reconstructed the head collision using video footage and multi-body dynamics modelling and used the predicted head accelerations to load the FE model of vascular injury. The model predicted large axial strains in veins where microbleeds were detected. A region of interest analysis using white matter tracts showed that the tract group with microbleeds had 95th percentile peak axial strain and strain rate of 0.197 and 64.9 s−1 respectively, which were significantly larger than those of the group of tracts without microbleeds (0.163 and 57.0 s−1). This study does not derive a threshold for the onset of microbleeds as it investigated a single case, but it provides evidence for a link between strain and strain rate applied to veins during head impacts and structural damage and allows for future work to generate threshold values. Moreover, our results suggest that the FE model has the potential to be used to predict intracranial vascular injuries after TBI, providing a more objective tool for TBI assessment and improving protection against it

    A comparison of postrelease survival parameters between single and mass stranded delphinids from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Marine Mammal Science 32 (2016): 161–180, doi:10.1111/mms.12255.The viability of healthy single stranded dolphins as immediate release candidates has received little attention. Responders have been reluctant to release lone delphinids due to their social needs, even when they pass the same health evaluations as mass stranded animals. This study tracked postrelease success of 34 relocated and released satellite tagged delphinids from single and mass strandings. Three postrelease survival parameters (transmission duration, swim speed, and daily distance) were examined to evaluate whether they differed among single stranded/single released (SS/SR), mass stranded/single released (MS/SR), or mass stranded/mass released (MS/MR) dolphin groups. Comparisons were also made between healthy and borderline release candidates. Satellite tags transmitted for a mean of 21.2 d (SD = 19.2, range = 1–79), daily distance traveled was 42.0 km/d (11.25, 20.96–70.72), and swim speed was 4.3 km/h (1.1, 2.15–8.54). Postrelease parameters did not differ between health status groups, however, SS/SR dolphins transmitted for a shorter mean duration than MS/MR and MS/SR groups. Postrelease vessel-based surveys confirmed conspecific group location for two healthy, MS/SR dolphins. Overall, these results support the potential to release healthy stranded single delphinids; however, further refinement of health assessment protocols for these challenging cases is needed.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA NMFS); John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Program Grant Numbers: NA11NMF4390078, NA11NMF4390079, NA11NMF439009

    Hematological, biochemical, and morphological parameters as prognostic indicators for stranded common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Marine Mammal Science 30 (2014): 864–887, doi:10.1111/mms.12093.The current paucity of published blood values and other clinically relevant data for short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, hinders the ability of veterinarians and responders to make well-informed diagnoses and disposition decisions regarding live strandings of this species. This study examined hematologic, clinical chemistry, and physical parameters from 26 stranded common dolphins on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in light of their postrelease survival data to evaluate each parameter's efficacy as a prognostic indicator. Statistically and clinically significant differences were found between failed and survived dolphins, including lower hematocrit, hemoglobin, TCO2, and bicarbonate and higher blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, and length-to-girth ratios in animals that failed. In general when compared to survivors, failed dolphins exhibited acidosis, dehydration, lower PCVs, and decreased body condition. Additionally, failed dolphins had the highest ALT, AST, CK, LDH, GGT, and lactate values. These blood values combined with necropsy findings indicate that there are likely a variety of factors affecting postrelease survival, including both preexisting illness and stranding-induced conditions such as capture myopathy. Closer evaluation of these parameters for stranded common dolphins on point of care analyzers in the field may allow stranding personnel to make better disposition decisions in the future.The John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Program provided support for stranding response efforts during this study period (Grants: NA11NMF4390078, NA11NMF4390079, NA11NMF4390093). We would like to thank the Pegasus Foundation and Barbara Birdsey for their support and funding for the IFAW Satellite Tag Program. This project would not have been possible without a summer research grant from the US Army Medical Research and Material Command through Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine (TCSVM)

    Bubbles in live-stranded dolphins

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences 279 (2012): 1396-1404, doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.1754.Bubbles in supersaturated tissues and blood occur in beaked whales stranded near sonar exercises, and post-mortem in dolphins bycaught at depth and then hauled to the surface. To evaluate live dolphins for bubbles, liver, kidneys, eyes and blubber–muscle interface of live-stranded and capture-release dolphins were scanned with B-mode ultrasound. Gas was identified in kidneys of 21 of 22 live-stranded dolphins and in the hepatic portal vasculature of 2 of 22. Nine then died or were euthanized and bubble presence corroborated by computer tomography and necropsy, 13 were released of which all but two did not re-strand. Bubbles were not detected in 20 live wild dolphins examined during health assessments in shallow water. Off-gassing of supersaturated blood and tissues was the most probable origin for the gas bubbles. In contrast to marine mammals repeatedly diving in the wild, stranded animals are unable to recompress by diving, and thus may retain bubbles. Since the majority of beached dolphins released did not re-strand it also suggests that minor bubble formation is tolerated and will not lead to clinically significant decompression sickness.Funding for this work was provided by the US Office of Naval Research Award no. N000140811220 and the International Fund for Animal Welfare